Anyway, Lee and I have tried to come up with ways to incorporate a tiny new human into our tiny apartment without feeling like we're being pushed out. Obviously things are going to get a little cramped around here for awhile but we're trying to come up with solutions and space savers.
To Bassinet or not to Bassinet? I think we've decided we're anti-bassinet people. We decided it was something else to take up space in our apartment and it just wasn't practical for us to use for a few weeks...a few months at the most. I'm not against the baby going straight to the crib when he comes home. It would be easier on us in the long run for him to be used to sleeping in his crib instead of transitioning. Plus, most of our friends who did purchase bassinets ended up never using them..except to hold magazines and baby toys..pretty much anything that wasn't a baby. We did come up with a compromise though. We decided to purchase a pack-n-play. We thought this would possibly work for us because we COULD use it in our bedroom at night the first few weeks if we wanted to. It has a built in bassinet/napper station. Another bonus is that it folds up really small and we could take it with us when we visit our families..which we plan on doing several times a year. That way...the baby would have a place to sleep when we go home. Not to mention the fact that when he's a bit older..its the perfect place to play when we need him out of the way to clean or do whatever we need to do. We purchased the Graco Laguna Bay model. We love it! Isn't she beautiful?

Here's a few picks of Hub putting it together..please excuse the messy apartment...Thanks :)
He did a great job...I tried doing a little bit last night..but my back was killing me. They don't say how hard pregnancy is on your body. I'm wondering if its not a little hard for me because of my fibromyalgia...hmmm?
There ya have it... a pack-n-play...ready to be packed and played in? :)
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