Sunday, July 17, 2011

Maternity Ward meltdown.

This week, Lee and I went to tour the brand new Maternity Ward at Sentara Princess Anne Hospital. Originally, we were to deliver at Sentara Virginia Beach General, but they are moving all of their L and D units to the new hospital. It's not scheduled to open until August 4th and we were the first group to tour it! It's really nice! The L and D rooms, NICU, OB OR, nursery, and mother/baby unit are all on the same floor. Everything is brand spankin' new...they didn't even have the furniture or computers or anything on the units yet. They did have one L and D room set up for us to see. Cue meltdown. I say meltdown for two reasons. One: I know its a new facility, but have they installed air conditioning yet? Two: Am I really expected toy lay in this bed with my legs spread eagle under those bright lights just to push a baby through the smallest tunnel ever? Are those lights really necessary? What if they blind the baby? Do you really need to see down there...don't they all look pretty much the same? Am I the only pregnant person in the room that looks like a deer in headlights?? I've seen L and D rooms. I've seen babies being born. I knew what to expect. CLEARLY....when you realize it's going to be you on that bed...its not the same. It was after that, that we decided it would be best to invest in some childbirth classes...just so I don't freak out when I get to the hospital.
The next day, I had my 24 week appointment. Everything went well. I was nervous about how much weight I'd gained. Before my appointment, I called Julie and told her how nervous I was. This period between 20 and 24 weeks I finally got my appetite back. AND, it came with a vengeance. I was scared I'd gained 10lbs. AND since my pregnancy has pretty much mimicked Julie's first pregnancy with Leira, she told me that she gained 8lbs during that same four weeks because her appetite also came back. Fortunately, it was only a 5lb weight gain and the Dr said it was totally fine! I was like..."yeah but, I don't want to gain 5lbs every time I come back here!!" She just laughed. Its really strange, but my appetite has already gone back to normal so maybe next time the weight gain wont be as massive great! BP was excellent, baby's heart rate was perfect. I measured 25 and a half centimeters for 24 and a half weeks. Good.
Friday night, Seth and Julie had us over for dinner. Julie made Tacos and enchiladas and they were so yummy! Unfortunately..they didn't agree with my stomach. Noted. Lee and Seth had some weird hankerin' for playing they went out and purchased a brand new monopoly game. I laughed hysterically when they realized they got a bobo version with TWO Tennessee Avenues..(one of those was taking the place of St James Place) hilarious. How does that even happen?? Julie and I of course, sat on our couch having our usual endless conversations about anything and everything. We could both talk the hind legs off a donkey for sure! (thanks, Bethenney)
Yesterday, Julie brought Dax and Leira over to go swimming in our pool. We've lived in these crummy apartments for a year and a half and have never gone to the pool! Can you believe that? Last summer we spent most weekends doing stuff for the wedding or laying out at the beach. This year, I've been so stinkin' hotttt that I've dreaded going outside. Thank God for a beautiful weekend! We had so much fun! There was hardly anyone there and Dax and Leira loved the water. It was sad that Seth had to work and couldn't join us but we had a fabulous time! Lee and and Daxton were pretty much connected at the hip the whole time. Lee is so good with him. I can't wait for him and Bauer to be that close! We spent the early part of the afternoon at the pool and then took the kids to get a happy meal for lunch. We had so much fun! The weird part is... a few years ago, I would've considered a day like that pretty lame..but I guess your priorities change and so does the FUN you have! :)
Its Sunday...its so hard not to dread Monday on Sunday. I try to keep thinking of it as another day and I try not to think of going to work on Monday but its so gosh durn hard to do! We are going to church this morning and as for what the rest of the day holds, I have no clue...but it will probably consist of a whole lotta me relaxing! :)


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