Sorry for lack of bloggage guys!! I feel like I'm so exhausted you could tap me and I would fall to the ground! Lee and I have both been incredibly busy lately...he's working LOOOOOONG hours and I do mean LONG...7 days a week! SO my weekends have been spent..well..not doing too much..just cleaning and enjoying time to myself before it gets busy again. With three out of town weddings and a trip to DC in the works and several family members and friends visiting soon, we are pretty booked until Mid September! I will say that a topic that has come up a lot lately with Lee and is ...babies. Yes, Lee and I have the itch! BUT, believe it or not, it's Lee more than myself! Lee is constantly talking about how he can't wait to have a baby. I can't wait either..but I want to actually get married first! We still have 402 days left till the wedding! At first we wanted to wait a year or two after we got married and then start trying to have babies..so we decided to make a deal. After our wedding and we head off to our honeymoon..we will attempt to get pregnant during that week..if it doesnt happen naturally, we will wait. I know its kinda crazy! I can't imagine being ready to be a mother but I want it more than anything in the world! When I first met Lee and I made it very clear before we were even SERIOUS that I love children and couldn't wait to be a mother! He made it very clear that he was anti-kids...at least not for SEVERAL years. I must've had some strange affect on him because he talks about it all the time. I think it started with Jon and Kate Plus 8..he loves (ok ..LOVED) that show and always watched it with me. I would constantly point out cute children that we'd see out and about or in our everyday lives..now it's to the point where I don't even notice and he points them out to me. OR Maybe its the fact that I work in a children's hospital and I always come home telling him precious stories of little ones..or maybe its because a lot of our friends have babies. Either way...WE CAN't WAIT!
Well, i decided to put Lee to the test. I offered to baby-sit for our friends Seth and Julie's little baby, Leira. She is going on 10 months old and she is a doll. I thought.. 6 hours with her will make him or break him. Folks..it didn't turn out as I expected. It was better. LEE HAD A BALL. This was his first time caring for a baby. He LOVED feeding her, he loved watching her, hearing her laugh, rocking her to sleep..of which I have the MOST PRECIOUS PICTURE of him doing this on my phone. He loved putting her to bed and watching her sleep. He couldn't stop holding her! We had a ball and Leira was a very good baby. Or as Julie and Seth like to call her..Cakey :) We are now the official baby-sitters..well maybe not official but we'll be happy to do that again anytime soon. She's a doll! I pray to God that Lee and I (when we're ready) are able to have healthy beautiful children. They are a gift from God and I will be forever eternally grateful.
Also, please pray for Lee's mom..she's in the hospital today for her back spasms and is in a lot of pain..having a lot of trouble walking! We hope she will be ok! :)
Love, Us.
PS..how precious is this sweet little picture of Leira at 8 months?? Love you, Cakey :)
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