Friday, December 31, 2010

We'll take a cup o' kindness yet...

So I decided not to make any New Year's resolutions this year. I decided to make goals instead. They're different. I'm saying they're different. Goals are easier to achieve in my opinion. Resolutions feel a bit At least with Goals, if I don't reach them appropriately, I wont feel as guilty. Before I make a list of goals (because I love lists) I want to take a moment to remember the things that made twenty-ten so fabulous..

That made me smile. A lot! And that's not even a quarter of how wonderful this year has been!..NOW, on to the "Goal" List.

1. I need to spend more quality time with my Husband this year. Not that we don't spend a ton of time together. We do. I'm talking about the quality of our time. We have a date night tradition that kinda became a thing of the past between our wedding and holidays. We used to do one a week. We really are going to try to renew this tradition and get a bit more creative with it. I'm really looking forward to these new love fests with my husband :)

2. See our families more. Its hard. Its really hard to make it home as often as we'd like but we're going to try to do that more. A lot more. And in return we're hoping we have a few visits from them as well :)

3. Call the cousins. On Thanksgiving, we sat at the "kids" table and talked about how special the cousins really are. We need to call each other more and see each other if at all possible. We are going to try to spread the cousin love to one and all this year :)

4. Minnesota. Lee has never been able to take me to Minnesota in the summer time. He wants me to experience Union Lake in all its glory this year. We are hoping to make a trip up there in the late Summer :)

5. Finish School. I hate been pursuing online courses in medical coding. I started in October. This is not something I'm going to do forever. This is just something to have under my belt for backup if I need something to fall back on. Not to mention, it will pretty much double my current salary :)

6. Spend time with girlfriends. This is a MUST on my to do list. I love my husband but I need to spend time with humans that are a little more girly. I'm going to make a better effort of doing that. Because I cherish my girl time :)

7. Get Healthier. Its the elephant in the room. Maybe I shouldn't say elephant but its something in the room that no one can help but notice. I need to get healthier. I've been doing well at not eating meat...well..not eating much meat. I've never been a big fan of it anyway. Fortunately, Lee does enjoy a lot of the meatless products I buy, so thats a plus. We also buy most of our food organically and cook almost every night. Being that we live in such a small apartment with such a small kitchen, we haven't cooked as much as we should have, and have really enjoyed the assortment of amazing restaurants about town. We are limiting our eating out to once a week. And if that includes our date night, so be it. Also, we haven't been going to the gym as often as we should. That is changing now. I'm more focused on the healthy part than the losing weight part, but I know that those go hand in hand. I'm just not going to set any losing weight goals..because for me its unrealistic. I know I will lose it and that is all.

8. If all goes as planned in number 7, number 8 will be our next goal. Starting a family. Lee and I both have had baby fever for some time now and our goal is that this time next year, or almost this time next year, to be in the process of starting our family. It's important to us and something we are really looking forward to.

9. Projects. I'm crafty..I'll just say it. I have a WHOLE list of things that I want to complete...decor, furniture, pillows and accents...etc. I've goodwilled and thrifted all year long but I haven't gotten around to some of the things I wanted to Pr0-JECT if you will. That will be happening a lot more. Get ready. I'm pretty excited about it.

10. Organize, downsize, and purge. This should be my number one goal but it made its way to number ten because its going to take the longest. I'm a sucker for spring cleaning and things smelling lemon fresh. I constantly get rid of things I don't need so that I don't one day become a hoarder or something of that nature. We donate, we reuse, we recycle, and we feel the benefits. I'm ready for the freshness of spring and cleaning...and ahhh peacefulness.

Remember, these are goals, not promises..I'm not preaching from a podium. I'm just hoping that everything goes as planned and we can feel resolute with our decisions :)
Happy New Year one and all....drink champagne and confetti yourselves and don't forget your black-eyed peas! :)

XO- Hammarbacks

Here comes Santa Clause

Ok, so I know I'm a little behind on the Christmas post, but we've been so busy since we returned from Roanoke! So here it all its yuletide glory.

We were fortunate enough to get to spend Christmas with my family this year. Usually we spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with my family and make a mad rush after that to High Point and Winston-Salem to see Lee's family. This year we decided to officially stay with my family. Normally, if we spend Thanksgiving with Lee's fam, then we do Christmas with mine and next year it will be the opposite. We divide up Easters and Mother's days, and 4th of July's. This was the first year we spent the ENTIRE Christmas holiday with my family. Thank goodness. I was homesick. I said it. I actually missed Roanoke. I know, right? Hard to believe. I do "like" Virginia Beach, what with all its amenities..and er..beaches..and concrete? BUT, I sure do miss those Blue Ridge Mountains and those cheaper home prices... haha. I used to think that Roanoke homes were expensive...(they are) but they've got nothing on VABEACH and Norfolk. Ok I'm going off on a tangent. I love Roanoke. Thanks.

We left Norfolk on Thursday night after work and made the long drive to my dad's house. I love road trips with my husband. We always find the most interesting things to talk about. Don't ask me for an example because I can't give you one. We come up with our most random conversations in that Honda...
After a long drive...we finally made it to Bedford. So naturally, we went to look at the Christmas of our favorite traditions.

No we didn't get to have dinner at the train station, but seeing the lights is one of my favorite Christmas memories.
Then, when were almost to dad's, Lee and I both caught a glimpse of a falling star. Yeah, I've seen a shooting star before, but this one seemed SO close. It was huge and we both said "WHOA! did you see that??" We made a wish and continued on to find my Dad and Tina about to fall asleep on the couch waiting for us and watching "That 70's Show" reruns--because it NEVER gets old!

The next morning, we woke up early and went to my best friend Julie's house. Julie came to visit me back in November and we decided to start a new Christmas tradition together of baking goodies. I got to explore her new house..(which is now actually three years old, but time flies when you're not speaking) :( ahem! Which is EXACTLY why we had to start this tradition.

We also both have a "thing" for gingerbread men. We both got a sweet little gingerbread man that we keep on our stove for Christmas and we are going to buy each other a gingerbread SOMETHING every year for Christmas. I bought Julie and I aprons from Vera Bradley for the occasion..but unfortunately, they were among the Christmas presents that were stolen from our front door. I did manage to find some of these in the CHKD gift shop...perfect :)

Lee and I had a great time at Julie's and got to meet her new boyfriend Todd. He's pretty amazing and Lee and I really like him a lot. Not to mention the fact that he got Julie a trip to Cancun for Christmas. Julie, Marry him! :)

After spending the morning at Julie's abode, we went to my mom and grandaddy's house to spend some quality time with them. The whole family was going to be there the next day, so I wanted to get in my time with them :) I bought my mom a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree and I wanted to give it to her so she could set it up for Christmas. My dad and I have a HUGE love for ALL of the Charlie Brown TV specials. I don't know why we love it so much, its just a thing. Lee can't stand it, but he watches it with me anyway, because I force him to just to humor me :) Anyway, our favorite is Charlie Brown Christmas. I sent my dad a Charlie Brown Christmas tree too, complete with Linus's blanket so that he could set it up in his house for Christmas. I'm obsessed I know.

Next, we headed over to Grandma Pat and Grandpa Frankie's house for our annual Christmas Eve dinner. Something I've done since I was abou 1 or 2 years old. We have a big feast and open presents. They have a habit of spoiling me to the bone. Lee too. And anyone who comes within 50 feet of them at Christmas time. They are pretty much a big pair of givers. They think my eyes light up and get so excited when I open gifts, but what they don't know is the secret behind the gushy happiness glow that I give off, is Grandma Pat's cooking. I always love the Christmas Eve dinner. A way to a woman's heart is money food after all! :) Don't even get me started on the pineapple punch..that's my favorite. My Christmas Eve memories and dreams would be squashed without it. It puts the jingle in my bells and the white in my Christmas. No, that wasn't a racial slur.

We had a great time eating, opening gifts, eating, opening more gifts, eating dessert and eating. And opening gifts. AND...eating. UGH I lost track of my Christmas carb count, but I'm pretty sure I blew Santa out of the water, and he eats like 90 million cookies or something close to that..

I think the highlight of the evening was when the G-rents opened their gifts from me and Lee and not only that, but put on a Snuggilicious fashion show for us. These are the things we remember folks..

On Christmas Eve, Lee and I have several traditions. 1: We bake cookies for Santa. Yup we do that. 2: We open 1 present each. The tradition is that its matter what. And that will be the tradition when we have kids too. AND it will probably only take them a few years to figure out that its Pajamas but..not just any pajamas. The pajamas you MUST not only change into, but wear to bed and wake up with on Christmas morning. I know, a lot of people have this tradition but there's something about cottons and flannels that makes my heart beat a little faster :) I will say however, that this year, we already opened our jammies in advance..actually they were never wrapped. BUT, we did open a gift from each other. This year, we'll just keep that gift private. Just for fun ;) 3. We read the Nativity story from the bible. This is our newest tradition. Its something I've always wanted to do. Lee and I can just picture ourselves....sitting in our amazing wonderful the living room, in front of the fireplace with out kiddos in their new jammies (Charlie Brown Christmas music playing in the background) and reading the Christmas story. After all, we are most certainly celebrating Jesus's birthday. He's our homeslice. Without him, there would be no CHRISTmas at all :) Thank you, Jesus. 4. We finish off with reading.."The night before Christmas." Just when you thought it all couldn't get anymore just did. We know its cheesy but its Our Christmas..and we love it! ...after all the traditions are finished, we'll head off to bed and dream about sugar plums, dancing if you will.

Christmas morning. Cue the fireplace.

Stockings and christmas photos where everyone's sleepy and not wearing make-up. My dad, Tina, Lee and I all opened our stockings.

Lee and I had stockings from each mean Santa and then two more stockings Santa again. (dad and tina) They had stockings too..from who else? Santa! Lee pretty much slathered me with gifts this year..I wont go into detail I'll just make a list. :) This laptop that I'm typing on..yeah, I had it before Christmas, but you gotta admit that's a pretty amazing purchase and its the gift that keeps on giving. It's helping me complete my school course work and its perfect for blogging of course! Next, I got a brand new..VANITY! We have a TINY TINY TINY apartment. I hate getting ready in our little bathroom. I feel like I don't have the room. So, I've been sitting on the floor in our bedroom in front of a floor mirror doing my hair and makeup every morning. I was ok with that. But, Now I have a beautiful white vanity that Lee put together himself. It has a stool for lots of storage, because organization is my favorite thing (and Lee knows that!) Its so pretty..and modern..and well I just gush over it! He might have also spoiled me with some Vera Bradley traveling accompany on my trip to Punta Cana next week! yay! Thanks hubs. My gifts to you were lame in comparison.

After some quality gift opening we made our way over to mama and grandaddy's house once again. We have a HUGE Christmas brunch every year. It's probably my favorite meal of my entire year. It even beats out Christmas Eve dinner..which is near impossible. YUMMO! We always do secret Santa on Christmas morning. I love it. I had grandaddy. I of course gave him the gift of choice this year. I'm pretty sure he loved it. I hope he did. Even if he does look like a royal monk when he wears it. :)

We pretty much gathered on loved on each other all day...we watched A miracle on 34th street, my family got to see our wedding video..we might have even played in the snow a bit..oh yeah did I mention that our FIRST christmas as HUSBAND and WIFE...was WHITE!?!?! It was. How perfect!?

Christmas night, we came back to dad's and got into our jammies and watched Elf. BECAUSE, my dad had NEVER seen it! How is that even possible? You tell me. We were supposed to leave the next day after church, but guess what? Church was cancelled and apparently VA Beach got stormed with a huge blizzard..over a foot of snow. ITS STILL not melted and Our road has yet to be scraped. Its a big icy mess! So, I had no problem spending an extra day all cozy at dads. PJ's, movies, dad's spaghetti. It doesn't get any better than that. I got my fill of family time, carbs, Santa, and just general lovin! I hope everyone had a Merry Merry Christmas :) This one will stand out in my memory for a while....


Birthday Boy

Dear Lee,

I wanted to take this moment…pause the rotation of the earth if you will…and just tell you something. Maybe a couple somethings.

I know that I am a pain in the rear end sometimes. I know that not everyone would be able to swallow spending 24 hours 7 days a week in the same house as me…heck, there are some people who probably can't even stand me..but you? You chose me. You love me. You are my friend and do it with a smile. A sweet smile that makes that makes me blush and still gives me butterflies.

I just want you to know that I savor you. I let the time spent with you melt in my heart. And there are numerous times a day that I stop myself from doing and focus all my energy on making my mind freeze a little memory. Like, on our wedding day when we were standing on opposite ends of that garden waiting to go into the ceremony. I looked over at you. You looked SO incredibly nervous. Then you looked up and saw me and smiled and winked at me. I'll never forget it. I love those moments when you hug me and make me believe for a split second that I am the most beautiful girl in the world. I try to remember the sound of your voice when you are on the other end of the phone telling me to buckle up and drive safe. I try to remember the sheepish little grin on your face when you try to hide the fact that you ate an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream but you know that I know. I love all of our memories together. I hope I remember every single one. Even the bad ones because they make the cherished ones so much sweeter.

And more than anything, I want you to know that I love you today. And I will love you tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. And the day after that. For all my days. And for all of yours. And for every day after that.

Just wanted to tell you that.

XOXO-your girl :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Do you see what I see?

This weekend, my best friend, Hope came to visit! I haven't seen her since the week we came back from our honeymoon. She graciously offered to babysit our babies while we were in Florida! We've been trying to get together ever since. Unfortunately, I have not made it to Roanoke since the wedding, even though I've wanted to! I can't wait to go home for Christmas!
Hope arrived on Friday night. We spent the night in, talking and catching up. We even watched the wedding video...which she LOVED of course! I also showed her some fun home videos from Thanksgiving! Gotta love the Flip video camera! (thanks, Grandaddy!) We stayed up late talking and drinking Lee's homemade Russian Tea. On Saturday, we slept in, and then got up to do some Christmas shopping! Although, there wasn't a LOT of shopping done, we still managed to get in a little. We had a late lunch at Carraba's and headed home to give Lee our leftovers. We pondered going to a movie or doing some more shopping, but I think they must've put something in that maybe the stuff they put in Thanksgiving food. The stuff that makes you want to go straight to sleep and hibernate through the winter! YES, that's the stuff! We ended up getting our cozy pants on and watching one of my favorite Christmas movies,
"Santa Clause." AND no, NOT the Tim Allen movie..this is the one I watched as a child and have such fond memories of. Hope loved it...SO MUCH that she fell asleep right in the middle. Womp..womp. She was asleep at 7:30! WHAT? After the movie she woke up and said "We gotta go do something!" I was up for it, but she insisted that it must be something we could do with our jammies on. HMMMMM? Lee suggested that we go to the Boardwalk to see all the Christmas lights! So that we did, only to be greeted with the first snowfall of the season! It was so pretty.....and peaceful.
The Christmas lights were much better than last year and we really enjoyed it. Our favorite part was the big Christmas tree! You could turn to a particular radio station in your car and the music would match up with the lighting on the tree. It was so cute! They also give you a CD of music to follow along with you on the boardwalk. We had a great time!

The next day, Hope was supposed to go home, but decided to spend another day! We spent the whole day in our jammies, baking cookies and watching "25 days of Christmas" and "Fa la la la Lifetime!" I said "Hope, are you disappointed that we basically sat around in our PJ's all weekend?" She said "NO, this was the BEST weekend ever!" God love her.
We saw lots of Snow and LOTS of Christmas lights and lots of Lifetime and lots and lots of cookies and jammies. Tis the Season to Veg out and be cozy :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Decking the Halls!

Lee and I put up our humble little Christmas tree tonite! We've decked out the rest of the Hammarback household, but we were saving the tree for last. For the last two years, we've had the exact same tree. Red and Green. I swore last year that I was going to do something different this year. We chose white together. Not only is white one of my favorite colors...but we thought it would be a nice color to start off our marriage with. Clean, simple and pure. We wan to do something different every year..and maybe on day work our way up to two, three, maybe four trees throughout our home! :) Here are some of our favorite shots from Christmas decor 2010 :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Turkey Day, Minnesota Style!

Lee and just returned from our Thanksgiving in Minnesota. How did we end up there? Let's see. Lee lived in Minnesota for the first several years of his life before moving to Massachusetts and eventually North Carolina. Lee's Grandparents have a farm and a Lake House in Northern Minnesota while his Aunt Janna and Uncle Ken and his wife Aunt Linda, live in Minneapolis (well, a suburb, Eden Prairie) Minnesota. Lee's cousins, Nick and Austin still live in Minnesota, Austin in Eden Prairie and Nick with his wife Jessica in Stillwater. Anyways.....the rest of us live here and there, Ohio, San Diego, North Carolina, and of course, Virginia Beach. It's very hard to have EVERYONE together at one time. Lee and I are on a rotation. We will had Thanksgiving with his family this year, and we will have Christmas with my family. Next year, it will switch. This year is very special. Lee's grandmother has been very sick. A couple of weeks ago we were pretty much preparing her funeral and were told she probably wasn't going to make it. By a miracle, she is alive and doing much better and even managed to make it to our Thanksgiving celebration, which she wouldn't have wanted to miss for the world. Not to mention it was Lee's grandparents 60th wedding anniversary! Wow!

So...Our Journey begins..
Lee and I woke up a 330 in the morning on Thanksgiving day. YES. You read that correctly. Our flight was leaving Raleigh for Minneapolis a 1140 and we had to arrive 2 hours early. We had to get up super early to drive down and we wanted to leave by 5am. Of course we had all the last minute things we had to get ready before we left. The worst part was I almost didn't go with Lee. I was SO sick when I woke up on Thanksgiving. I was recovering from Bronchitis (still recovering) and was VERY sick to my stomach. The ride to Raleigh was horrible, we had to stop several times and I even threw up in the airport...primarily due to a coughing fit that I had. I was SO close to not getting on the plane and driving home but I thought..hmmm three hours home or two hours on a plane to Minnesota? But who wants to be sick on a plane right? Of course, I knew I'd regret it if I missed out on Thanksgiving with Lee's family so I put myself on the plane and made it there safe and sound. On a side note, that was the worst flight EVER!

We arrived in Minneapolis around 200pm and Lee's cousin, Austin picked us up at the airport. BY THE WAY there was LOTS of SNOW on the ground in Minnesota!! So beautiful! Not to mention, the high was about 20 degrees..and most of the weekend it was about 10 degrees! We headed straight over to Lee's Uncle Ken and Aunt Linda's house for Thanksgiving where we were met with LOTS of hugs and cousins and family! We all hung out and had a few drinks (despite how I was feeling) and then sat down to dinner. There was "Kids" table and an adult table. The funny thing was, the kids table was made up of adults over our kids table had wine and beer :) Lee's cousin Loren came up with the idea that we all go around and say what we are thankful for. My family does this every year and everyone always ends up crying. Well...I ended up crying..of course. As cousins, Lee's family is very close. I love being an official cousin and I couldn't have asked for a better family to be married into!! We had YUMMY YUMMY DINNER! Two was redneck style deep fried and the other was traditional. Asian green beans and green bean casserole. Mashed potatoes and mashed sweet potatoes. AMAZING stuffing (the best I've had to date), ham with homemade warm honey mustard drizzle, corn souffle, cranberry sauce, and decadent desserts! Pecan pie, apple pie, cheesecake..etc. The food was amazing. I didn't eat any dessert but I managed to get a bite or two of everything else. (my stomach still wasn't very cooperative) Of course on favorite food day ever! UGH!
After dinner, we all contemplated naps/movie/cards. We watched some football, lounged around and caught up, and looked at old pictures.
Next was the Miller family Thanksgiving/holiday tradtion. The whole family gathered in the music room to sing Christmas Carols. I LOVE this tradition! Someone will be playing the piano and everyone will sing, (Grandma and Grandpa Miller LOVE this) others will sing solos and play instruments and of course, we all sing the 12 days of Christmas and we each have our own part! At one point, there was an oboe, piano, cello, trombone and violin playing. Beautiful. At the end we sang the 12 days of Christmas and Lee and I were Seven Swans a Swimming! Such a talented and musical family!
After singing we got ready to go and headed to where we would be staying. Aunt Janna had a friend who was out of town for the holiday and she let us use her home! Lee and I stayed there with his mom and step-dad. We pretty much fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow!
The next morning, we had a gorgeous view of the snow and lake outside our window. My mother-in-law made us breakfast using leftover ham from the night before and eggs and toast...we also had a strawberry butter braid. YUMMO...if you've never had one its a MUST! We headed back over to Ken and Linda's for some more family/grandparent time. I headed out for lunch with Nick, Alex, Lee, and John at a fun BBQ joint...yummy! Lee and John went to spend some brotherly time together and I came back to the house with Alex and Nick to have more family time. JP, Betsy, and I spent most of the afternoon talking about life in San Diego...and pretty much EVERYTHING else under the sun! LOVE them...AND planning our trip to Cali! Later that night my MIL and stepdad in law and new aunt Janna headed off to downtown Minneapolis to meet up with Lee and John at a microbrew. I got a text from my friend Kelly on my way down saying that she was in Minnesota. She just happened to be a few blocks from the restaurant we were going to! She is the personal trainer for the Penn State volleyball team and they were playing U of M the next day! WHAT A COINCIDENCE! Small world. We picked her up and she joined us for a night out! SO much fun! This is my second time in Minneapolis and I LOVE IT. I told Lee a couple of years ago that I wanted to move there. The ONE and ONLY downside would be that I couldn't drive home for the weekend to see my family. If it wasn't for that, I'm pretty sure we'd already be living there. I LOVE it!

After a night out on the town we headed home for a good nights sleep! We had to travel home the next day. What a short trip! SO much fun and SO worth it. I'm so glad I didn't head home at the last minute and miss out on such Thanksgiving perfection. I have so many things to be thankful for, but here's a tiny list.

My new husband.
Toilet paper.

We are very blessed.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beebs has left the building

I know some of you may think I'm crazy, but I got really excited that Justin Bieber came to the Children's hospital on Saturday! I might add...that I didn't even know who Justin Bieber was until recently. I also didn't realize the hysteria surrounding him. I don't know any of his songs and I don't know his favorite sandwich, but by golly I love that he came to my place of employment to visit the children. I also know that there were some very happy boys and girls at the hospital. It was a surprise and no one told the kids he was coming! I guess it really touches a special place in my heart when I see those cancer kids everyday and watching them go through all the stuff they have to go through. I get really emotional about it. They deserve a treat like this and it makes me happy to know that their day was probably made because of it! :) The picture above is one of the patients at CHKD with Justin. :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Friendly weekend visit

Several weeks ago, I had a dream. I dreamed of one of my old former friends who I had not spoken with in over three years. We had a major falling out and after a few attempts of mending the friendship I gave up. That was June of 2007. She was in the dream that I had, and it made me feel so strongly about seeing her, it made me miss her. In all honesty, if I hadn't had the dream, I probably would've never text her the very next morning. I wasn't expecting a response...but I got one. A happy one. We started texting and within a few days talking on the phone and making plans for her to come visit! Julie arrived on Friday afternoon and I don't think we stopped talking until Sunday afternoon! We had a lot to catch up on from the last three years!
I got off work early on Friday and Julie and her new puppy, Cami, drove down for a visit. For the first couple of hours, we literally just sat on my couch and talked. I don't think Lee knew what to do with himself. He'd never met Julie. He just grabbed a beer and sat down next to us and listened. He wouldn't have gotten a word in edge wise anyways. At first I was afraid...MAYBE this would be awkward, but it was really quite natural. We picked up right where we left off! Well....before things went awry.. :)
I had asked Julie before she came down to bring her scrapbook stuff with her. A co-worker of mine told me about a scrapbooking group she was in, and I decided I'd like to join because I've been wanting to scrapbook now for quite some time. It just happened to fall on that weekend and I asked Julie if she wouldn't mind doing it with me! I should've known she'd accept. She was just as excited as I was! We drove to this church in Portsmouth and had a yummy lasagna dinner! Needless to say, Julie only got one page done and I got two done. I think the other people were probably annoyed with us because all we did was talk the ENTIRE time!While we were there, we got a couple of texts from Lee..he was having a lot of fun babysitting Cami!

We dipped out a couple of hours early..although we had a really great time! (I'll be going back!) Of course, we got totally lost in Portsmouth! Not somewhere you want to be lost at 11:00 at night! We were laughing soooo wouldn't have happened had it been anyone else. We did finally make it home and of course stayed up till about two in the morning talking!
Saturday morning we Lee and Julie and I, headed off to brunch at the Baker's Crust! Yummmmmmmo! Julie and I dropped Lee off to stay with the puppy (he had so much fun babysitting the night before!) and we headed to MacArthur Center in Norfolk to do some much needed retail therapy! We literally spent five hours in three different stores! Shopping with Julie is a marathon..we had so much fun, but I was exhausted. After shopping almost all day, we headed back to the apartment to get ready. My other friend Julie met us at the Melting Pot for dinner.

It was nice being out with both of my Julies! Melting Pot was amazing as usual..especially the bananas foster. I think I liked that more than the chocolate! Thanks Greg! After dinner, we headed over to Julie P's where we found our husbands being all manly. They had been drinking a little so Julie and I went over there to pick up Lee. Just in case! ;) Of course when we arrived home, we nearly stayed up until three talking...thank goodness for that time change...we got an extra hour..haha!

The next morning we had breakfast at Pocohontas Pancake house and went to take some pictures on the beach, before Julie had to say her goodbyes :( I actually got in the car after she left and started bawling. I really missed her, and I missed having a friend like that around all the time. Julie is really good about keeping in touch and coming to visit and I know she'll be back soon! I'm going to go stay with her sometime before Christmas. We are going to tackle baking...and I mean..BAKEFEST! What a wonderful weekend...hope everyone else's was just as wonderful :)