The pictures of the sunrise and the lake dont do it justice. The sky was BRIGHT red and the lake was frozen solid. After I took the pictures I marched myself right back upstairs to that warm bed and fell back asleep. I awoke later to the smell of French Toast. MMMMMMMMM :)
Lee decided that on this day he wanted to take me to his other grandmother's farm and show me around. He also took me to his grandparents farm (the ones we were staying with) and we went to his deceased grandfather's grave. He had never been. I love how Lee wanted me to know everything about where he came from. I guess I should know what I'm marrying into huh? haha
First we went to Ada farm where his grandmother (on Lee's dad's side) lives. During the winter months she lives out in Arizona which is where she was while we were there. She told Lee where the key was so that he could show me around.
Here is the road leading to the farm..its longer than it looks. All the roads there are....its so flat I think you can see the earth's curve. lol!
Here is his grandma's mailbox..this is probably the most colorful thing you will see for miles and miles..
A picture of us touring the farm
the house and one of the many buildings on the farm, me on the tractor..classic, the airplane hanger..yes his family own's their own planes! OF COURSE they do.
Touring the farm was creepy! Since his grandmother wasn't there it seemed kinda scary. There was a bowl of cat food..who knew how long it had been the kitchen..but there were no cats. We found an old photo album in the attic which was cute and saw a lot of interesting things..including but not limited to ahem: LOTS of guns used in a certain war..of which I can't be old spinning wheel that scared me because it reminded me of the witch in sleeping beauty or the "evil fairy" if you will..there was an ungodly and unfriendly looking troll sitting in one of her windows...etc. I was a little uncomfortable in that house..but i know it would've been different if it didn't seem so abandoned. After the house, Lee took me to some of the other buildings and showed me the airplane hanger and the model T's that his grandfather built himself! Awesome! After hearing about many fond memories we decided to go to his grandfather's grave. The Cemetary was a couple of miles up the road and Lee had never gone to see it. It was a small cemetary. We looked at a few gravestones that truly broke my heart. One that stands out was a little baby less than a year old named Jennie Bell. She died in the late 1800's and was buried beneath a huge tree. I teared up of course. When we found his grandfather's gravestone we saw where it said veteran as he had served in world war 2. On the back of the gravestone was an immaculate picture of Ada Farm and his airplane. He seemed like an amazing man and I'm sorry that I never met him.
Here is a picture of the gravestone with a map of the farm and I assume he is flying the plane..very good even has the actual ID number of the plane on the side..although I don't think you can see it in this picture :)
After we left the cemetary we met up with his grandparents at their farm (most of which they have sold) and I got a small tour of pictures hands were freezing at this point! Then we headed into the town of Crookston for lunch with the g-rents. Once again I had some fabulous soup!! After lunch his grandparents had to run some errands but we had a real hankerin' for the hot tub and it was starting to get dark so we wanted to get back and watch the sunset. His grandmother provided us with wonderful thick white robes to walk (or run I should say) to the hot tub. The hot tub is outside mind you, and its about 30 degrees out!! Here is us excited for the hot but..but more excited dontcha know for our robes!!
Our view from the hot-tub...ahhh so neck and back have never felt better...mmmmmm
After an amazing steak and potato dinner that his grandparents made us that well as Merle's famous rhubarb crisp we decided to play a few rounds of pool and hand and foot. I lost at pool of course. I had never played hand and foot. This was a favorite (but not as much as dominoes) of his grandparents. I never figured out how to play..I totally didn't get it. But the funny part some stroke of luck..i won both games. Beginner's luck I suppose :) Lee was heartbroken.
Grandpa loves his automatic shuffle machine...
Lee is overwhelmed with the excitement of playing hand and foot...
Grandma Merle explaining the rules to be for the millionth time..I still never got it..
excited and utterly confused that I won twice in a row, lee looks to the sky for answers..
After another fun-filled day on the great plains it was time to go seepy nite nite. Tomorrow we would be returning to Minneapolis. My main goal was to get one last soak in the hot tub before we left....did it happen..?? Till next time, folks.. (day 4)
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