I'm very excited to say that today is the first day of the Roanoke Star Line Trolley! The Trolleys have been a topic of discussion for a few years now! Roanoke has always had that nostalgic hometown sorta feel and I think the Trolleys are a great idea. There are currently four of them and they run up and down Jefferson street from The Market to Carilion Roanoke Memorial. I know employees there will be excited because the trolleys will run every ten minutes and they can come downtown for lunch! The best part..is that its free! Carilion is doing most of the funding for the trolleys! Hopefully this will bring a lot more business to Roanoke..especially if people are discouraged from parking downtown! They have those lovely authentic wooden seats! Unfortuneatly the cars do not run on rails..yup they're all diesel. Roanoke has talked about making the rails again, only it will be an 80 million dollar project..I don't know how the taxpayers will feel about that! I say "again" because a long time ago Roanoke did sport its own trolleys. This is back in the 1920's or 1930's when Jefferson St was Roanoke's "Main Street".

The last trolley in Roanoke ran in 1948
Its true that a lot of major cities across the country have their own form of trolley system but its nice to see it move into our little city. It adds a nice nostalgic feel for the Noke :) The trolleys are only running Monday thru Friday for now, but if its successful enough they will make additional routes and maybe additional hours. I dont know about you but I think I would like the idea of maybe a drunk trolley...a Drolley if you will..for all those drunken idiots walking the streets of Roanoke every weekend. haha..maybe not.
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