Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Office..they made a TV show of my life! in the last few months or so..I've become a HUGE fan of "The Office!" SO MUCH in fact that Lee and I have bought all four seasons and I've watched them over and over. Two things I can never get enough of. The office. AND Jon and Kate Plus 8! I always told Suzanne that one day I would write a book about all the kooky "characters" in our office because they were all so strange/weird/humerous in their own way. I guess someone else got the same idea. It's such simple comedy. I think anyone who's ever worked in an office can surely relate. The characters are so diverse and different...its so hilarious. I can't even pick my favorite character..I wouldn't know where to start. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the office and the people who say them....ahhhh!

Dwight Shrute: Dammit, he put my stapler in Jell-O again!

Jim Halpert: Because right now, this is a job. If I advance any higher, this would be my career. And if this were my career, I'd have to throw myself in front of a train.

Pam: I don't think it would be the worst thing if they let me go. Because then I might...
Its just, I don't think it's many girls' dream to be a receptionist

Angela: Orange is Whorish
Ahhh I cant wait for tomorrow to watch this! It sucks the Greys anatomy is coming on the same time! I'll be recording it because I still truly love it as well!! I've just been biting my nails over the possible pam/jim engagement, dwight and angelas secret love affair.. and so on. I will be posting Dwight and Merediths blog on my blog roller... that's what she said.
oh yes..and if you are/are not a fan of the office..i recomend this video...hilarious!!

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