Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A spring in my step!

Birds singing! Warm weather! Sunshine! Bring it on! I'm so ready for spring time! Spring makes everything feel so fresh and clean! We've been doing a bit of spring cleaning ourselves. We cleaned up so much that we ended up in a new apartment. I have to admit that it's not as dainty and wonderful as our old place but I just keep telling myself that we are living here so that we can by a Mac-Daddy house in a couple of years :) We've noticed so many changes in our financial situation already! We actually have extra money now..which is always nice. We deserved a we indulged a little and bought a new beautiful coffee table. We're buying a new couch, paint, curtains, blinds..the works. Lee told me he felt bad that we moving to a new place that wasn't as nice as our last one so he's giving me the wheel and letting me turn this place into our home. He said he doesn't care what it takes, he just wants me to be happy and feel comfortable here. Isn't he wonderful? Lee knows I don't need all that stuff to make me happy...but its a bonus ;) We are very happy to be here. We purged and donated a lot of things and it really took a load off...the CHKD thrift store certainly has reason to thrive :)

We've also been very lucky to have such great weather lately. I'll admit, being busy hasn't given us much time to enjoy it yet, but we did challenge each other to a tennis match (no NOT on the Wii)! Lee usually beats me at video game sports, but I murder him when it comes to real athletics. It's true. I slaughtered Lee at tennis...we are both terrible mind you, and usually we have to have at least one court in between us and another pair. AND "doubles" is absolutely unheard of.  We just like to have fun and embarrass ourselves.

So, I've been putting off wedding planning because of the move and then it occurred to me that we are GETTING MARRIED in 6 months. I have SO much to do! I thought I had a lot of it done, but really, there is so much more to do. NOT that it's a problem because I love planning my  our wedding :) Most importantly, I can't wait to be Mrs. Hammarback ( I know...the kiddos will hate spelling that one). Lee has such a wonderful family  I mean, who else's family could get away with THIS? Everyone I've met has been so loving and made me feel very much a part. My family adores Lee..and I think they are confused about every other guy I've ever brought home, because Lee is pretty much the polar opposite. Maybe that's why it works! Anyway, I'll be dress shopping this weekend.....I feel after the dress is taken care of, everything else will fall into place.  :)

Moving on.......... Did anyone see Molly and Jason's wedding? LOVED IT! AND, a lot of people were talking about how because of the rain, they should've moved the ceremony indoors...i disagree. I LOVED the fact that they kept going even in the rain, and actually enjoyed it. Lee knows I would've been so mad about my hair and makeup..and probably would've stopped the wedding to get an umbrella but I was proud of Molly and Jason for sticking it out! Amazingly her hair and makeup still looked beautiful..I guess that's what happens when you get Jessica Simpson's personal hairdresser for a day! (jealous!) anyway, I just had to point out that I loved the way they handled it. On another note..Jake, you're an idiot and I do not approve of your new relationship. Good Luck.

Last but not least....Lee and I want to wish John good luck with his concerto tonite! We love you, John! Here's a link to a clip of John playing another concerto. Lee and I love to gloat. We're so proud :) Love you, John!

Also..Happy Birthday to TWO wonderful human beings. FIRST Julie Money..formerly Hammarback. Lee's mama and my soon to be mama :) We love her dearly... I only managed to find one video of Julie...she might not like that I'm posting it but tough :)

Also, Happy birthday to Seth! Lee and I are so lucky to have you and Julie and Leira in our lives..although we should see each other much more! You've brought so much joy to our lives since we moved down here. Love you all! :)

The End!!!!

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