Ahhhhh There's nothing like a fun weekend getaway to start off my favorite season..fall. As most of you know..I LOVE the show Ghost Hunters and watch it religiously..or whenever I can. I told myself, no PROMISED myself that next Halloween (being this halloween) that I was going to go to the Waverly Hills Sanitorium. First of all, some background. Waverly Hills is and old sanitorium and Louisville, Kentucky. The first time I saw it, it was featured on..what else? Ghost Hunters. They found some PRETTY CREEPY things there that night and even went back a year later for Halloween night and did a live Ghost hunters all night long. I've been intrigued with this place ever since. The building was used for TB patients back in the early 1900's and is now very old and run down. I called the Waverly Historical society back in April (which is how long I've been planning this trip..haha) and told her I would love to come to the haunted house that they have there on Halloween. Now as most of you know we've all been through these haunted houses before and they're not really scary just funny mostly and I didnt expect much more with this one. The reason I wanted to go is because I was in love with the building and the story behind it and thought it would be a fun way to start off October! There is another tour you can do during the day (historical) or a paranormal two hour tour in the evening if you're not brave enough to stay overnight. I tried to sign us up for the overnight tour..its 100 per person to stay an entire night but Lee wasnt to sure..he gets a little scared ..to say the least. Plus, they don't do the tours in October during the halloween haunted house because it interferes with the tour itself.
I had to work a few hours on friday before we left. Lee suprised me with sushi before we left..love him! We arrived in Louisville around 900 or so, earlier than expected! Let me just say this. It's a looooong drive! 7 hours! HOWEVER, it did not feel anywhere near that long because the whole drive is absolutely beautiful! I've never been to Kentucky before. I had driven through WVA before, but it's been a LONG time. It was so beautiful. The ride passed very quickly because of this. Kentucky is also a pretty state. But about an hour into it..you start to lose the mountains..which turn to foothills, rolling hills, and then its flat. I dont think I could live without this gorgeous virginia mountain backdrop. But all in all the state of Ky was very beautiful..in its own way!
We wanted to check in quickly and go out to dinner on the town. Our hotel was wonderful. THE most COMFORTABLE bed I've ever slept in. We stayed right in the heart of downtown louisville in the residence marriott! It was a suite with a kitchenette, living area and huge bathroom area! It was a nice place to come back to thats for sure! Good pick, Lee! After we got checked in we got decked out and headed out. I wanted to take Lee to Joe's crab shack because we have a "thing" for that place! We both LOVE eating there. Well...after mapquesting and following the directions..we NEVER found it.*this would not be the last time mapquest would let us down this weekend!) WE found a restaurant in the spot that we thought it would be..and we thought that maybe this restaurant replaced it and that the crab shack possibly closed..guess we'll never know. Anyway this place was called tumbleweeds. I was kinda bummed but I thought..why not? It said southwestern and had a pretty view of the Ohio River so I just went for it. OK first of all..the food was disgusting. The wind must've changed or something because right as we were finishing up our crappy food the smell of sewage totally dominated the whole restaurant..it was pretty gross. It sucks because the place looked nice but it was really lame. Strike one for Louisville! After that fiasco we headed back to the hotel and watched step brothers with Will Ferrill! It was absolutely hilarious! We fell asleep to this... what a long day!
The next morning we got up early because there was so much we wanted to do/see before our trip to Waverly! The hotel served up a pretty decent breakfast..they had pretty much anything you could want there and we got full bellies before our trek out into the city. When we first arrived it was dark so we couldn't see much so I was excited to get out and see everything. First thing we did was walk down mainstreet over to the Louisville Slugger Museum to see the big bat! You really can't go to louisville without seeing two things..the bat..and churchill downs. So first things first. After staring in awe for about 2.5 seconds at a giant piece of wood..we walked down to the river to see the water...gross..very dirty. Probably not dirty in all of the places..say at the park ..but where we were..it was pretty darn gross and smelled too. There was even a warning about the trash and the sewage..yuck. Not that Roanoke's river is much better..or nearly as beautiful as the ohio river..but still..Strike two louisville!!
Next we decided to go to Churchill downs. First though I wanted to drive through Old Louisville to see all the big victorian houses. Beware..you must go through some ghetto-ish areas to get there! Anyway..the houses were very pretty! Louisville has the largest collections of these old homes in the country! We drove around that area for awhile. We had no choice. Roads kept being blocked off for some artsy festival they were having. The houses throughout the city reminded me a little of Boston..and a little of New Orleans. A nice mix..very cute. Next we went over to Churchill Downs where they have the annual Kentucky Derby! Ok first of all...I want to warn everyone about there about mapquest..use google maps! I mapquested all the places we wanted to go before we left so there would be no problem. I can guarantee you that when using the mapquest to get anywhere in Louisville..it's going to take you through the ghetto and the projects. ALWAYS have a map for an alternate route! We eventually got the hang of it but it was hilarious watching us try! NOW, to be completely honest I was not really that excited to go to Churchill downs. I've never really gotten into the whole horse race thing...and didn't really get all the hype. I just love seeing all the beautiful people and their lovely hats..good enough for me. BUT, I figured we're here..we should go see it! I would just like to say that i REALLY REALLY enjoyed that tour! Churchill downs is in the middle of Louisville right near University of Louisville. Its so old and gorgeous. The tour was VERY entertaining. Our tour guide was awesome and I learned a LOT of stuff I didn't know. Actually I really didnt know anything and came to actually realize why people liked it so much! I'm really glad we did it because we almost didn't. If you're ever there, definetly go its worth the twelve bucks! :) 1 point for Louisville!
After our derby fever wore off we were starting to get hungry. I researched the city a lot before we left and got lots of reveiws on restaurants to go to. One restaurant we found was called Mike Linnig's. Apparently its been a favorite of Kentuckians for a long time so we decided to try it out. DONT be fooled but its cute setup-very warm and inviting...the inside reminding me of K and W and the outside reminding me of a family picnic. You could sit a picnic tables or in outdoor cabins! it was very appealing. So far so good. Well thats about where the goodness stopped. Dont eat here unless you're actually looking to eat at a total greasepit! It was so gross..the food was all deep fried! we ordered a platter with a variety of different seafood and we couldn't even tell what was what because it was all deep fried and breaded!! we took a few bites of different things..and EVERYTHING tasted exactly the same! It reminded me of a long john silvers! ewww. Needless to say we did not enjoy our food choices so far..! Strike three Louisville! after lunch..if thats what you'd like to call it..we went to a gas station so lee could throw up! We were both pretty hungry because we tried our very best not to eat much of our food. Then, we decided to drive around some of the suburbs of louisville and try to get a feel for the area. We didnt really know too much about where we were but we headed down the freeway and over to bardstown road area. I'd read that there were a lot of fun restaurants and bars and shopping in the area. Not impressive. It was ok..but a little too congested for me. AND all these "nicer areas" of Louisville are surrounded by NOT so nice areas..its a very strange set up. Now dont get me wrong..all cities have bad areas..and roanoke has plenty to say the least. But in general I loved louisvilles appeal. Very hospitable. Lots of details in the archtecture and a lot of KY pride! Thats what I like to see. But I think on this trip the bad outweighed the good. I think when we go back we'll have a better knowledge of where to go and where not to go.
Anyway..after crusin' around the ville we headed back to the hotel to rest a little and charge the camera before heading to the waverly. When i say rest a little..i mean..sit around for about 20 mins and head out again! I cant stand to be stuck in the hotel! We headed over to the waverly before dark. I wanted to get some pics before it got too dark..and i didnt want to wait forever in line because we had planned on going downtown later that nite! We got there at the perfect time and were the third group to go in! They even had fire-breathers to entertain us in the parking lot. Not to mention the fact that we were in line with a woman who "claimed" she was a sensitive and was telling us all the stuff she was hearing/seeing.. She didnt seem one bit authentic but we humored her because who better to go into a dark spooky haunted house with than her?! HAHAHA! It was the usual set up..creepy florence nightingale dark rooms, tunnels, black lights, bodybags, psycho patients. Like I said..The experience and the building in general was what I wanted..not to be scared out of my pants (because i knew that wouldnt happen) Lee actually pushed me to the front of the line..he got scared. I could tell he was nervous..it was hilarous! and of course they chased us out with the chainsaw..suprise suprise! It definetly wasnt worth the money..but the experience of going there was priceless! I would've paid 50. Plus, the money goes to a great cause..they're restoring the building. Its a HUGE building so it will take many years to finish it..so I'm happy to help! Plus renovations always stir up some fiesty sprits..hahaha! (right lee?)
After that we decided to head downtown to Fourth street live! Its a pretty cool idea.. a street shut off from cars..a glass covering..several bars, shops and places to eat. Once again I had researched this place before we went to louisville and suprised lee by taking him bowling at Lucky strikes! as most of you know LEE loves bowling!! We havent gone in a LONG time..due to the fact that I can only handle it every so often..so i decided this would be the perfect place to go considering its a bowling alley, bar, restaurant all in one..and very cute. We had our own lane..sat on swanky couches and had our drinks and food brought to our table. We had soooo much fun! That was probably one of the highlights of the trip. We were both pretty tipsy by the time we finished that. Lee wanted to go to some more bars but I was ready to pass out! Id seen enough of Louisville! haha..guess I was homesick:) We headed back to the hotel to watch sarah palin get bashed by tina fey on saturday night live...LOVE IT!
Today (sunday) we woke up late. I wanted to sleep in that bed forever! We headed over to the st matthews mall because I was dying to go to Pottery barn and williams-sonoma! MY TWO FAVORITE stores! BUT first we had a terribly yummy lunch..at the cheesecake factory! That meal totally made up for the first two horrible ones we experienced so I was very pleased! We had a lovely brunch and of course Pumpkin cheesecake. Recommended by our AWESOME waiter..he says they only have it these two months out of the year so of course we had to get it. After drooling over pottery barn and basically designing each room in our new house we headed to williams sonoma where Lee bought me a few goodies!! AWWWWW ..he totally suprised me! I definetly wasnt expecting anything from EITHER store..so i was totally in shock. I love you lee. After the wonderful mall experience it was time to go home! AGAIN the drive was not bad..because it was so lovely..we got home around 830 and are happy to be back here and see the kitty cats...yes world, we conquered yet another city. Out next stop is Minneapolis in November and Orlando in April... and Im hearing.. NYC in JAN?? Woop! wow.. my hands are tired...thanks for listening to my rants and raves.. love to all! :)
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