Monday, August 11, 2008

The greatest fear is fear itself..

Ahhhhhhh! So let me start by saying this weekend was over the top! On friday nite Lee and I met up with Hope and Chad and Carolyn..Richard had to work :( for dinner and drinks at Village Grill on Grandin! It was so good seeing my girls..I just love them! Happy Birthday Carolyn!! It was the perfect nite to sit out on the deck and listen to the music...Friday was straight up an autumn day..not hot..sunny and breezy! It was wonderful! After dinner Lee and I went home to watch the olympics!! He really got me into it. It truly is an amazing thing. All the countries coming together for this one huge event and putting aside their differences. The opening ceremony was insane!! There's no way America could top that! We've been recording it all and keeping up with it. I'm a huge fan of Michael Phelps for sure and rooting him on! AND I just love watching those gymnasts! We probably stayed up half the night watching the games! On Saturday we got up early and made breakfast together...I suck at making eggs. I mean who screws up eggs right?? Me!! always! Lee has to make those. After breakfast is when the fun started.
OK. So..Lee has been trying to get me to ride this motorcycle he bought for months now and I wont do it. I've seen too many horror stories..heard too many horror stories..and know a few people who have been killed. I have been pretty much against the whole thing from the beginning. Plus, he only has one helmet so I didn't want to risk riding with him. Well folks..saturday..lee bought a second helmet. I knew I wasnt going to get out of it. I knew I was going to have to try it. Yes I know im a huge baby but I was so scared. Anyway I finally got up the nerve to do it. I got on. He said we're going to drive down the street to a parking lot and do different moves so you can get used to them. DEAR GOD PLEASE HELP ME! It took me about 15 mins just to sit on it. It took another 15 for me to let him turn it on. Probably 5 for me to put my feet up on the bars.. and 5 more for me to let him go. He started going..not even a block and i started screaming and crying for him to pull over. After he calmed me down..we made it all the way to the civic center. I started to slowly get used to it but we got the hang of it..not bad at all. I'm still totally terrified but I know I'll get used to it more and more. Also his bike has a back passenger seat..but not back it hurts my back a lot and I always feel like I'm going to fly off the back. He is going to purchase a back rest and soon hopefully a more comfortable seat because let me tell ya my butt HURTS!! Sat nite we went out to dinner, rode the bike over to fresh market, bought some wine and came home and watched the other boelyn girl. We both loved it!! It was a very good movie. My roomate had read the book and said it was really good so I figured the movie would be too..and it was. After the movie we caught up with the olympics again and then I headed to bed. I was exhausted.
Okay, so after my big practice run Saturday, It was time to do the real thing Sunday. We finally took the bike up on the parkway! We drove almost all the way to the peaks of otter..and would have if my butt didnt hurt so bad! It was a beautiful day and we stopped at all the overlooks and if the camera hadn't died I would've been able to take more pictures. It was a great day. Anyway..that about sums up the weekend. We skipped out on the SFCS picnic and the beer festival. I knew it wasnt worth the money for a ticket because i dont like all those different beers...I'm a miller lite girl. And we almost went to the picnic..but lee was just too excited about the bike to do that. Wish me luck...the next few months are going to be so scary!!! hahaha!!

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