This has been a rough week, folks! It all started last Thursday. I stayed home for work because I had a bad cold....I'm talking (the stay home from work type of bad cold). The next day it was even worse! How could it get any worse? I stayed home Friday and I let Bauer stay with me because he had a pretty decent cold too. Lee left work at noon to come home and help me. In all honesty...I'm pretty sure Saturday we spent the day resting. I made chicken noodle soup for our illness and we had our first snow.
Sunday Morning. DUM DUM DUM. We woke up feeling refreshed and decided to run some errands for the new house. (WE ARE MOVING NEXT WEEKEND...OMG!OMG!OMG!) We looked at some new appliances at Home Depot and decided to stop for a quick lunch at Hardees (it was right there) and head over to Target afterwards. Reason we chose Hardees: (I feel I have to explain myself because WHO really EVER eats at Hardees??) It was literally right next to home depot. Plus, I really wanted a hot-dog. When we got to the drive thru, Lee ordered a Frisco burger which looked REALLY tasty to me so I changed my order at the last minute. We both at the burger. DUM DUM DUM. We went on to Target and after about twenty minutes in the store, Lee said he didn't feel well. I told him to take Bauer to the car and get some fresh air, and I'd meet him in a few after I paid for everything. We didn't even make it home (which takes less than 5 minutes) I had to pull over for Lee to vomit. Of course first, I didn't think anything of it. I dropped him off at home to rest and Bauer and I ran out for one more errand. I came home. Fed Bauer. All of a sudden Lee is throwing up again. 10 minutes later, I'm throwing up. I just knew we had food poisoning. THANK GOD for Nana (see previous post) She came and got Bauer and took him to her place for the night. Lee's mom drove 5 hours from High Point, North Carolina to take care of us! Bless her! I vomited and had diarrhea (I KNOW...TMI..please put down your sandwich) till around 10 that night. Lee did the same until 4am. It was horrific and violent. Not only did I now have a terrible cough, but I had to deal with this. I truly just wanted to lay in the floor and not move, but you know how men are. They're babies when they're sick. I guess my mommy instinct kicked in and in-between vomit sesh's I was taking care of my husband. It took every ounce of strength I could muster. There is no WAY I could have cared for Bauer at this point. Did I mention we only had ONE bathroom. I'm mentioning it now. We have ONE bathroom. Let's just say...I had to make my way to the kitchen sink. I KNOW. HORRIBLE. and let's just say I DID ruin a few pairs of underwear in the process. IT WAS THAT BAD. BTW-if you're new to reading the blog...its not ALWAYS this gross. Only most of the time :) AND I'm an open get used to it.
The next day could only be described as the sunshine that comes after the storm. The really bright kind. The kinda bright that reflects off of day old snow. That blinds you when you walk outside after drinking all night. That kinda bright. It was eerily too bright and my body was very very weak. The fresh air felt good. I even rode down to the ocean front with Julie just to breathe in some salty air. Lee was another story. His body hurt so much from vomiting that he had to stay on the couch. My body did too, but he actually had this far worse than I did. I felt so bad for him. MY heart literally broke for him and I hated seeing him like that. We decided to let Julie take Bauer back to NC with her for the week so we could recover from our "food poisoning" and my insane cough. Which by the way makes me sound like I've smoked 2 packs a day for 28 years. I haven't. A little peace and quiet and restfulness was in order and we received.
Fast forward to Thursday night. My mother in law calls me on Friday morning and tells me that she vomited all night long. Cue the DUM DUM DUM. I work all day Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday with my co-worker, Nikki and friday night I get a text saying that she's been vomiting since 6pm. DUM. DUM. DUUUM.
I'm starting to see a pattern here. I've come to the conclusion that we caught the norovirus. It's going around Virginia like wildfire. There are outbreaks everywhere. There is a 48 hour incubation period and you can spread your symptoms for up to three days after your symptoms stop. They symptoms start suddenly..out of nowhere! You can be sick for up to three days but we all were VIOLENTLY sick for about 14 hours or less. It is HIGHLY contagious. You have been warned. I hope you don't get it. Its probably the worst stomach bug I've EVER had in my life! I'm terrified that my sweet baby is still going to get sick and I'm hoping and praying that's not the case. He's already had one major stomach bug and it killed me to see him so sick. Keep the lysol handy and for goodness sakes...stay home if you get it (although, I don't know how you'll feel like going anywhere).
For the record. I probably wont be eating at Hardees anytime soon. Or EVER. AND-vegetarianism is starting to look better than ever. Fo SHO.