I can't believe its only 48 days till Christmas!!! are you kidding me?? I love the holidays! This will be our (lee and myself) first christmas together..well..last christmas but we didn't spend it with each other! So I'm already getting into the Christmas spirit. A few weeks ago I went shopping for a dress for the wedding and rehearsal dinner. I found a dress for both, but only purchased one because I'm waiting for the other to come in. It had to be ordered because they didn't have the color I wanted. Anyway..I had a little extra money and I was off with Hope on a shopping spree to pamper myself. I found all this stuff that I wanted in hand..and EVERY time I put it back! I ended up spending all my extra money on Lee!! Well..it was a good thing because I got most of my Lee Christmas shopping done! I still have a few odds and ends to pick up for his stocking but other than that, there's not much left! I was waiting on one particular item that I ordered to come in and I had it sent to the old apartment. It came in yesterday..finally! I went over to pick it up and had all the other gifts in hand and started wrapping them! I can't believe I'm wrapping Christmas presents! I love wrapping...bags are for lazies, people! Anyway, while I was there I packed up the last of my stuff :( I'm going to miss that apartment..so big..so much space..and most importantly my wonderful roomate!! :( I'm going to miss Hope so much! Fortunately she got an apartment just a few blocks away so HOPEfully I'll get to see her more often! Once we get all the stuff moved I'm going to start decorating! I know its a LITTLE early..I normally don't do it until thanksgiving but since we'll be in MN from Nov 22-Dec 2 it would be nice to get everything up before we go so we can come home to a nice little cozy christmas apartment..with the exception of the tree. Lee wants a live tree this year so we'll get that when we come home! Im sad that I will be spending Thanksgiving away from my family (for the first time ever!!) I will probably be very emotional on that day and call them 20 times..and Lee's family will probably think I'm crazy! On the other hand Lee will spend Christmas Eve and morning with MY family so it kinda evens out! My family doesnt really know how we're doing Christmas this year. We've always done the same thing. Christmas Eve at Grandma pat and Grandma Frankie's and Christmas morning at my parents with a huge breakfast the we just eat all day LONG! Well, this year my parents (mom and grandaddy for those of you who have trouble following) decided it would be fun to go to Florida for Christmas..just the two of them! LAME! My mom says we need to start new traditions for when she and grandaddy aren't around anymore?!?! are you kidding me? When she told me that I said..um are you waiting to die or something? Why not spend the christmases that you do have with us?! Ugh..im pretty upset about as well as some of the rest of the family..including my DAD but he'll never admit it! As far as the rest of christmas goes..Lee's fam is coming in from Minnesota to Winston-Salem so we will be heading down there that afternoon! I can't wait! The weekend after we come back from MN is Lee's office Christmas party..that will be fun! AND the weekend after that I think we're going to do our annual tradition of eating at the train station and going to look at christmas lights..only this year we will have my parents and his mom in tow. A MUCH better combination!! :) Ok..im done blogging about Christmas..it is afterall only November 7th! Have a great weekend!!
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