Christmas Morning. I begged and begged Lee to get up and open his presents. He wasn't having it. It's the water bed! You either never want to get up...or you just can't. It hard to roll out of a water bed literally its incredibly difficult. Before the Entire Showalter clan arrived for our annual Christmas breakfast, Lee finally woke up and opened his presents from me. I was expecting the his "Little Kid at Christmas" attitude to come out but I literally had to wait by the tree biting my nails till he managed to roll out of the water bed. Lee loved his gifts and I was suprised to find another gift (Lee gave me a new camera a few weeks before). Tickets to see Legally Blonde (the musical)! *Snaps* OMG you guys, I was like so totally excited! After Breakfast and a rousing round of secret Santa we jumped in our Honda and headed to High Point. (did ya feel that alliteration? Say that 5 times really fast)
We made it to the Money's just in time for Christmas dinner. (how we made room in our tummy's I'll never know) It must've been the green beans or the creamed corn..or maybe Sylvia's homemade rolls that Lee ACTUALLY compared to Pillsbury...what a NO-NO! It was good spending time with Lee's family. I am calling Christmas night at the Money's Wii night because that was a regular occurrence. Yes, I fenced. Side note: When playing the Wii with Craig Money (Lee's step-dad) or even watching for that matter, give yourself at least a 10 foot distance. You may get hurt, hear strange exertion sounds, or just straight up fear for your life. BUT, It was Oh so MUCH fun anyway! :)
The next day I made my first trip to IKEA. I honestly can't put into words how happy IKEA made me. It was an experience for the books. Katy Money and I charged through the store like we owned the place. I was on a mission for white picture frames. Mission completed. 18.000 dollars later and a Honda so full that Katy couldn't breathe...we made it back to High Point with at least a small house full of furniture , frames, textiles, and little wooden pencils. What a day. I do want to mention that Lee went to his first strip club on Saturday night and came back smelling like what I imagine any strip joint would smell like. Cheap Cologne and stale Marlboro Reds....but who am I to judge?
Finally after a wonderful Christmas weekend we headed back to the beach..only to be haunted by the fact that we had to go back to work on Monday. Such is life. Special thanks to Daddy and Tina for letting us use the water bed. Special thanks to C-Money, J-Money and new sisters K-Money and A-Money for letting us occupy the bonus room and full access to the big screen and Wii. We couldn't have asked for a better Christmas. Hope everyone out there had a Merry Holiday Season.......and a blessed new year. Or as we like to say ...MerryHappyChristmahanakwanzaka...because it never gets old!
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