Speaking of new homes...we were so blessed to spend the last couple of weekends with our friends Seth and Julie. In the last couple of months we have made a wonderful friendship with them and I think we've really needed that. It's been hard to meet people here and Lee and I have been lonely when it comes to missing our friends back home. It's hard making that 5 hour trip home all of the time. I'm glad our friends and family understand that. Last weekend it was an honor and privilege to see Seth graduate from medical school!
We are so happy for Dr. Parsons and his family. With a toddler, and a little newborn...I know how difficult it would be to focusing on med school! It was an extremely happy time! On Friday night before graduation, Seth and Julie and Judy (Seth's mom) were attending a banquet for EVMS and Lee and I offered to baby-sit several weeks before Dax was born. To our suprise, Aunt Debbie joined us and we had a great time! The three of us triple teamed the two little ones and had a great time trying to figure out what we were doing.
It really did take three of us to get through those few hours! I'm glad she was there. We had so much fun! Now, Lee and I are confident we can handle Leira and Dax on our own! The next day we went to the graduation and afterwards, Judy and Debbie prepared a wonderful reception for all the family and friends. I was so happy to see Stephen and his dad there as well! It's been a while since I'd seen Stephen and I missed him! Lee and Seth and Stephen are quite a threesome! I see many fishing trips in their future!
This weekend we helped Seth and Julie move into a new house! They are renting a gorgeous townhouse in Virginia Beach! Which means they are MUCH closer to us! I'm excited because it gives Julie and I a chance to spend more time together and most importantly Lee and Seth can fish right in the front yard. They live on a cute little lake....exciting! Thursday night, Seth and Judy and I headed over to the new place for the first time. We had three carloads full of stuff to unload. When we got there, we couldn't get the garage door open. The power wasn't on yet. We had to wait for the previous owner to come with a key to let us in so we went to Jason's Deli for a quick dinner. Can I please just add that the THREE of us sat in the FRONT seat of Judy's car like three's company. After dinner we headed back to unload. The townhouse is awesome! Three levels..and unloading boxes and carrying up two flights of stairs..with no AC..I know I'm out of shape but my legs were like jello and I was sweating like a pig! The next day we loaded up the cars again, this time with Lee's help. He was participating in a charity golf tournament the night before and couldn't be there. So Friday night, I kinda took it easy and let the boys unload more of the stuff! Saturday Seth and Julie were blessed to have several of the people from church come help us! Pastor Barney even came and brought his three sons! Breakfast and lunch were provided and it was a good day. With everyone's help, they were all moved in within, a few hours. I had my camera the entire time, and never took a picture but I think Judy may have taken a few. It was a great day...although when we came home our muscles ached and we ended the night with a movie and a drink. Perfect.
This morning, we headed to church. We have begun to attend more regularly. We love the Church. The people. Pastor Barney. We feel so blessed to have such a great place to worship every Sunday. The message today entitled "What every woman should know" was inspiring. Women have such an important role in this world and give a sense of community to everyone around them. Basically, Man would be nothing without them :) What a great way to start the morning! After Church we were treated to lunch with Seth and Julie and Judy and Larry and Peggy (a couple from the church). Here are a few pictures! Leira looks so big sitting in her booster seat!
Max and Ermas! Shay..you know all about that haha :) We went to the new townhouse to help arrange the living room furniture, hook up the 8000 pound TV. Basically another excuse for me to hold precious Daxton and rock him to sleep! And yay for Julie one room complete! Leira and Dax have a sweet playroom to play in now! I think this whole post is dedicated to the Parsons. We are so happy for you guys and we love you! We look forward to many fun weekends with you all in the future!
I also had the opportunity to travel home and visit my mom and surprise her for Mother's Day! I was so happy to see her smiling face and give her a big hug. I'm finding it close to impossible these days to travel home, but I think there will be several more trips in the upcoming weeks with the wedding being only about 100 days away! My dad and aunt and uncle all went to have cake and give her gifts. She's doing very well. She's having her surgery on June 16th. Keep her in your prayers! My mom and I have been through a lot over the years. In the last few years, we've gotten much closer. She's my go to person. I call her when I'm happy/sad and she makes me feel better. A lot of times she is the shining light of my day. I love you, Mama :) It was also great to go to my church in Roanoke that Sunday. All of the familiar faces made me so happy! Everyone asked me about my wedding plans and how Mom was doing! It was so good go see everyone! :) In the mean time, I wanted to congratulate Caroline on her summer internship with the Youth and the children's choir there! I think she will bring a lot to the church with her beautiful spirit! Congrats! :)
I have a few more people to congratulate! Hope and Chad Getyina on the arrival of their new baby girl, Gabrielle Paige!
She is healthy and beautiful! Looking forward to seeing you all for the 4th of July! Sherry and John Petersik and the arrival of their daughter Clara Kenley!
And Katie and Jeremy Bower and the arrival of their little boy, William Jackson!
Ok , that's three babies..two born the same day...and there's about 18000 more on the way! Hope all you mothers and expectant mothers had a wonderful (belated) Mother's day! :) on the wedding front...congrats to MAY and Eric Pritt....the two lovebirds were hitched yesterday!
(photo Courtesy of Kristen Garten photography) Love you, May B :)
AND last but NOT least...Too my one of my favorite people, best friend, bridesmaid, and sister I never had....Happy Birthday Suzanne Tolley! I love you, Hottness! :)
This picture is of Suzanne and her wonderful boyfriend (and love of her life, Ed!) I'm over the moon for the fact that she has found this happiness! Love you Suz-A-Boo :)
Have a wonderful week, all!
Megan (and Lee)~
1 comment:
I'm loving all the baby pics!!! Looks like May was certainly a wonderful month!!
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