This weekend was pretty laid back..sometimes you need that ya know? Friday nite Lee and I went over to Krystle and Adams to see Lexie!! She's two months old now! She is the cutest...Krystle was going to cut my hair but she seemed tired so we're going to try to do that sometime this week..not sure when. We hung out there for a while and had some dinner and mostly talked while the boys played some video games. It got exciting when Krystle went upstairs and found some old pictures and her senior book...WOW things really change. That was fun to see. After that wonderful visit we headed back and crashed for the nite! Saturday I woke up early got ready for Carolyn's bridal shower! It was at Hollywoods and it was a lot of fun. She has the sweetest family and friends. I'm so happy for Carolyn and Richard and can't wait to help them get settled in to their new place in a few weeks...YEAH..after their CRUISE! anyway, the bridal shower went well and it was a fun luau (sp?) theme. I somehow managed to sneak away with my own personal pineapple. She got a lot of great stuff..not to mention the hoard of things that Hope gave her later that nite!! After the shower I headed over to Lee's and took a nap I was exhausted after my coco loco chicken! I woke up and we decided to go play some frisbee golf...a favorite Lee pastime..however it started storming so we went to a movie instead. We went to see Get Smart. It was pretty good, but not as good as I thought it would be..I liked it though and i
I'm sure I'll buy it. I almost bought Fool's Gold earlier in the week and for ONCE decided to rent it and I thought it sucked! I'm so glad I didnt buy it..I was really hoping it would be better especially with Matthew MCHOTaHey...oh well. After the movie we went over to Hope and Chad's to help/watch Hope move in! The house is awesome!! And we had a lot of fun...note to self...dont tip the movers if you're forced to watch their kid...WOW and I'm not talking some sweet little angel either..I think this kid was on ridalin or something..he was nuts!!!! Poor Carolyn...and poor me!!! After the movers left, Chad ordered Pizza (thanks, Chad!) and the girls headed out to the porch to bask in our awesomeness! I'm so glad I have these girls to talk to...and who understand the stuff I've gone through in the past year...they can relate..haha :) Meanwhile Chad and Lee were inside playing guitar hero and we decided to go in and join them. For the record..I just want to say the I whooped Hope and Lee's butt in guitar hero but no one can deny the fact that Hope is undefeated in Wii boxing. WHATEVER HOPE!!! NOW THAT is a pretty sure my arms were killing me for the next two days! I love you girls and I had a lot of fun. After entertaining Hope, Chad, and Carolyn, we were exhausted and went to bed. The next day we basically hung out at the apartment... We both had to go into work for a little bit...Lee had some work to do and I had to do some pre requisites for my Epic classes this week. Lee made dinner that nite...he tried to replicate my dad's spagetti sauce but ruined it when he added beer to it. I dont know what he was thinking but it DEFinetly didnt work. Poor Lee! However, I will say..that it's probably the first time I was ever dissapointed with his cooking..I dont think he could say the same for me. Haha! We have also been jogging together. It was really hard for me at first because I was having some issues with my back and my breathing but we got that all worked out with a super duper sports who would've thought that would have made such a different. Lee argues that it's also a problem that I have major arches in my feet..hmm..I never really noticed..or thought it was a problem. BUT with the people that I've met in the last few years I will say that everyone has made me supier self concious about my feet! I used to love my feet..and over the years people have convinced me that my feet look funny..smell funny..or whatever. Hugh convinced me that I had monkey paws and could paint picasso with my feet...he got freaked out whenever he saw them and convinced my roomate that my big toe looked like a thumb....and now she is literally terrified when she sees my feet!! I'll admit the my feet have gone through some patterns of smelling pretty horrible..but for the record..they're not as bad as Lee's and i can happily state that they no longer smell!! well.. unless they get wet or something..eww..anyway now lee is convinced that my feet are shaped funny and that the arches are messing up my balance (because im super clumsy) and that its hard for me to run. He also says its probably why I have so much trouble wearing high heels. Ive never been good at kills my feet..not my toes..but my feet. All my friends would wear heels when we went out and I never could. I never really thought about it but I guess now Lee is suddenly a podiatrist or something. Just add that to the list. Anyway...away from the foot tangent..we've been jogging..and it's going better now I must say. I actually enjoy myself and feel much better afterwards..things are looking up!
Last but not least..I started my epic training this week for Carilion. I actually LOVE the program. Its going to save us a TON of time!! I'm so happy that Carilion implemented this..and everyone knows how I feel about Carilion, Carilionites, my job, etc. I cant wait to start Epic in July...lets hope there is not some crazy computer crash...anyway thats all for now! (thanks Lee for blogging) finally.
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