5th Place..Asheville, North Carolina

I love Asheville because it sorta reminds me of Roanoke. Lee and I would love to live here one day. We are constantly looking around for jobs in different parts of North Carolina because in 3-4 years, that's where we'd like to end up. Asheville would be a perfect fit for us!
4th Place..Washington DC

I love this city because when you're walking around you feel like you're going back in time. As cheesy as it sounds, it almost feels a little magical to me when I'm there..or haunted..or I don't know. Just love the feeling I get when I'm there..it almost seems ancient! Not to mention, just a fun town in general. Would I want to live there? Heck no! No thank you, beltway!
3rd Place..Denver, Colorado

I had the pleasure of visiting Denver the summer before my senior year in high school. I loved it! I got to go with one of my best friends at the time. Something about Denver just felt clean and fresh and I loved that it was settled on the edge of the Rockies..a nice change of scenery! Denver would be a fun place to live with Hubs and raise a family..but it's just too far away for me. I like to have the option to drive home in a day to see family!
2nd Place..New York City!!

This one was almost 1st place! I LOOOOVE NYC! I've been 4 times and I've never been disappointed. There is so much to do and see and you get a different feeling when you're there! My favorite memories of NYC have to be.. getting lost in China Town..going to the top of the World Trade Center and Empire State buildings..riding the ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, taking a carriage ride through central park and shopping at FAO Schwartz and Macys..Eating NY Pizza..Seeing a couple different broadway shows ON BROADWAY..and lingering around battery park and manhattan..times square! I've done a lot of the typical NYC touristy things..and guess what? I want to do them all again! NO, I would not want to live here, maybe I would've back in my single days..but that's just not for us :)
1st Place..Savannah, Georgia

Savannah. No one saw that coming right? haha! You know how I feel about some southern goodness. I love Savannah! Its such a beautiful city. Its a good mix of Charleston, South Carolina and New Orleans, Louisiana. Go down to the cobblestone streets and squares and don't forget a night out on River street. Take the Paula Deen tour and eat a lot of southern comfort food. YUP! I've also heard Savannah has a HUGE St Patty's Day celebration! That could be loads of fun as well! Ahhh Savannah how I love you!:)
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