Of course I have LOTS of favorite memories..but something that stands out in my mind are my summers spent at Camp Christi. Every July, for one week, I would head to the top of the mountain in Christiansburg to our church's state youth camp. I started going to this camp when I was just 9 years old and went until the summer after I graduated high school. I loved camp. It was something I looked forward to every summer. Seeing all my friends from the prior year that we'd left behind, crying, promising to come back next year. Every year we'd make new friends too! Favorite camp memories that wont make sense to anyone else...Campfires and Oooga Boooga, water tower, the pit, anti-slothfulness, "Honey, I love you, but please don't smile." "Camper Camper strong and able, get your elbows off the table, this is not a horse's stable, but a high class dining table..round the mess hall you must go.." Counseler hunt, water balloon fights, taste the rainbow, shaving cream, baby oil, purple velvet, macaroni and cheese, Chilhowie and most importantly..our Love for Jesus Christ and our lifetime friendships :)
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