You all know how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jon and Kate Plus 8! I have been watching them since their first special..surviving twins and sextuplets and even managed to find their house!! I have spoken to Kate through e-mail once as well! ANYWAY...the new episodes started up again two weeks ago and they announced that they are moving! That's right! I'm sure as soon as I find out where..or the general area I will let you all know! The episode for next week is yet another question and answer session..I love those, because I've emailed her many questions and some have actually been answered on the episodes..but its always a general question that MANY others have asked as well! So yes, I'm very much looking forward to that episode! The episode the week after supposed to be them seeing their new house for the first time and the following one will be the move! I can't wait! Anyway there is a point to this...Kate was co-auther of her the book "Multiple Blessings" last year! i bought the book and read it in a just a couple hours and teared up multiple times! I'm thrilled to announce that a new book will be out in April! It's called 8 Little Faces! I will buy it the day it comes out of course! :)

Also a few months back I got the season 1 and 2 DVD! Get ready folks because Season 3comes out at the beginning of Feb!! Whoohooo!
So many things to look forward to! hahaha yeah im obsessed but they are just so DURN cute!! Lee and I really look forward to Monday nights!! Sorry..just had to post on my excitement! :)
OMG she emailed you! LOL! I must know the details!
OMG she emailed you! LOL! I must know the details!
OMG! So funny you posted this b/c just today i was thinking "hmm i wonder where they are moving" as i was watching a rerun..and then i thought "i'll have to ask megan b/c i'm sure she knows" lmao! i can't wait to find out and see their new house! I LOVE THEM!
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