Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Out with the old....

Hello, everyone!
So much has happend since my last blog. Thursday started off like any other day. It was my day to work late..so i would be in the office till 800pm. At 500pm I heard a knock at our office door...it sounded like Lee's knock. I know that's weird but I can always tell when it's him. Hmmm? Sure enough it was Lee. He came over to my cubicle and looked at me and didn't say anything. I said "what's wrong?" Then he said "I was laid off today!" I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. We both did. I just hugged him and cried. It was totally unexpected. He worked all day long and then got called into the office and they basically gave him a few mins to get his stuff and leave and they took his key...wow. I couldn't believe it. Yes, I work full time but Lee is our main source of income..he pays our extravagant rent! Of course I had trouble working for the rest of the day..trying not to cry..no knowing what to do. Luckily for me I am in love with an amazing man. He has handled this a million times better than I would have. That night I came home and Lee and I sat and talked about our options. The very next day he got on the ball, applied for unemployment, updated his resume and has now applied to numerous jobs and has quite a few offers rolling in. We are pretty positive that we will be moving sometime within the next month...the big move. Right now we have two major offers. One is to Montgomery, Alabama. They have offered to reimburse us for ALL moving expenses which is awesome. He has a phone interview with them this week. Another offer is in Raleigh, North Carolina. They want to know how fast we can pack up and be there..Lee told them we could be there in two weeks! WOW! I am totally open to moving somewhere else and seeing new things! I told Lee it didn't matter to me and that I would go wherever he went as long as If I ever felt I needed to go home for any reason to see my family that he would make that possible. He promised me. I'm hoping for Raleigh because it's closer to home and Lee has friends and relatives there! But, I will be happy with either..it would be fun to go to the deep south and live in Alabama where neither of us know anyone or anything and start our own life. Its an incredible feeling of fear and excitement. On the upside, both jobs are offering to pay more money than he was making at SFCS so we're hoping this move is for the better!
One thing I'm worried about is School. I will have to live in a new state for a year at least to qualify for in-state tuition. With that time, Lee told me that I could work full/part time and plan our wedding..which at this point I'm still set on having in Roanoke, so having a flexible job would be nice so that I can go back and forth.
There are however a few things I have to get done within the next few weeks... pay a STUPID parking ticket (i'm mentioning this because I keep forgetting) Get my car fixed. My car was diagnosed with a bobo oxygen sensor and it needs one new wheel and tire...GREAT!
I've been having incredible jaw pains...i went to the dentist yesterday thinking and to be perfectly honest, HOPING that i had a cavity and that its not something totally vascular or cardiac related. Of course...the dentist could not find anything that would lead to the pain that I was having..though I did have a small cavity (so that needs to be filled) and I made an appointment with my doctor for Thursday morning before work...we'll see what happens with that.
Thank God my credit cards are under control and almost paid off (again!) and we have both received our tax refunds to help us out..I guess Lee couldn't have gotten laid off at a better time, really.
I've been so stressed lately with my job. Im so sick of how mundane, repetitive and annoying it is...this could be causing some of my stress and jaw pain..i know I've been grinding my teeth double time in my sleep. I can't wait to go somewhere new..I'm hoping to find a job that's a little more fun and not so over the top annoying. Also, Lee and I have been trying to find a new church here in Roanoke and cannot seem to find anything that we're happy with so hopefully when we move we will find one we love! Another reason I'm hoping for Raleigh..Loren and Lizzy will be there..and Loren is very involved in their church..plus I LOVE Lizzy!!!
We will keep everyone updated on our current situation. I want to thank Lee's family and my family for being so supportive of us right now! We love you all!!


Anonymous said...

If anyone knows what it's like to up and move away from family and friends its me! I'm sorry about Lee's job but it sounds like everything is falling into place. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. If you need to talk or anything just give me a holler!

p.s. my vote is for Raleigh! :)

VA2NY said...

Amen to what Sarah said... in the end this will be one of the most exciting things to ever happen to you. You will learn so much about yourself moving away from all you know! BEST WISHES!