I've always been a huge fan of Ghost Hunters! Lately...another parnormal show has struck my fancy. I've kinda gotten over the ghost hunters even though I admit that I occasionally watch it If I'm flipping channels! There's a show on A&E called "Paranormal State." I LOVE IT. The difference between Ghost Hunters and PRS is this: "Ghost Hunters" focuses on trying to find out if a place is haunted. They try to disprove hauntings to better prove if there is one..if that makes sense. Noise in the attic? is it a ghost? Ghost Hunters will be the first to investigate your phantom or your invasion of rodents.
In "Paranormal State" the focus is somewhat different. First of all..they investigate all aspects of the paranormal..mostly hauntings but sometimes myths or legends, or UFO's..ususally hauntings. They Also investigate and use equpiment and that sort of thing, but their main focus is helping the family. They get more involved with medians and psychics. NORMALLY..I don't like this sort of thing..but in this case..the coincidences are incredible. I'm the type of person who wants to get scared. I will sit at home alone in the dark watching a scary movie..because normally movies and TV shows..they DONT scare me. This one has given me goosebumps SEVERAL times..strange! If you're interested in these types of shows..I HIGHLY recommend this one..I didnt like it the first couple of times..give it a chance and you'll probably change you're mind. Mondays on A&E at 10:00...right after Jon and Kate plus 8! I had a VERY strange/Scary dream the other night that I cannot explain and have had trouble shaking it off...it was so incredibly real that the past few mights I've had trouble sleeping because I'm afraid it will happen again and I have to hold on to something of Lee's..either his arm or hand or leg. I won't go into details but I was seriously terrified!...last night when I watched this show..it made it that much harder to fall asleep..yikes!
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