So...last nite..I'm sitting in the new apartment minding my own business. Lee is in the other room playing video games. I've been hearing thunder in the distance and seeing some lightning. It starts to rain. Then..its starts to rain harder! Then it starts to hail!! Big hail!! The thunder was louder and louder and the lightning was getting closer! I was scared so I moved away from the window! lee came out and looked.. and was like "Wow, we're getting a crazy storm!!" He went back to the bedroom. I started hearing this sound....i know i know..but it was like a train!! SO being that trains go by near the apartments ALL the time..I looked and from what I could see..NO TRAIN! I screamed for Lee and said I think there's going to be a tornado!! 10 mins later Jason called and said on the news there were reports of damaging winds and funnel clouds all over...from brambleton..to franklin...to crystal springs!! Apparently the worst hit was the ritzy part of jefferson st near roanoke memorial and parts of yellow mountain rd!!...So maybe what i heard was the.. tornado!! I wish I could've seen it in person..but if you're curious there's a very interesting cell phone video taken by a student over at western and another video and some pictures taken by other roanoke residents on wsls.com and wdbj7.com!! Pretty Scary!!! Gotta love Roanoke!! haha :) here are two pictures of the funnel clouds in Roanoke last nite!
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