Um yeah so much for keeping up with this blog! I'm sorry to all 2 of you who actually read this! I have a lot to catch up on! Here is B's update...I'm sorry the last one is 8 weeks old! Bad blogger mama!
Bauer, you are 17 weeks now! You are so so so so big! We get a kick out of you every single day! You're the happiest baby in the world! You are FINALLY sleeping through the night! Usually we give you your last feeding around 830 and you fall asleep around 9 and sleep until 7 am! WHAT A BLESSING! I love getting up in the morning and coming into your room! You're so smiley and giggly and it always starts my day off right! Our special time is in the morning when I get to feed you and get you ready for Daddy! Daddy takes you to Na Na's (our wonderful daycare provider) and Mommy picks you up after work! You love to laugh and play and you LOVE Elmo! You love the videos and sesame street and your plush Elmo. You love music and you especially love your daddy! My heart melts when I see the two of you together. You have some special bond that is indescribable. You have started eating rice cereal. Its really helping your tummy. You acid reflux has gotten so bad lately, but we notice when we give you the cereal that you don't spit up as much! Mommy can't wait to start you on solid foods in a couple of months! I think you're going to be a wonderful eater! You are starting to teethe! I don't see any teeth yet but you're constantly drooling and chewing on your hands. You love teething rings and putting your toys in your mouth. You love grabbing mommy's hair too! You've had a little cold the past few days..but so has mommy and daddy and all the kids at Na Na's. Also, the stomach flu is going around and we hope you don't get it...you've already had it once and you were miserable!!
We're so excited to be moving into our new house in a couple of weeks! You will have your own room, that you don't have to share with boxes and tools and everything else. We're thinking of doing something different with your nursery in the new house but we haven't decided yet! We're so excited for you to have a big backyard to play in, and are so happy we will have room for guests! You have a lot of exciting things coming up soon!! Can't wait for your 4 month appointment on Monday!! We're thinking you're around 18lbs and you are SO tall! We're dying to find out how big you are, sweet boy! These four months have flown by...we are savoring all of our time with you! :)
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