Tuesday, December 9, 2008

dinkytown, sunday brunch, and lots of singing (day 8)

Sunday we were all going to go over to Ken and Linda's for Brunch, but first we were going to Dinkytown!! This is a little district in Minneapolis where U of M is located. Lots of cool shops and restaurants. Julie and John had a friend they wanted to get a bite to eat with..I cant remember his name. I know he was polish. So we had lunch at Annie's..a place that Julie used to go all the time when she was a student there! we had a great lunch with fabulous soup and grilled cheese..i was all about the soup and sammies up in MN!! After that we headed over to a U of M store. Lee and I bought a Christmas ornament for our tree with a snowman wearing a Minnesota hat. Everytime we go on a trip we try to buy a Christmas ornament so that when we hang them on our tree every year we'll remember it!! awwwww...i know i'm so mooshy!
Here's a few of pics from Dinkytown! :)

After Dinkytown we headed over to Ken and Linda's for brunch! All the cousins were packing their things and getting ready to leave..after brunch they all had to head off to the airport!! :( It made me sad. I wish I could've spent more time with all of them!! We had food and sat around and watched some football and that's when it happend. Aunt Linda came in and said "we have sort of a tradition around here and we have to do something before you all leave." She didn't have to say a word..i knew what was coming...! she continued.."a miller family sing-along!" OH dear God..Lee had told me about this from last Christmas and I crossed my fingers and hoped to God it wouldn't happen...but it did! Now don't get me wrong..I love singing and sing-alongs but-- A: I knew there was a possibility I would be singing solo and B: have you heard this family?! They all have an ear for music...and all sing and play intstruments..compared to them I'm nails on a chalkboard!!
And let me tell you..This family takes their sing-alongs seriously! JP was told to assign parts..And I was immediately assigned 6 geese a laying for "the twelve days of christmas!" I was then handed a stapled packet consisting of several pages of christmas carols..OH they knew what they were doing!!!
We headed into the music room..I was actually excited about this! Never EVER in a million years would my family do something like this...the sooner i become part of this family the better..lol! With Grandma Miller on the piano..we were off. I thank we sang something like Deck the halls. Next Lee, John, and Austin were volunteered to sing.."We Three Kings" I just knew I was next. I was right. Next up was Lizzie, Laure, Betsy and I..with "Oh come all ye faithful" That's an easy one right?! I was confident..i knew all the words..no worries. With each verse we were assigned to do one solo....it came down to the last verse and I just KNEW they were going to call on me...i had been preparing for my shining moment for almost a year now..i was ready! I looked down just to verify my words on the paper and that's when it happend. My verse..was in Latin! WHAT?! the music was playing..I turned around and looked at grandma who just smiled and nodded for me to continue..! OMG i screamed..its in latin!! everyone was laughing and told me to sing it..I gave it my best shot! I got a standing ovation..I think they were impressed! yay! NOT only did I have to sing a solo in front of the entire family...but i had to do it in Latin! Go figure! Next year I'll be prepared..I'll probably even sing Away in a Manger in spanish..watch me! It was almost time for the cousins to leave so we had one more song to do..apparently "The Twelve Days of Christmas" is a tradition in this family and they assign the parts and do it every year. Here's a couple of pictures of the family sing-along-- and a couple extra pics of Natalie Marie because she's just too darn cute! (these were AFTER she threw up on Lee BTW)

And now folks..what you've all probably been waiting for..if not..you're gonna love this..get ready! This is what you have to endure to become a member of this family...and it was absolutely one of my favorite memories on this trip! This is a video of all of singing the twelve days of Christmas..please take note..ahem:

1. I am six geese a laying...and i suck..disregard my singing voice
2. Lee is two turtle doves..
3. Lee's mom is operating the camera and for this video will be playing eight maids a milking
4. Please take note that in the last verse of the song..we assigned 12 drummers drumming to grandpa..who is practically asleep in the chair and mumbles..12..Drummers and thats all we got outta him. It was hilarious..you can't really hear him that clearly though!! Enjoy everyone!!


After the sing along and all the cousins left...Lee, John, and Austin went off to the bowling alley for some male bonding and pool. I stayed behind with the remaining aunts and uncles, Julie, and grandpa and grandma miller and watched a ridiculous movie that totally poked fun at Minnesotians! HAHAHAHA! Then, Julie and I headed over to the bowling alley for some pool, beer and nachos..lets just say i wasn't expecting to drink and I had a little to much..yup I put my coat on inside out and stumbled out of the place..way to impress, Meg!
When we got back to Aunt Janna's we all fell asleep to Christmas Vacation..I know Tracy will appreciate that! hahahahaha :) I did get to use my favorite one liner on several occasions in Minnesota because its so cold there..like when Nick was putting my luggage into his car...
"You wanna hurry it up, Claude? I'm freezin' my baguettes off!" hahaha every time..its funny everytime.

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