Thursday, August 19, 2010

Date Night

Thursday nights in the Hammarback household are dates nights for us. First of all we both get paid on alternating Thursdays, so that works out in our favor...AND neither of us really care for the crowds on the weekends at the restaurants/beach/movie theatres etc..although we do put up with them on occasion. For the last two months we put date night into place and its starting to be my favorite day of the week. We surprise each other. I pick the date one week, and Lee will pick the date the next week. I have a huge lists of fun dates to do with him and I can't wait. We know that sometimes Thursday date night will not work out, for instance tonite I am getting ready to pack for our trip to Roanoke tomorrow (I feel like I'm there more than I am here) and I also promised to hang out with Julie tonite. Our church softball team starts tonite and Lee and I both want to play so that may also be a factor. Anyways...I wanted to brag about our fun little date night last weekend. It was a "double date" night if you will. I suprised Lee with tickets to see the Zac Brown Band at the VB AMP!

Bonus: We had another couple to go with, Caron and Tyler. Tyler and I have been friends since pre-school and I met Caron in high school! Caron lives in Richmond and Tyler lives in Williamsburg. Last year over the holidays we were supposed to go to Christmastown at Busch Gardens with them, but last year I was so sick, we never made it. (We'll tackle that again this year) With them living so close we've decided to meet as often as possible in Williamsburg. Unfortunately Tyler and Caron are celebrities and are booked up pretty much every practically have to buy tickets to get dibsies. However, we got dibs on September 5th :)

We had a great time with them. ZBB was awesome...Live music, a couple of beers (COLD BEER ON A THURSDAY NIIIGHT) <-- see what I did there? ha! Sittin' on a blanket..under the stars..during a meteor shower no less! Perfect date night!

I look forward to hanging out again soon! Date nights are the best. :)

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