This weekend Lee and I had the pleasure of heading to Charlotte for the Lowes Motor Speedway Dollar General 500! One of Lee's friends got tickets for us! It's been really awesome getting to know Jeff and Alisha. They have been very good friends to us. They are hilarious and we always have a good time with them. They also recently got us the VA TECH tickets a few months ago!
Lee had never been to a race before so I was very excited! I knew he would love it. I hate watching it on TV but going to a race is completely different! We left on Friday after I got off work to head down for some camping. The race wasnt until Sat nite. After a horrible traffic Jam we made it to the campsite a little after nine. We decided to head over to the track for the Busch race. For all you non-nascar fans, the busch race is always the day before the actually Nascar race. Its a lot of younger guys trying to work their way into the Nascar race and actually a few of the Nascar drivers run in that race too. The look on Lee's face was priceless when he saw those cars take off!
I was so happy to be there with him. We pretty much caught the tail end of that race since we got there a little late but it was still fun. We headed back over to the campsite and alisha and Jeff made a few steaks before they headed off to bed. I wasnt hungry and rather exhausted so I excused my self for some seepy nite nite. The next morning we woke up and the place was packed. There were miles and miles of campsites, RV's tents and what not. It was the biggest tailgating party I'd ever seen! People had huge TV's outside their RVs and there were bonfires and even a few stages set up with some toe tappin' bluegrass performances. very cool! We took a walk through the outside of the stadium where there were all sorts of booths and fun things to check out. It was like a carnival times a million. People were hoarding around bags of free stuff that they were given. We got tshirts, magnets, food, even deoderant from the Old Spice guys! we twisted through miles and miles of fun little side shows and bars and music. You could spend the whole day there having a great time and not even see the race if you wanted! Plus the weather was perfect the entire time! It was awesome. We then headed back to the campsite for a few beers and some snacks. Lee and I were going to leave for the race a little early to catch what else? the Jessica Simpson concert!!
After Jessica they introduced the drivers!
The next day we got up early and headed off to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and got some fun Christmas decorations for the apartment. We also each picked out or own christmas ornaments for our tree and an ornament for each of the kitties :) Lee is so excited about going to get a live tree this year! We got home around 3 o'clock and decided it was too pretty to do anything but ride the motorcycle. We quickly unpacked and then headed off to get a pumpkin carving kit, some wine, and some scary movies for the night! Then we rode up on the parkway to see all the pretty fall foliage! We also picked up some christmas lights for the windows and had some long awaited chinese for our first chinese sunday in what seemed like years. We came home and hung out for a bit and then crashed. We decided to hold off on the pumpkin carving till another night..and the scary movies.
It was a great weekend! Next weekend Lee's mom and boyfriend are coming up to Roanoke where hopefully I'll be able to entertain them while Lee goes hunting! I love it when Lees mom comes! She already feels like a mother to me! :) She's amazing! and im very much looking forward to meeting Craig!
Well thats our weekend in a nutshell...yay!
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