Sean dropped us off at the airport in plenty of time and we went to check in our baggage. Baggage. Baggage was an issue on this trip. A couple years ago my mom purchased me a large suitcase because I'm one of those people who has to bring a lot of stuff with me. I knew this trip would require extra warm clothes/coats/boots/shoes/hats scarves and the other necessities. I knew the suitcase would be perfect. Being that I'm not a frequent flyer I assumed that my "big" suitcase would definetly be under the height requirements and weight limit. We were most concerned with the weight limit because of all the stuff my daily maitennce of me requires :)
We get up to the counter and he weighs the had to be under 50 pounds and we wouldn't have to pay the extra 40 bucks! 45 pounds! WOOHOO!! except then the guy says "I can tell you right now it doesnt meet the dimension requirements." WHAT!? I thought my suitcase was like the "large" that came in a set of luggage. Then I looked at the girl behind me who had an actual large from a set of was like 2/3 of the size of mine! The baggage guy told me that my size suitcase actually wasnt even a was like and XXL and he said its probably not a good idea to ever even take it to an airport! GREAT! he also said he was being liberal on my measurements and would only charge me the first 40 bucks (both ways mind you this was round trip fare) instead of the 100 bucks that it would probably actually be if he had measured it correctly. Dang..what a nice guy! So yeah I was completely oblvious to how abnormally large my luggage was so we have since discarded of the extra baggage.
While setting anxiously at our gate waiting for our plane I stared at people's luggage sitting around me. UGH! how could I have been so stupid?? I felt bad Lee had to pay that extra money..I have promised to pay him back for that one. I looked out our window and saw that our plane had finally arrived! i was very excited because I haven't flown in almost 6 or 7 years and I couldn't wait! I love flying! Just ask Lee, I'm like a kid at Christmas! watching the planes land and take off fascinates me! Lee decided to quickly make a potty run before they started boarding. As soon as he left I hear this lovely announcement on the intercom. (would Lee Hammarback and Jessica Showalter please report to gate such-and such?) OMG i started panicing..they werent going to let me fly because someone broke their back moving my bag! I grabbed all the carryons and trotted over to the front of the gate..worried sick..a little nausea..sweaty, face I was in trouble or something. Lee heard the announcement and met me there. Turns out...there was a mistake with our seats! what?! here we go!...then they tell us...we're moving you to new seats...great. thats fine at least we're not in trouble! Finally we board the plane and start to walk to our seats..we were three rows back...thats right..we were booted up to first class!!! YAY!!! I couldn't beleive it! We start getting cozy in our HUGE seats and the lady comes up and asks us for anything to drink. First reaction from us "how much does it cost?" "It's free!" OH YEAH...bring on the wine, beer, and as much as you can since we only have an hour flight to Atlanta! LOL! It was wonderful..we drank as much as we could without getting sick before our next flight..lee drank more than me..i had a severe case of nausea that never went away..probably my nerves from the initial paging at the terminal. An hour or so later we arrived in Atlanta.
We only had about an hour layover there so it wasnt bad..I couldnt wait to arrive in Minnesota! Our flight was to land in Minneapolis at 4 and Lee's cousin Nick was going to pick us up. The flight to Minnapolis (not in first class ) was about an hour and 45 not long, but it seemed like forever!! I just wanted to get there and start my vacation! We arrive in MSP a little before 4 and call Nick to let him know we're there. He completely lost track of time and was at the gym but said he'd be there in 5 mins. We found our luggage immediately (like it was hard to find the tremdnous gawky suitcase) and waited outside in the semi-cold for Nick. An entire hour later..guess who shows up? LOL!
I was so glad to finally meet Nick..he calls Lee about once a day. He's such a caring and loving guy. He was one of the main reason's we were here. He was getting married to Jessica the following Saturday! Nick decided he would stop and get us some food before we headed over to his church (where they were getting married) for a church service and a little party for the soon to be married couple! We were exhausted and didnt really feel like going but we knew how much it meant to Nick. Nick took us to Taco John's..a chain restaurant like taco bell but a million times better! then we headed over to the church and caught the last half of the evening service. Then, I got to meet Jessica! Jessica is gorgeous and absolutely sweet. You should hear her accent..its SO Minnesota. I have a really really really hard time trying to duplicate this accent and if you haven't heard it...just rent the movie "FARGO" and you'll know what I'm talking about. She had the exact same voice as one of the Olsen-twins but with a thick Minnesota/Norwegian accent..LOVE it. I just didnt expect that sound to come out of that was hilarious. GOD LOVE HER!
the church threw them a cute little shower type party and they played a little newleyweds game where there were back to back and had questions asked about each other. The would hold up their answers for everyone to see. I gotta tell you about one question that really cracked me up! It was a question for Nick about Jessica. Now, Jessica is a very pretty girl. She's very high maitenence and loves her clothes, shoes and bags. And Nick...seems to know Jess pretty well. The question for Nick was....what is Jessica's favorite shoes? Jessica held up her answer...Polka dot high heels. Wow..I didn't think Nick would get that..she was very specific. Nick's answer: Polka dot STILETTOS! FOLKS, he named the actual type of shoe..IT WAS AMAZING! LOL..that was probably the funniest part of the whole night. However I was glad when we got to leave so I could get some seepy nite nite in.
Nick drove us to his new's in Stillwater, Minnesota. It's an AWESOME little town right out of Minneapolis/St Paul. This is where I want to live. It had amazing little shops, and restaurants and was right a long the river dividing Minnesota and Wisconsin..amazing.
Nicks and Jessica's condo (she wasnt moving in until after the wedding) was FABULOUS!! brand new/hardwood floors, fireplace, walk in closets..gorgeous. The amenities at this place are awesome too...they have a "grand room" complete with kitchen, huge fireplace, living area, pool table, poker table, music system, TV..everything you could want. You can rent out this room for family events or a night in with your friends..its awesome. I failed to take was so beautifully decorated for christmas. They also have a theatre room on Nicks floor with 12 theatre seats and a movie screen..the room has a seperate kitchenette and bathroom and you can rent the place for the night with all your friends and watch movies/football games/whatever you want. It was awesome! I have a couple of pics of the condo but these don't do it justice at ALL!
After the grand tour..Nick showed us the slideshow for the wedding. CUTE! After that I NEEDED to go to sleep it was after 12 and I'd been up since 5am....go figure. AND THAT..was just day one..
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