Ok. It's finally happend. Lee bought a Nintendo Wii. I KNOW, I KNOW..we are probably the last people to buy one. Ever. Everyone has one, but we rebelled against society! AND..I really liked our pre-wii status. Dare to be different I always say. I've never been a fan of video games. Ok, I lie. I played a LOT of super nintendo in my tween years but that was pre- boy crazy years. Although, I was pretty awesome and to this day I can still beat Lee on pretty much EVERY super-nintendo game..EVER. (we have them all on our computer, i know..another way to proclaim our geekery to the world.) Anyway, I was REALLY hoping and praying that Lee wouldn't buy a Wii. I mean, they're semi-fun. We like going to other people's houses and playing it (refer to Christmas post) and that's what makes it so exciting. Too much of a good thing is bad for you, right? I knew it was coming. Lee was late that day. He came home with that sleek, shiny, white box and I knew my Wii-free living room days were over. Plastic bags on the floor and Wii-remote in hand, Lee and John had at it with Super Mario. I guess I'll always be a super nintendo fan, this Mario is just too much for me. I really did try but it was too hard. Little did I know that Lee had another plan up his sleeve. He HAD to get me to like it otherwise he would have to always play it alone. The following weekend Lee called around to every Target, Wal-mart, Gamestop..really anywhere that you can imagine would sell video-games to find out if they had Super Mario-Kart. Lee knows there's always been a soft spot in my heart for Mario Kart. The search was relentless but we found the only copy in all of Hampton Roads..( I wish I was exaggerating) Not only did we have the pleasure of driving thirty plus miles to find it, but I also experienced what I believe to be was the first ghetto Target I had ever seen. I don't like to use the word ghetto very lightly so maybe we'll just say...it was not your average Target(french pronunciation). With the game in hand..as well as a bathing suit on clearance and a couple of diet cokes(a Lee and Megan staple) we headed home where I found myself in a glorified version of Mario Kart. Yes, I'm addicted. That little white steering wheel gets my heart all aflutter. I know Lee secretly wishes I would become a computer "gamer" and wear headphones and swear at little mean boys trying to kill each other with spiked balls and swords but that's just not me. He pulled out the softer side of "gamer" in me. Congratulations, Lee. You did it.
We are still Wii free. We really contemplated it several times but I think I would rather sit and watch TV haha. However, throw a little Mario Kart in the mix, you never know what I'll do.
Have fun!
Ok, not really... we don't have a wii yet and I want one so bad I can't even see straight... but, no money = no wii! I'll come play with your WII!!!! Haha <3
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