On Honeymoon Day five we headed to Epcot? Remember? Everyone always forget it because its supposedly not as "COOL" as the other Disney Parks! I got news for you, my sadly mistaken followers..Epcot is a hidden Disney Gem. Give yourselves lots of time to Enjoy this park! As an Epcot Virgin I was actually really excited for our day. We arranged something a few months before that had me all giddy about the land surround Spaceship Earth..This Guy:
As it turns out, I decided it would be super fun to take a Segway tour around the World Showcase at Epcot. Yes, I said SEGWAY. The World Showcase at Epcot allows you to travel through several different countries and experience the different cultures...this part of the park doesn't open to the park-goers until 11:00 so we opted to go on this two hour tour that began at 9. There were so many other things we wanted to do at Epcot and we figured this was a fun way to get ahead of the game and see it before everyone else did.
Let me start by saying, I underestimated the power of a Segway. At a whopping 6 miles an hour, its no stranger to wicked sharp turns, pedestrians, the ability to crush one's toe, or even a small child. No one stands a chance. Not while I'm driving anyway. Apparently Segways can go faster, even up to 12 miles an hour but ours were programmed to max out at 6. Its a good thing too..that's fast enough!
We began our tour before the park opened to the general public. We were led to a "Segway Training Facility" If you will, and put on our helmets and watched a couple of videos. I felt like an official member of the geek squad. Next came the training. This is all I remember. There were cones. There were ramps. Hilarious. Honestly, during the training, I was a little scared. I thought these things were going to be easy to maneuver but they are VERY tricky and I'm glad they train you first. I almost chickened out when I realized it was all about balancing, but somehow I pulled through and here's where I ended up. This is for all of you who didn't believe I really operated one of these machines
..yeah thats for you! :) Of course there were a few close calls..very close calls, but I remained in tact and without minor scrapes or bruises.
After our amazing Segway tour we decided to get on a little ride called "Soarin!" I'm pretty sure this is one of Disney's best rides. I'd been on several rides LIKE it before and they don't hold a candle to Disney. I wont spoil the fun, but its a must do when going to Disney! After Soarin' we took a little cruise around Disney's gardens and learned how they took care of all their plants and fruits and veggies that they grow and use in their restaurants throughout the park. We enjoyed this wholeheartedly since we've been living a more organic lifestyle for the last year or two..Disney goes out of their way to be awesome...love it!
For lunch, we had reservations at the Coral Reef. Its a restaurant thats underwater and surrounded by aquarium. We literally went there for the experience and to eat something different. We enjoyed the meal and our free dessert..another newlyweds perk!
After lunch we rode several other rides that tickled our fancy..such as: The Living Seas with Nemo and Friends, Mission Space (I highly recommend not eating before this ride..and count it out if you're motion sick prone or claustrophobic..this one's pretty rough on the body and made both of us a little sick) Test Track, and one very interesting ride starring Ellen Degeneres and a bunch of Dinosaurs! We even managed to get in a little shopping...We loved Epcot and managed to head home a little early that night. We toyed with the possiblity of going down to the Disney Boardwalk or Downtown Disney..but we felt Disney fulfilled for the day and headed home to relax before our last full day of our honeymoon! I will say though..If I'm ever feelin' down or blue..this image will forever be burned and etched into my mind and will forever bring a smile to my face:
Yup. That's my Husband! :)
Epcot Stats:
Greatest MPH on our Segway Tour: 6
Segway accidents/injuries: 0
Almost Segway accidents/injuries: Too many to Count..at least..er.. 12
Mickey Sightings: 0
Hidden Mickeys: Who even cares anymore?
Free Desserts: 1
Number of pounds of this amazing lemon we saw: 9
"Countries" visited in Epcot: 11
Number of times we wanted to vomit on Mission Space: 2
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