Hey everyone! I can't believe its been a whole week since my last blog! I've been soooo busy its ridiculous! (kristin, this is for you!!) haha. Friday nite we went out to dinner at Martin's with some "unexpected guests." It was fun and interesting to say the least! Lee and I weren't expecting them and had already eaten a nice salad for dinner. It was hard to go to Martins and be good but I settled on some shrimp skewers and a couple of beers. Later we went back and consumed a bottle of one and neither of us remember what happend after that. haha :)
Saturday we decided to clean so we could relax the rest of the weekend. Then we both ran a couple of errands. The plan was to go to Caleb's bday party but Jenny called me and wanted to go wedding dress shopping (how could i refuse?!) and Jeff called Lee to come watch the game so we parted ways and met back home for dinner. I cooked jambalaya in the crockpot. Well technically I didn't cook..I threw things in a pot and it turned out great. Not my favorite, but the potroast that Lee made this week was excellent. God Love the crockpot!
Sunday I got up and made my famous Mac and Cheese for the Labor Day cook-out in Botetourt. Normally we don't really do anything for Labor Day, but my family wanted to get together one more time since I will not be joining them for thanksgiving and the next time we'll all be together is christmas! :( We invited Lee's mom to the gathering to meet my family for the first time.
My family adored her and she loved them also! It was so relaxing. A picnic by the creek..and I actually behaved on my diet too! I did have a soda but I had to drink that over tea because I don't like it. It was a great picnic which I'm hoping we'll make a tradition now!
Monday Lee's mom treated us to breakfast at IHOP. We were all craving pancakes and that just seemed like our next move! It was yummy! After breakfast Lee and his mom took a motorcyle ride and i ran some errands. Then, we met back at the apartment to go to Natural Bridge because she had never been, and neither had Lee. I was like (yawn) natural bridge..how many field trips did i take there?? AND i believe the last one was in 8th grade. WELL I guess I really took that place for granted or didn't care at all in my humble youth, but that place is sooooo GORGEOUS..and i swear I dont remember it being so big!
Tuesday nite I had my new class (WAY BETTER THAN MY OTHER ONE) and got to see my good friends Erin and Andy. I was so happy to see them. I missed them from the spring semester. And after class Erin and I took some time to catch up (esp on the events of saturday nite..thats a whole other blog!) and then I came home to my wonderful man! I got up early on wednesday morning to go to the gym. I decided to weigh myself. I wasnt to excited..I havent lost but one pound over the course of all this diet and I was pretty sure that I'd probably gained that one pound back..well I stepped on the scale and AHHH I lost 5 pounds! i was so happy. My whole day was great yesterday because of this. It just goes to show that eating better and working out really works! who would've thought? haha! Well gotta get back to work..have a great weekend!!
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