Sunday, July 24, 2011

Week 26
How far along? 26 weeks!!
Total weight gain/loss: 9lbs
Maternity clothes? bottoms and some tops...still wearing regular shirts and dresses although I do have some maternity.
Stretch marks? haha none from baby..well maybe a few from baby..
Sleep: 50/50..had some good nights and some bad nights...like LAST NIGHT!! :(
Best moment this week: I got a haircut! It was very refreshing!
Movement: Constantly...but especially when I'm laying down at night :)
Food cravings: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and a big glass of milk!
Symptoms: heartburn, back pain, pelvic pain, stomach pain...
Gender: ALL BOY!!! :)
Labor Signs: nope! Keep baking, please!
Belly Button in or out? Innie.. i hope it stays that way!
What I miss: not getting out of breath when I go up and down stairs...bending over without back pain or straining...ugh!! I miss being able to get out of bed without having to roll..
What I am looking forward to: Going to Roanoke for my baby shower this weekend coming up!
Weekly Wisdom: Take some free baby classes...you think you know stuff and then you learn so much more! :)
Milestones: I survived the heatwave 2011!!! :)
Sunday, July 17, 2011

I haven't really had a chance to blog about this but back in June my little cousin, Andie came to visit and we went to see New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys. A gift from Lee and me for her 21st birthday. It was appropriate seeing as how I couldn't really take her bar hopping or anything :) She drove down to VA Beach Thursday and I treated her to dinner at the Melting Pot..do not go there if you're no hungry. It was sort of a waste of money for me...I was still pretty nauseated during that time and it was pretty hard to eat. But, she loved it and that's all that matters :) The next day Lee and Andie and I made the drive to DC for the concert. It was awesome! Andie has loved the Backstreet Boys since she was little and I of course was in love with New Kids on the Block since I was little. There were definitely more grown women than teenage girls there...all reliving their pre and post puberty days...I swear, Andie was even brought to tears. Lee was a really good sport and was proud of himself for knowing 5 songs! We had awesome seats...I begged Lee to pay a little extra and spring for some good seats. It was cool because we could see them backstage before they came on. My camera died at the beginning of the concert when Jordin Sparks opened for them. Andie took AMAZING pictures (Over 400...yikes!) Anyways, the video below (maybe I'm bad at blogger..but it wouldn't let me add my "blogging" to that post) is of the finale at the concert where we were! If you're a fan of either of these boy bands...you will love it. The finale was amazing. The whole concert was amazing. AND that's saying a LOT because I was sick the entire time (baby sick) It was probably right up there with Aerosmith..only a little cheesier :) Anyways..if you have time watch the video, its a little blurry in the beginning but its really good. Enjoy :)
Maternity Ward meltdown.
Week 25
How far along? 25 weeks!!
Total weight gain/loss: 9lbs
Maternity clothes? Just some maternity shorts...I can still wear my jeans but they're getting tight...who wants to wear jeans in July anyway? Still wearing my same tops, skirts and dresses....scrubs are still getting tighter and I refuse to buy anymore until I REALLY need them. (update: I NEED THEM!) I did invest in some maternity underwear...comfy and they REALLY help my back pain!!
Stretch marks? haha none from baby..well maybe a few from baby..
Sleep: This past week I've slept REALLY good...Still having some crazy dreams though. Lee even slept in the same bed a few nights!
Best moment this week: Getting in the pool....it took all the pain out of my back and stomach...it felt SOOOOO good!
Movement: moving all around...all the time!! I love that I can finally feel him!
Food cravings: Toast! (weird right??) Wild berry skittles and Cheeseburgers! ( I gave into this one only once..but it was SO delicious!!)
Symptoms: heartburn, back pain, pelvic pain, stomach pain...I had swollen feet one night this week...booooo!
Gender: ALL BOY!!! :)
Labor Signs: nope! Keep baking, please!
Belly Button in or out? Innie.. i hope it stays that way!
What I miss: not getting out of breath when I go up and down stairs...bending over without back pain or straining...ugh!! I miss being able to get out of bed without having to roll..
What I am looking forward to: Starting some of our baby care and childbirth classes this week!
Weekly Wisdom: Put your feet up!!!!!
Milestones: Bauer kicked Lee's hand right off my belly!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Curiously Crafty
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Week 24
How far along? 24 weeks!!
Total weight gain/loss: at my last appointment I had gained 4 pounds for the total pregnancy! Pretty good! I have another appointment this week!
Maternity clothes? Just some maternity shorts...I can still wear my jeans but they're getting tight...who wants to wear jeans in July anyway? Still wearing my same tops, skirts and dresses....scrubs are still getting tighter and I refuse to buy anymore until I REALLY need them. I did invest in some maternity underwear...comfy and they REALLY help my back pain!!
Stretch marks? haha none from baby..well maybe a few from baby..
Sleep: Sleep? What's that? I get up about 4-5 times a night to pee...and toss and turn. I usually wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning and am wide awake for two hours before falling back to sleep...just to be awoken by the alarm 20 mins later!!
Best moment this week: Daddy (Lee) could actually see my stomach moving!!
Movement: moving all around...all the time!! I love that I can finally feel him!
Food cravings: watermelon, popsicles, and diet coke..
Symptoms: heartburn, back pain, pelvic pain, stomach pain...baby is getting so big!
Gender: ALL BOY!!! :)
Labor Signs: nope! Keep baking, please!
Belly Button in or out? Innie.. i hope it stays that way!
What I miss: not getting out of breath when I go up and down stairs...bending over without back pain or straining...ugh!
What I am looking forward to: 24 week appointment!
Weekly Wisdom: Don't stay on your feet any longer than necessary..give your body time to relax!
Milestones: nursery cleaned out! Almost ready for painting... Not me of course :)
Ya snooze.. ya lose.
Don't drink the water...or do!