Sunday, August 29, 2010

1 week! Seven Days!! Seriously?!

ONE week until my WEDDING. I can't say that enough. MY WEDDING. Since February 25th, 2009..and pretty much my life up to that point, I've been waiting for this day! WHY is it, that it's not hitting me?? It's crazy! I feel like its going to pass me by so fast, In fact I KNOW it will, but for some reason the fact that I'm going home literally this week and getting married and going on my honeymoon seems surreal. PINCH ME! I don't know what to say except that I'm ready...and not ready...and ready..and not ready! Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to marry Lee and very happy! I'm ready to be married and buy our first home together and have babies and live happily ever after. I just want it all to slow down so I can savor the moment! AHHHHHH! That is all. I'm going to go pack for my HONEYMOON... <-- (i know right??)

1 comment:

shay said...

If I make it I will make sure to slow down time for you...just for a split second. To take it all in ;O)