Several weeks ago, I had a dream. I dreamed of one of my old former friends who I had not spoken with in over three years. We had a major falling out and after a few attempts of mending the friendship I gave up. That was June of 2007. She was in the dream that I had, and it made me feel so strongly about seeing her, it made me miss her. In all honesty, if I hadn't had the dream, I probably would've never text her the very next morning. I wasn't expecting a response...but I got one. A happy one. We started texting and within a few days talking on the phone and making plans for her to come visit! Julie arrived on Friday afternoon and I don't think we stopped talking until Sunday afternoon! We had a lot to catch up on from the last three years!
I got off work early on Friday and Julie and her new puppy, Cami, drove down for a visit. For the first couple of hours, we literally just sat on my couch and talked. I don't think Lee knew what to do with himself. He'd never met Julie. He just grabbed a beer and sat down next to us and listened. He wouldn't have gotten a word in edge wise anyways. At first I was afraid...MAYBE this would be awkward, but it was really quite natural. We picked up right where we left off! Well....before things went awry.. :)
I had asked Julie before she came down to bring her scrapbook stuff with her. A co-worker of mine told me about a scrapbooking group she was in, and I decided I'd like to join because I've been wanting to scrapbook now for quite some time. It just happened to fall on that weekend and I asked Julie if she wouldn't mind doing it with me! I should've known she'd accept. She was just as excited as I was! We drove to this church in Portsmouth and had a yummy lasagna dinner! Needless to say, Julie only got one page done and I got two done. I think the other people were probably annoyed with us because all we did was talk the ENTIRE time!While we were there, we got a couple of texts from Lee..he was having a lot of fun babysitting Cami!

We dipped out a couple of hours early..although we had a really great time! (I'll be going back!) Of course, we got totally lost in Portsmouth! Not somewhere you want to be lost at 11:00 at night! We were laughing soooo hard...it wouldn't have happened had it been anyone else. We did finally make it home and of course stayed up till about two in the morning talking!
Saturday morning we Lee and Julie and I, headed off to brunch at the Baker's Crust! Yummmmmmmo! Julie and I dropped Lee off to stay with the puppy (he had so much fun babysitting the night before!) and we headed to MacArthur Center in Norfolk to do some much needed retail therapy! We literally spent five hours in three different stores! Shopping with Julie is a marathon..we had so much fun, but I was exhausted. After shopping almost all day, we headed back to the apartment to get ready. My other friend Julie met us at the Melting Pot for dinner.
It was nice being out with both of my Julies! Melting Pot was amazing as usual..especially the bananas foster. I think I liked that more than the chocolate! Thanks Greg! After dinner, we headed over to Julie P's where we found our husbands being all manly. They had been drinking a little so Julie and I went over there to pick up Lee. Just in case! ;) Of course when we arrived home, we nearly stayed up until three talking...thank goodness for that time change...we got an extra hour..haha!
The next morning we had breakfast at Pocohontas Pancake house and went to take some pictures on the beach, before Julie had to say her goodbyes :( I actually got in the car after she left and started bawling. I really missed her, and I missed having a friend like that around all the time. Julie is really good about keeping in touch and coming to visit and I know she'll be back soon! I'm going to go stay with her sometime before Christmas. We are going to tackle baking...and I mean..BAKEFEST! What a wonderful weekend...hope everyone else's was just as wonderful :)
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