Hey everyone!!
This weekend has been wonderful! Friday night we headed out on the town with Jeff and Alisha and her cousin, Megan! I hadn't seen Jeff and Alisha for a while and it was a blast..I couldn't stop laughing the whole nite!! We all met up for dinner at Fiji Island! We ordered the flaming appetizer platter! It looked like a volcano! Then we all cooked our food on a stick in the flames! It was really cool...we had this little corner booth in the back with a hawaiian hut roof over our heads..and it was dark and lit by a single candle..the mood couldn't have been any better..we even got our own personal lays! I was ready for a pig roast! After dinner we decided to go for one last round of bowling before we left! I really wanted to go out on the town but once I got to the bowling alley I had a ball...Tuck met us there too! He's hilarious...I'll miss him! :( I'll miss all of them! I actually didn't lose for once!! I beat Jeff!! Which is an understatment because we both really suck...of course we all knew who won..LEE of course! Afterwards, Lee and I came home and got to bed early..we had to get up early for our drive to Virginia Beach! We had an appointment at 2:00!
We arrived at our appointment right on time and met Darryl Hannah! YES, that was her REAL name..not kidding. Her mom loved that actress and named her after her!! WOW! They had a town-home that was available for us..it was already move-in ready! WE LOVED IT! At first it looked tiny on the outside..but its huge on the inside! BIG living room..and eat-in BIG kitchen...a half-bath downstairs and tons of closet space..as well as washer and dryer. UPstairs..more closets in the hall (WE NEED STORAGE!!) and master bedroom and another full bath and guest room all with walk-in closets (THANK GOD!) Oh I almost forgot ...there's a back patio and its fenced in with a pretty wooden fence and gate..so the kitties can play! We can even grill out..which I thought was unusual..Bonus! We got the unit in the back of the neighboorhood and its a corner unit! EVEN BETTER!! We are thrilled...the grounds are awesome..and its in REALLY good area of VA BEACH which I was worried about..and only 10 mins from Lee's office! 5 mins from the community college AND every restaurant or store that you would ever need or think of! It's exactly three miles to oceanfront and If you take our road to the beach it goes to a really pretty part of the beach..not the touristy part (which i dispise!) I'm very happy with what we found..I thought I was going to hate it but I think Lee and I are both very excited!! Lee is moving in TWO weeks..March 6th! That's very soon! I'm not going down until the 19th..I have to work till the 17th because I had to give a month's notice for my job and my dad's birthday is the 18th so I decided to stay and spend that with him!
We're a little bummed because this weekend we were going to head up to NYC to see John's last performance at stonybrook...we decided today (as we were riding home in the car) that we would forego that trip (BUMMER!!!!!) because we need to save our money..especially since we're heading to Savannah in late March! John, Good luck! We love you..and wish we could be there!! Lee says we'll be able to go back..we have to of course I have to see Regis..it's on the list! :)
On our way home we made another incredible decision....but I'll save that for the wedding blog...here's a picture of our lovely town-home!
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