Hello, again :) I suppose we will continue to play catch up!
Bauer will be 6 months old this week! I can't believe it!
You love almost every single food we have given you..except for green beans. But you still eat them as long as mommy gives you some sweet potatoes with them :)
You love bananas, carrots, peaches, sweet potatoes, pears, squash, peas...I know I'm probably leaving something out :)
You can hold your own bottle and feed yourself. You're still working on sitting up straight but you can sit up on your own..with a slight lean:)
You're trying to crawl. Mommy is amazed at how hard you try to get up on your knees and crawl. Time to babyproof this place!
STILL NO TEETH...you have been gnawing and chewing on your fingers and drooling for over 3 months now and we haven't seen the first sign of a tooth. I'm positive you'll get it this week while you're staying with your grandparents in Roanoke..of course!
Sometimes you laugh so hard, you can't catch your breath. Its hilarious.
You love Elmo, Nemo, and Hop.
Your hair is growing back in so fast...I'll miss my little bald man :)
We love you sweet boy..you continue to amaze your daddy and I everyday!
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