We again woke up early on Honeymoon Day 3 to head to Disney's Hollywood Studios (formerly MGM Studios). There are four Disney Theme Parks. I had only been to the Magic Kingdom so I was excited to see the other parks! Hollywood studios is based on Old Hollywood and modern movie-making "magic" (there's that word again!) After arriving to Hollywood Studios we took a right and began walking down Sunset Boulevard :) Lee insisted that we ride the Tower of Terror first and foremost. I was a little nervous to ride this first thing in the morning, for fear that I would lose all that yogurt I ate for breakfast. I will have to say that the Tower of Terror is an amazing attraction and the detail and everything that goes into it really captivated me. It was also thrilling and I did almost lose my breakfast. Totally worth it. It actually scared me a little! We went straight from the Tower of Terror to the Aerosmith Rockin' Roller Coaster. I love this ride because of the details! You find yourself in a recording studio with Aerosmith and they decide to give you backstage passes to their show! When you pass through the doors, you're in an alley waiting to catch a stretch limo..complete with dirty streets, traffic lights and anything you would think an alley in NYC would look like. Your "limo" shoots off from 0-60 in about 2 seconds and you're flying around in the dark through neon lights, traffic signals, black lights..its crazy. When the ride is over you exit under a tent of lights and a red carpet. I just thought the concept was so cool! Lee loved that ride..in fact we have a video of that on our new video camera of his face when we take off! After that crazy ride we slowed it down and went to see the Beauty and the Beast stage show..that's another favorite of mine :) By this time, it was already lunch time! We made our way to The Brown Derby. This is an old Hollywood replica of the Brown Derby in Hollywood and was frequented by old singers and movie stars like Lucille Ball and Frank Sinatra :) The food here was incredible and it wasn't the least bit crowded with little children because its a little fancy and very expensive (Thank Goodness for all that wedding mulah!) We finished off our fabulous meal with the infamous "Grapefruit Cake!" Yummo!
After Lunch, we headed over to the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular and The Great Movie Ride. During our adventures at Hollywood studios we also managed to hit up all these great attractions: "Light's, Motor, Action Stunt Spectacular," The Voyage of the Little Mermaid, Muppetvision 3D and several others I cannot remember unless I skim through the thousands of pictures we took! Those are just a few that stood out :) I once again made special dinner reservations for Hubs and I. We had dinner at the Sci-Fi Drive-in! He LOVED this one :) We sat in little cars in what appeared to be outside under the stars but it was really inside and AIR-CONDITIONED (most importantly!) We watched old school "horror" flicks and were served by a cute little car-hop! So much fun! Very cool experience and another "totally worth it" moment :)
These are the little details we'll remember when we think back on our honeymoon!
After dinner, I was extremely tired and my feet blisters had blisters. By this time it was dark and Lee wanted to ride the Tower of Terror one more time! I agreed to do it one more time, of course after that he wanted to ride the Rockin' Roll Roller Coaster again. He wanted to video himself shooting off into the darkness. Since the line wasn't very long, I decided to let him have his fun so we stood in line again for the ride. We got on the ride and he whipped out the video camera! When the ride was over, we got off to view the footage and guess who forgot to press record? That's right! He looked at me with those stupid puppy eyes and begged me to ride it YET again! UGH! FINE! I rode the dumb thing a third time so he could get his "footage!" The video is hilarious and someday when Lee figures out how to get it on the computer I will post it! You know how they say the third time is a charm? Well the third time we rode that ride, I pulled a muscle in my neck. Yup..It didn't start to hurt until the next day..but that lasted until a few days after we got back from our honeymoon..haha! That's what I get :)
After the roller coaster incident we saw that the fireworks show "FANTASMIC" was getting ready to start so we figured we might as well stay to see it. I'm so happy that we did! I have no words to describe Fantasmic except..you have to see it!
We were blown away! If we ONLY went to Hollywood Studios and saw that show and nothing else, it would've been worth it! Not kidding! :) Another great night in the big DW :)
Disney Hollywood Studios Stats:
Shows/Musicals: 5
Characters met: 1 (Mater)
Blisters on Megan's feet: 4
Blisters on Lee's feet: 1
Number of times on Rockin' Roller Coaster: 3
Number of times attempted video on Rockin' Roller Coaster: 2
Mickey Sightings: 1
Hidden Mickeys: 0 (apparently we didn't care too much about this)
Screaming the top of our lungs: Take it away, Buzz...
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