That made me smile. A lot! And that's not even a quarter of how wonderful this year has been!..NOW, on to the "Goal" List.
1. I need to spend more quality time with my Husband this year. Not that we don't spend a ton of time together. We do. I'm talking about the quality of our time. We have a date night tradition that kinda became a thing of the past between our wedding and holidays. We used to do one a week. We really are going to try to renew this tradition and get a bit more creative with it. I'm really looking forward to these new love fests with my husband :)
2. See our families more. Its hard. Its really hard to make it home as often as we'd like but we're going to try to do that more. A lot more. And in return we're hoping we have a few visits from them as well :)
3. Call the cousins. On Thanksgiving, we sat at the "kids" table and talked about how special the cousins really are. We need to call each other more and see each other if at all possible. We are going to try to spread the cousin love to one and all this year :)
4. Minnesota. Lee has never been able to take me to Minnesota in the summer time. He wants me to experience Union Lake in all its glory this year. We are hoping to make a trip up there in the late Summer :)
5. Finish School. I hate been pursuing online courses in medical coding. I started in October. This is not something I'm going to do forever. This is just something to have under my belt for backup if I need something to fall back on. Not to mention, it will pretty much double my current salary :)
6. Spend time with girlfriends. This is a MUST on my to do list. I love my husband but I need to spend time with humans that are a little more girly. I'm going to make a better effort of doing that. Because I cherish my girl time :)
7. Get Healthier. Its the elephant in the room. Maybe I shouldn't say elephant but its something in the room that no one can help but notice. I need to get healthier. I've been doing well at not eating meat...well..not eating much meat. I've never been a big fan of it anyway. Fortunately, Lee does enjoy a lot of the meatless products I buy, so thats a plus. We also buy most of our food organically and cook almost every night. Being that we live in such a small apartment with such a small kitchen, we haven't cooked as much as we should have, and have really enjoyed the assortment of amazing restaurants about town. We are limiting our eating out to once a week. And if that includes our date night, so be it. Also, we haven't been going to the gym as often as we should. That is changing now. I'm more focused on the healthy part than the losing weight part, but I know that those go hand in hand. I'm just not going to set any losing weight goals..because for me its unrealistic. I know I will lose it and that is all.
8. If all goes as planned in number 7, number 8 will be our next goal. Starting a family. Lee and I both have had baby fever for some time now and our goal is that this time next year, or almost this time next year, to be in the process of starting our family. It's important to us and something we are really looking forward to.
9. Projects. I'm crafty..I'll just say it. I have a WHOLE list of things that I want to complete...decor, furniture, pillows and accents...etc. I've goodwilled and thrifted all year long but I haven't gotten around to some of the things I wanted to Pr0-JECT if you will. That will be happening a lot more. Get ready. I'm pretty excited about it.
10. Organize, downsize, and purge. This should be my number one goal but it made its way to number ten because its going to take the longest. I'm a sucker for spring cleaning and things smelling lemon fresh. I constantly get rid of things I don't need so that I don't one day become a hoarder or something of that nature. We donate, we reuse, we recycle, and we feel the benefits. I'm ready for the freshness of spring and cleaning...and ahhh peacefulness.
Remember, these are goals, not promises..I'm not preaching from a podium. I'm just hoping that everything goes as planned and we can feel resolute with our decisions :)
Happy New Year one and all....drink champagne and confetti yourselves and don't forget your black-eyed peas! :)
XO- Hammarbacks
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