This past weekend I headed to Roanoke for a fun-filled bachelorette party. Being that I do try to maintain some individuality if at all possible, I decided to do something a little different. I'm so over Penis straws, Peter Pasta, Ring-around-the penis and a pocket full of condoms. I don't suck for a buck. I don't do double shots, regular shots, upside down shots, nor do I scavenge for men who will let me do whatever I want to them so long as I scratch number 27 off my list. I don't do t-shirts/tiaras/sashes..etc. It just isn't me! I'm pretty much anti-bachelorette parties..been there done that. I decided a long time ago that I'd love to spend a chill day with the girls doing an all day wine tasting or even a good old fashioned slumber party! Then I got the idea to spend a day on beautiful Smith Mountain Lake and rent a boat and relax and bask in the sunshine! I was worried leading up to the event that it would rain and storm. I did not have a back up plan. It was this or nothing. Thank you, LORD for beautiful weather. Mid-eighties, sunny, and partly cloudy! It was perfect! My beautiful bachelorettes consisted of a list of lovies that mean the world to me. Hope, my bestie and MOH. Andie, my sweet (AND FAVORITE FEMALE COUSIN), My BFF since preschool, Keri, One of the greatest, funniest, sweetest ladies in the whole world, Suzanne, and last but not least my two new soon to be sisters, Katy and Allison! Julie P and Brittany couldn't make it and I missed them so much! Lee's mom J$, was supposed to be our Captain but had a family emergency and had to travel to Minnesota. We tried to find a replacement boat driver..but surpassed all plan B's and plan C's and had to go with Plan L. My husband to be, Lee. I know, I know, how lame to have your future hubs at your bachelorette bash..believe me, I myself was pretty anti. I whined and whined to Lee about how Lame it would be. He assured me that he would not steal the show and would make sure we all had a good time! Well...he AMAZED ME! He was the best Skipper Ever. We had so much fun with him and he did a great job. Plus, you could tell he loved driving a boat full of beautiful girls around. It made him feel man-ish. I know it had to be tempting to see 6 coolers filled to the brim with beer and not be a tad jealous but he quietly drank his diet cherry dr pepper with a smile on his face and not one complaint! We cruised..we boozed..we shmoozed..we tubed.. played, swam, and laughed! Hope had some great games for us! My favorite was the question game! Hope came up with a list of 20 questions about Lee and my relationship and things about Lee. She called him the week prior to get his answers. I had to try to get all the same answers as he did. If I got the answer right, I had to drink a healthy helping of miller lite. If I was wrong I had to stuff my face with a wod of bubble gum. I did pretty good, only managing to chew four pieces of gum. I think Lee was a little scared at how well I did. We played another game called "reclaim your cherry" Everyone had a bowl of whip cream and without using their hands, had to find the cherry in their bowl. So cute! At the end, the girls all wrote down some wedding/marriage advice for me and Lee to share throughout our marriage! Hope did I great job! I was so impressed. Being, that she had never been on a boat in her life, been to a bachelorette party, and can't swim..I'd say she out-did herself! She even went tubing! We spent most of the morning in a private cove, swimming and enjoying the scenery. We went to Portside, docked and ate lunch and then headed back out for some more tubing before heading home. 8 hours flew by!! I'll never forget it! I wish it would've lasted longer, but as all of these moments pass my by, I know I'm one step closer to marrying the man I love. The wedding is less than two weeks!! WOW! Here are some fun photos of the event! :)

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