Friday, January 2, 2009

The year of the Ox! it's 2009!

Golly do I ever feel fresh and renewed! January is such a fresh start for us all! its also the beginning of the dreaded no vacation/no holiday, grey-skied winter months! I already have spring fever and its Jan 2nd! I think I get spring fever a little earlier every year! This year it started the day after Christmas! That's a new record.
We rang in the New year with some great friends this year! Jenna and her hubs, Michael..Hope and her future hubby, Chad, and Jenna's friend (and our new friend) Brigette! We decided to keep it somewhat low-key..we didn't want to party and feel poopy the next day! Jenna made us dinner reservations at Montanos! It was yummmmmy! I think Lee had the best steak I'd ever had..and folks im NOT a steak person! It was incredible. I had something shrimp that I couldn't pronounce but it was also exellent!
After dinner we headed out to do some bowling..girls vs guys of course! The guys beat us OF COURSE..probably because Lee was on their team otherwise they wouldn't have stood a chance! haha! I was proud of my TWO strikes! :) I think the last time I went bowling was in Louisville at lucky strikes...and that was a while ago..back in the summer! I can only stand bowling like once or twice a year and then I'm over was fun though having some drinks and spending time with the girls!!
Around 11 or so we headed over to Brigettes new house to watch the ball drop and have some champagne!! I was so excited for the New Year..I'm hoping its the best yet!! Although..nothing could quite top 2008!! After the balldrop we headed home and crashed it was time to sleep!!
Yesterday we got up and cleaned a little and decided to go for a hike! Part of our new years resolutions are to be a little more active...thats NOT including the working out..we are going to try to do something outside everyday or at least 30 mins of activity a day or pre work out! Tonite we may go play some frisbee golf! or Frolf as I like to call it! After the hike we headed over to best buy and Dicks so that Lee could use a couple of his gift cards! Now we both have new headsets for the gym downstairs!! They have those HD tv's ATTACHED to each machine so we can watch TV and run at the same time :) We really needed to go to the grocery store but we didn't have much time so we decided to splurge and troft one last time and ordered some pizza from Papa Johns! What better to way to ring in the new year than by stuffing your face with pizza and watching the biggest loser marathon! hahahaha! Hopefully we'll kick it in gear tonite and go to the grocery store..ive downloaded some more fabulous recipes (a little lighter and healthier) I cant stand any more heavy food after the holidays! I feel bloated!!

So here's a more "official" list of resolutions for 2009...

~Continue the non-smoking! I'm so proud of myself! i can't remember the last time I had one...if that says anything.. :)

~See more of my family! I know this shouldn't be hard because they all live close by..but we all get really busy and it seems like I dont see them so fortunate to have them close and I really need to take advantage of it!

~Spend more time with my girlfriends!! I see them as often as I can and we all have our scheduling issues...its so healthy to spend time with your friends as well as your significant don't want to get burnt out on one or the other..!

~More DIY projects! Just so all of you can view them on my blog..Plus it gives me another hobbie!

~Be GREEN-er! Lee and i have been trying to do better about being green! for the past year we've been taking our own bags to the grocery store! they look really small but they can hold a LOT and they wont fall apart like a paper or plastic bag..they're durable. Sometimes its hard for us to remember to grab them..but we keep them hanging by the door to remind us! We installed energy efficient lighting into all of our lights in the apartment. We try the no flush rule sometimes (if its yellow let it mellow) but i have a hard time with that..i hate pee! ursula has got me recycling here at work and we've been encouraging others here to bring they're own utensils (plates, fork, cup etc) because the amount of styrofoam that goes thru this building is a day...IS INCREDIBLE! I'd like to do a little more to help the planet this year..I want it to be a healthy happy place for my future children...

~Save more money! This is a big one..with me planning on quitting my job in the near future and going back to school full time...and possibly taking a couple long weekenders with my honey..I'm gonna want to save money and not live on the edge so much!

~Go skiing!! I've never been..and I know I probably wont like it..but I have to do least once..and maybe even tackle snow-boarding even though I KNOW i'm asking for it!

~Learn to knit and wear whatever I make proudly..or make Lee wear it! This goes along with the DIY I believe..

~quit my job and become a full time student!

~Learn to have MORE patience!! This is in all aspects of my life..patience at work..with lee, with myself...EVERYTHING!

~Make another trip to Minnesota! We hope to go back to Minnesota this summer to experience the Lake during the summertime and get our fair share of water sports..since Lee's grandparents seem to have every type of water entertainment you could ever want...this could make for some funny pictures/videos!!

I'm sure there will be some add-ons but that's what I've got so far!! Good luck to all of you and with your resolutions!! Did you eat your black-eyed peas and cabbage?!? Eck! me either!


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