This past weekend, Lee went to Winston-Salem to see his parents and brother before he went back to school. I couldn't go because I had to work Saturday and couldn't get out of it. I was really bummed but after I thought about it, it seemed like he SHOULD have this time with his parents and brother without me..he probably needed it. Needless to say, I took this rare oppertunity to spend some time with my girls!!..and I'm glad I did because I really needed it. Friday night I went to the mall and met up with Hope. I hadn't seen her in about two months!!! I'm always at Lee's and she's always at Bobby's or working..so it had been a long time. I think I had only been home twice to get some stuff..and even then it was only for a few mins. Yeah it seems like a waste of rent...but we're working on that ;) ANYWAY Hope and I went to dinner together and I let her choose. She chose Mexican so we went to EL Rodeo on Brambleton. That is my favorite one! It's sooooo good! I was really looking forward to it because I had been doing my diet all week. WELL, I ended up overdoing it. I got miserably full and ended up eating WAY too many chips/salsa (my favorite thing in the whole world) and ate only one bite of dinner, which mind you does not taste good re-heated. SO basically I was jipped! We were going to go out afterwards but I kid you not i was so full I couldn't move. SO instead, we went back to Lee's and vegged out and watched the office. I never get tired of watching it because it's like a show about my life. Hope stayed the night with me there and we had a great time! I love her!!
Saturday I got up and went to work and then headed to target to make some stuff for my girls party for that night. Jenny and Jodi and Ashley were all coming over and I was so excited!! I made some dips/had a variety of crackers and bread and such, a cranberry spritzer that I made..courtesy of Lee's mom and my famous patient access ham biscuits. I'd been a naughty girl the night before so I didnt eat to much of the food..but what I did have was wonderful. Jodi even brought over a better than sex cake and some games. We had a ball just talking, laughing, watching movies..These friends have stood by me through thick and thin. Jenny has been my best friend since we were very little and so has Jodi. We've drifted apart since College, Jobs, Jodi getting married..but The three of us will remain close and we have..its just been hard to see each other..and I think now we're all coming together again over the fact that we're getting ready for Jen's wedding! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. They are true friends..I love you guys!!
Sunday I got up and cleaned a little and got ready to go to the lake!! Suzanne and I were going to go and spend the day together. Lee ended up getting back from Winston-early so he came along too. We had a ball laying out in the sun..catching up on work gossip and eating leftover ham biscuits...I love Suzanne. And she was there when I really needed her on Monday night..Lee and I had a little dispute. I wont go into it but I really needed her and she was there. She is also one of my greatest friends. Wow..I think I may have just created a bridesmaid line-up! :)
So today is my second day of classes...and im dreading it. My class Monday night was so hard...horrible...awful...Algebra 2. I passed Algebra one with straight A's..but I had an awesome teacher. This teacher sucks!! Not to mention the fact that they changed the book on me at the last minute..now I have to magically pull some money out of my butt to buy a new book. LAME! tonite is my second class..once again I'm bookless..and this teacher just goes so fast and is nothing like my last teacher (what I was afraid of) Wish me luck..I may be switching classes! UGH!!
This weekend I will be doing some overdue laundry, cooking, and studying. Lee's mom is coming!! Sunday we're having a family cook-out and she's coming to meet everyone for the first time! (fingers crossed!) I love Lee so much and this meeting is very important!! Who knows that the rest of the long weekend will hold..we'll see! Hope everyone has a great week!
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