Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog challenge day 25...favorite memory

Of course I have LOTS of favorite memories..but something that stands out in my mind are my summers spent at Camp Christi. Every July, for one week, I would head to the top of the mountain in Christiansburg to our church's state youth camp. I started going to this camp when I was just 9 years old and went until the summer after I graduated high school. I loved camp. It was something I looked forward to every summer. Seeing all my friends from the prior year that we'd left behind, crying, promising to come back next year. Every year we'd make new friends too! Favorite camp memories that wont make sense to anyone else...Campfires and Oooga Boooga, water tower, the pit, anti-slothfulness, "Honey, I love you, but please don't smile." "Camper Camper strong and able, get your elbows off the table, this is not a horse's stable, but a high class dining table..round the mess hall you must go.." Counseler hunt, water balloon fights, taste the rainbow, shaving cream, baby oil, purple velvet, macaroni and cheese, Chilhowie and most importantly..our Love for Jesus Christ and our lifetime friendships :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 24...something I've learned

Wow. This is hard. I've learned a lot over the years. One lesson that I've learned that helped shape me over the last few years is that the most important thing is Love and surrounding yourself with those that Love you. Over the last several years, I've had many ups and downs with my friendships. I decided that drama is overrated and true friendship is worth the effort. I've learned that it's better to forgive those who have hurt you or betrayed you and to love them wholeheartedly. I'm lucky for the friends I had and continue to have. Something changes when you hit a certain point in your life. You fall in love, get married, start a family, then you realize what's more important as far as your priorities. It's to much work to have enemies and its better to just love. God wants us to love everyone, INCLUDING our enemies. I think it's safe to say at this point that I have no enemies and that I'm happy with all of my friendships, even if we don't get to talk or see each other as much as we can. It's because our priorities doesn't mean however, that we forget them :) If you're reading this...I love you a lot :)

Blog challenge day 23...favorite vacation

Riviera Maya, Mexico. Best. Vacation. Ever.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blog challenge day 22..Favorite City

THIS was extremely hard for me because I have a few favorite cities...but I narrowed them down to my top was hard believe me. I love to travel and I always have. My parents were fortunate enough to buy a couple different timeshares and that has helped me to travel more than I ever thought possible. So without further ado..

5th Place..Asheville, North Carolina

I love Asheville because it sorta reminds me of Roanoke. Lee and I would love to live here one day. We are constantly looking around for jobs in different parts of North Carolina because in 3-4 years, that's where we'd like to end up. Asheville would be a perfect fit for us!

4th Place..Washington DC

I love this city because when you're walking around you feel like you're going back in time. As cheesy as it sounds, it almost feels a little magical to me when I'm there..or haunted..or I don't know. Just love the feeling I get when I'm almost seems ancient! Not to mention, just a fun town in general. Would I want to live there? Heck no! No thank you, beltway!

3rd Place..Denver, Colorado

I had the pleasure of visiting Denver the summer before my senior year in high school. I loved it! I got to go with one of my best friends at the time. Something about Denver just felt clean and fresh and I loved that it was settled on the edge of the Rockies..a nice change of scenery! Denver would be a fun place to live with Hubs and raise a family..but it's just too far away for me. I like to have the option to drive home in a day to see family!

2nd Place..New York City!!

This one was almost 1st place! I LOOOOVE NYC! I've been 4 times and I've never been disappointed. There is so much to do and see and you get a different feeling when you're there! My favorite memories of NYC have to be.. getting lost in China Town..going to the top of the World Trade Center and Empire State buildings..riding the ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, taking a carriage ride through central park and shopping at FAO Schwartz and Macys..Eating NY Pizza..Seeing a couple different broadway shows ON BROADWAY..and lingering around battery park and manhattan..times square! I've done a lot of the typical NYC touristy things..and guess what? I want to do them all again! NO, I would not want to live here, maybe I would've back in my single days..but that's just not for us :)

1st Place..Savannah, Georgia

Savannah. No one saw that coming right? haha! You know how I feel about some southern goodness. I love Savannah! Its such a beautiful city. Its a good mix of Charleston, South Carolina and New Orleans, Louisiana. Go down to the cobblestone streets and squares and don't forget a night out on River street. Take the Paula Deen tour and eat a lot of southern comfort food. YUP! I've also heard Savannah has a HUGE St Patty's Day celebration! That could be loads of fun as well! Ahhh Savannah how I love you!:)

Blog challenge day 21..A picture of myself :)

This is one of my all time favorite pictures that my friend, Shaylynn took of me a few years ago..

Blog 20..Nicknames far as nicknames go, my parents have always called me Meggie Boo..which was shortened to MegEBoo. Sometimes they will just call me "Boo" and my dad will call me G'Boo :) My husband calls me "Poop." I KNOW...! Well, somehow it went from booboo to poop. Perfect. haha...kinda weird when I see that written down :) Right now he calls me lil mama...and human incubator :)

Blog 19...Something I miss...

I miss this:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Challenge Day 18...something I regret..

So, I don't really have too many regrets. I'm pretty happy with the way my life has turned out. Extremely happy. But there is one thing that I wish I could say that I never quit. I played piano for about 6 years. I was actually pretty good. At the time I HATED practicing...that was the worst. I had to practice for an hour everyday and I hated that little timer on my piano. I always ended up trying to go ahead in my books and play different songs, rather than the ones I was supposed to be playing. If I ever get the chance, I would love to take lessons again..and maybe the future little Hammarback can play piano and become the next little Mozart :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Challenge Day 17..Something I'm looking forward to....

Halloween!! I'm so looking forward to Halloween! Maybe its the cats, or the bats. Maybe its the candy corn (probably not though, since I hate it) maybe its the candy apples, the ghosts, goblins, changing leaves and the smell of fall. It's probably a combination of all these things.


This going to be more exciting than ever!! Due to the fact that the newest member of the Hammarback family is due to arrive! That's right! We are having a baby and baby is due Oct 31st! Therefore, Halloween is the one thing I'm absolutely looking forward to! :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog 16..Dream home

Well..I don't have an exact picture of what my home should look like but here's what I know:

My home will be in a great location with good schools and closer to family. We will have plenty of room and not be cluttered...with room to grow. I'd prefer a home built in the 60's or 70's..Not something that will need to be fully gutted and renovated but something that we can make our own over time and redo slowly. A place where our kids will grow up..I never moved as a child and I would like to find someplace permanent. I'd like it to be close to all things city and its amenities, but far enough away that its not noisy, dangerous or crime ridden. Where there are just as many outdoor activities as there are indoor...and of course, lots and lots and lots of love :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 15-Bible Verse

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11

This is a verse that has helped me through TWO significantly hard times in my life. God has a plan for all of us and we have to put all our faith in him. He will take care of us as he sees fit. Love this verse <3

Day 14-A picture I love :)

Since I will out of town this weekend, I decided to go ahead and post my challenges for Saturday and Sunday. Here is a picture that I absolutely LOOOOOVE :)

Challenge Day 13- Goals

I have three goals this year:

1. Finish my coding class

2. Continue getting healthy

3. Start a family

That is all.


Challenge Day 12...What I believe

Though I can't see Your holy face
And Your throne in heaven above
It seems so far away
Though I cant touch your nail scarred hands
I have a deep and unspeakable joy
That makes my faith to stand

Lord, I believe in You
I'll always believe in You
Though I cant see you with my eyes
Deep in my heart
Your presence I find
Lord, I believe in You
And I'll keep my trust in You
Let the whole world say what they may
No one can take this joy away
Lord, I believe

Born from above
You are Gods only chosen one
Youre the one and only true way
To the Fathers heart
You died for all sin
Then you rose and now live again
Conquering death and the grave
So that I might live

Lord, I believe in You
I'll always believe in You
Though I cant see you with my eyes
Deep in my heart
Your presence I find
Lord, I believe in You
And I'll keep my trust in You
Let the whole world say what they may
No one can take this joy away
Lord, I believe

I've always loved this song :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Challenge Day 11..Favorite TV shows

I haven't been watching as much TV lately as I used to. I'm just too busy. With work and school and Hubs, its hard to find time to watch TV all the time. Usually on the weekends on Friday or Saturday nite, Hubs and I will order in and watch a movie. We do have Cable and DVR(one of the world's greatest inventions)we also have Netflix and logitech revue. When I do take a lazy day and watch TV all day and occasionally during the week...there are a few shows that I CANNOT miss :) Here are some of my favs!

And of course, I enjoy these classic shows and still continue to savor the reruns..

AND..although it ISN'T one of my FAVORITE shows..I enjoy watching the Bachelor every Monday night with my friend, Julie...because everyone needs a little wine and girl time :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Challenge Day 10..Something that scares me!!

Both of these things scare me equally as much. I am terrified of them both. I understand that one is pretty normal and the other is pretty abnormal...but they really do BOTH scare the bejeezes out of me!!! Snakes are for obvious reasons...they give me the chills just looking at the pictures. The witch used to give me nightmares as a child and most recently in the last month or so I've been having lots of crazy dreams/nightmares and a few have involved the Wicked Witch of the West...I know!! In fact, now I'm scared to go to sleep tonite because at least one of these things is bound to pop up! Ahh Geez!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Challenge Day 9..picture of friends :)

I have a lot to be thankful for in the friend department. I will say that though I have a lot of wonderful friends, the last year was a LOT more bearable thanks to these friends inparticular :) Thank you all for being so wonderful!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Challenge..Day 8..A place I've visited :)

This is a picture from the first time I went to Minnesota with my boyfriend. Yup it's my husband, formerly known as "boyfriend" and sometimes I still call him that because..well, it makes me feel, you know :) Anyways..this is one of my favorite trips EVER because Minnesota was nothing like I expected it to be! I had so much fun meeting Lee's family and visiting all over the state! I've been back once since this trip in 2008 and if it wasn't so far from my family, I would move there. Seriously, I love it THAT much. This was just a funny photo we took driving from Minneapolis to Erskine, MN on our way to his grandparents lake house! I'll never forget this moment..or how FREAKISHLY COLD it was that day :) (And everyday after that)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Challenge..Day 7! Favorite Movies

If you know me, this is an OBVIOUS choice! Steel Magnolias! Top three reasons this movie is number one! Ahem. I love how this movie takes you through every season. It starts on Easter and ends a couple of years later..on Easter. The producers from this movie couldn't have picked a better ensemble of strong, powerful women, who each in their own way, steal the show! And last but not least, you can never get enough witty comments from Shirley Maclaine and Dolly Parton...EVER. That can NEVER happen. Best movie by FAR...It was a tie for second with the Notebook and the Patriot..and in third place was Elizabethtown. Is anyone seeing a trend here? Southern and proud...God Bless the south :)

Something that makes me happy...Day 6

So..I had to go ahead and do my day 6 and 7 challenges. I'm going to stay with my pre-historic father this weekend who still believes that having a computer is unnecessary. I'm sure I could potentially blog from my crackberry blackberry cracked blackberry, but it's just too much bother for a busy girl like without futher ado, SOMETHING that makes me happy :)

Sure, I could insert something clever here, like God, my family, my loving husband, friends or pets...or even various types of food, rock-n-roll, comedians, or Paula Deen (who came in a close second) but honestly...does it really get any happier than the happiest place on earth? I think not. I doesn't get any more magical than that :) Best honeymoon ever!

Siblings..Challenge, Day 5 :)

This is an easy one. I'm an only child! yay! Oh, the perks! However..due to my recent exchange of vowels...I inherited ONE oboe playing brother-in law, John..who's pretty durn amazing. I also inherited two step-sister in-laws, Allison and Katy who I'm pretty much adoring at the moment. I love all the new additions to my family! :)This is a picture of us from our recent trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic (Yes I was having a bad hair week day!) It's the humidity, people! And the fact that the TSA won't allow my bff Jon-Paul Mitchell to travel with me unless he's in a 3oz container...and come on, no one inhibits, Paul.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

blog 4

Parents. I feel so lucky to have double the parents. I was adopted by my grandparents. (on my dad's side) Not only that, but I have an incredibly close relationship with my dad so I feel lucky to have my grandparents and my dad and stepmom, Tina. As a child being raised by grandparents was not exactly what I thought it was cracked up to be. I always felt like my parents were more strict than all my friends parents and I had a lot of rules that my friends didn't have. Now that I've grown up and thought of having children of my own, I now realize why they were so protective and will probably use a lot of the same ideas when raising my own children. My dad and stepmom are the kinda people I can talk to about anything. We don't really have any secrets. Its hard being away from them because I miss them so much. I'm so grateful for my wonderful family, but especially for my parents who have raised me into the woman I am today.

My first Love...

My first love started in 2nd grade. Scott. He moved to my school and we instantly became friends. At the time, I had just started taking piano lessons. His mom was helping out our class one day, and she asked me about playing the piano. She really wanted Scott to play. I hooked her up of course, and Scott and I both started playing together. He was REALLY good. LIKE, Elton John good. LIKE...I couldn't believe I'd created this piano prodigy, GOOD! So...Long story short (or short story shorter) we bonded over piano and fell in love. I remember once before my piano lesson, scott was getting out of his lesson and we were outside together and he kissed me! The next year, in third grade, Scott got down on one knee in front of the whole class and proposed to me. He gave me a little gold ring with a purple diamond that I LOVED! I wore it everyday! It wasn't long after that, that scott moved away to a nearby town and we only saw each other at group lessons or piano recitals. :( A few weeks after his move, I was swinging on the playground, admiring my ring, when suddenly it fell off my finger! My entire classed searched through the mulch looking for the ring..including my teacher! I never found it! I was heartbroken!...In middle school I stopped playing piano and didn't hear from Scott again until a few years later. I went to a piano recital to see him play and we actually went out on a couple of dates. Needless to say, it didn't work out and last week I read an article in the Roanoke times that he was arrested for a DUI got sent to jail and was brutally beaten by the prison guards and suing for a million dollars.

The End :)

PS: Yes, this is a day late. I forgot all about this challenge. I have a lot on my mind!