This weekend was sooooo much and super busy!! Friday night, the plan was to go to dinner with Amanda and Shane (who just got engaged..congrats!) However..Carilion's direct deposit was messed up! 7000 Carilion employees did not get paid on friday! It was human error and there were a lot of furious employees..INCLUDING ME! I had no money for the entire weekend! I know it's sad that I live paycheck to paycheck but at this point in my life..I have to! So we didnt go out friday nite but we did reschedule with them so maybe this weekend! The date is set for Oct 24, 2009. Yayayaya, Amanda! Anyways, Friday night Lee bought The Office season 4 so we could get caught up for season 5 which starts in two weeks! I'm soooo excited!!
Saturday we headed to Blacksburg for the tech game. We were going to get there early to do some tailgating with Jeff and Alisha but when we woke up it was pouring down rain from "Hannah" and we waited a bit. We ended up getting to the tailgating party around 11 and had soooo much well as sooo much to drink. My new favorite thing is the miller lite with the twisty tops..its like a mountain dew! You can chug it without the bottle getting stuck to your lips (ok maybe that only happens to me) Needless to say, lee and I dont drink that often anymore so I was drunk after the first beer. Go figure right? And 3 more beers later..well let's just say I had fun ;) Around 130 we walked the short walk to the stadium. I'd never been to a tech game before. It blows my mind how crazy fun that was! We had awesome seats..right in the middle on the 50 yard line! I can so easily get into football when Its in front of me..! Lee kept saying..this is the best day ever (he was a little drunk) and I know that without a DOUBT that I ate the best hot-dog I've ever had in my entire life. FYI. YAY tech won!! After the game we met Hope and had dinner at the roadhouse..that was yummy! I felt a little guilty after all that food/beer and figured I better do a LOT of working out the next day. Well, that was no problem because....
The next day we did the 3 and a half mile hike up to Mcafee's Knob. We rode the bike up the mountain and parked at the bottom. I ended up pulling a muscle about half a mile into the hike because I saw a snake skin in the middle of the trail and thought it was a snake and jumped and pulled a muscle (crazy huh?) My leg hurt all the way up and I complained a lot but I made it to the top!
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