This weekend was amazing! I have to say that I might be quite possibly the luckiest girl in the whole world. I have the best family. I have the best friends. Last but not least, I have the most wonderful man in the whole world. Lee...there are no words to much I love you. It hasn't even been invented yet! You're amazing and I don't know what I'd do without you! Ok enough being gross...
Friday nite Lee's dad came to visit. It was his 50th birthday! Yay for Jimmy Jamma!! We went down to Martin's to hear bebop and have a few drinks...He bought ME drinks...I was supposed to buy him drinks!! Oh well! We didnt stay out toooo long because it was hotter than heck and we were miserable. It seriously feels like mid-august out there...there's no point in even showering because if you go out for five mins you're drenched in sweat again...gross!!
Saturday Lee and I headed over to my dad's to catch a ride with him and head to Andie's high school graduation! First, we met the entire familiy at the train station restaurant in Bedford!! Lee and I love this restaurant!! We ate there around Christmas and then went over to the Elk's home to see the christmas lights!!..which he and I are now making one of our Christmas traditions!! So the food was wonderful and I love getting together with the whole family. Another thing.. my grandaddy gave me a copy of this book ...THAT HE WROTE!! that's grandaddy suprised us all and wrote a book on his life and made copies for each of his kids..and me! He wrote a sweet note inside to me and told me that he wanted me to pass the book down to the next generation!...awww you know I cried!! It's too hard for me to read at this maybe later on down the road. After dinner.. we headed over to Liberty University! To my entire family's suprise..Andie got to sit on stage with about 6 other people as an honor graduate!! I was so proud of her!! We knew she made straight A's but to see her above everyone in her class on stage was awesome!! Of course I cried, laughed, and cheered for her. It was a wonderful graduation!! I also got to see my favorite teacher from high school..Mrs Whitehead!! I love her. She had a neice graduating so she was there for that!
After the graduation, Dad, Tina, Lee and I stopped by My Uncle's house for a few and then headed back to my dad's house! It was so hot and it was almost 10 at nite! We decided to make homemade popcorn and watched a movie! I cant even remember what we watched but it was good! Oh yeah..Alvin and the Chipmunks because Dad and Tina hadn't seen it! They loved it!!
Immediately after, Lee and I went to bed we were so exhausted. The next morning my dad took us all to a nice breakfast and then we came back and went swimming in the lake! For dinner, my dad made his awesome spagetti because he knew how much lee loved it! Dad FINALLY after years of begging...showed me how to make his secret sauce! Im so excited!!! My love for cooking in the last year has gone from like a 2 to a 10!! I love cooking..and im actually kinda GREAT at it! Not trying to boast..but the truth! I love it..and I've been wanting this recipe for years!! thanks dad!! after dinner we stayed around a little longer..and then headed home! We went back to lee's house for a few hours and caught up on some tv..haha and then he took me home...get ready for what happend next! So Lee drops me off and I have a ton of stuff in my hands. Im walking towards my apartment through the breezeway where I thought I saw a black and white cat. BUT WAIT!! OH NO!! it's definetly a skunk! A SKUNK!!! in my pathway.. I FREAKED OUT! I nervously ran back towards my car and had no idea what to do. I didnt want to scare it and get sprayed!! Keep in mind this is the 2nd annoying wild animal I've seen so night I was driving home and there was a racoon staring at me sitting in my parking spot!! starting to think that maybe skunks had a part in my trash escapades a few weeks earlier...however..I have not put any more trash outside..for this reason! Anyway..I called Lee who was a little ways down the road and he turned around and came back to my rescue! He took a huge beach towel that we had and pretty much scared him ...slowly and carefully..away and into the woods. MY HERO!! It was hilarious..I swear...ONLY ME!! Now Im scared to death to walk to my apartment..that skunk came outta nowhere!! ah geez! and this week will go by fast because we are soooooo busy here at work...and then Friday Lee and I are leaving for our anniversary trip! I CANNOT believe its been ONE YEAR since we've been together. It's been one of the greatest years of my life..Im more happy now then I've ever been. He's made me realize the important things in life. My family, which friends are true, and how much I dont care about the little stuff....! He's made me have a crazy appetite for food, outdoors and made me stop smoking..FOR GOOD and exercise more. I feel happier, healther, and better than I've ever been before. I love you, Lee!!! Wish us luck while we try to hold ourselves back from getting a dog!! We've been looking around..but we know it wont be fair to have them in an apartment..especially downtown. Please hold..while we make a decision! Have a great week everyone!