Once again I had a kick-back, wonderful, relaxing weekend! I had my heart set on going out Friday nite for some drinks but it was pretty rainy/drizzly and my hair just cant risk it! haha! Plus, Lee had been hunting most of the day and was exhausted so we hung around the apartment and watched some much needed TV catch up! Saturday I woke up early as usual to run some errands. I went to the tanning bed, went to the old apartment to pick up some packages and pack some stuff/move stuff and brought Lee some lunch. Then we got ready and headed over to Jeff and Alishas to watch the Tech Game! Lee and I most definetly offically VA Tech fans now..how can we not be?? Of course Tech lost..they had a pretty rough game. Tucker, and Jeff and Jessica all came over too..Tucker was hilarious..I thought I might lose it. He was making me laugh so hard! Alisha made some awesome zesty asian style wings and some of her fab chili. YUMMO! After the party we decided to call it a nite and came home to watch my MOST FAVORITE FAVORITE Halloween movie of all time...Hocus Pocus!! I have loved this movie since I was a little girl..and honestly it wouldn't be Halloween without watching it! I was about to fall asleep when Jen called me and invited us out to Mac and Bob's. It was still kinda early so I said sure why not and got ready to go. We headed over there and had a ball with Jenny and Chase. Jenny and I discussed and swapped wedding plans while the boys talked about..who knows? We had some chocolate cake to top off our nite...note to JEN...HOLY SHOTS! No more for you!
Today SUNDAY. I love Sundays. It's become my favorite day of the week. I know its the day right before I go back to work but I always seem to find a way for it to drag on. We woke up early and had breakfast at Panera and went over to Barnes and Noble to browse. We stayed there for a couple hours. I couldn't seem to get out of the cookbooks and wedding planners...oh golly gee goodness! I could spend the whole day in that store..but instead we had to head home because Lee wanted to take a motorcycle ride..seeing as how this might be the last 70 degree day we have for a while. It's been fridgid/fallish all week (which I love) but today was a little warmer so we decided to go for it..after some much needed and appreciated coaxing from Lee! It was probably the prettiest ride we've ever taken! All back roads..and wound up in Blacksburg..had a late lunch at the best mexican restaurant I've ever eaten at..and then rode home! I was happy to be back because THIS IS HOW I SPENT MY SUNDAY EVENING! :)
Yes I finished it already...only took a couple of hours..im a freak..
AND THIS is how my Geeky (but fabulous and loveable..had to add that in) spent his!
Well that was our weekend..Im going seepy nite nite :) MUAH!
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