I haven't blogged in so long that I have been saving blogs in my head. I know my blogs are usually long and detailed but i decided instead of boring you to death I'll sum it up a little quicker! We've been so busy! A few weeks ago we headed to Roanoke for Jenny's wedding..actually it was the week after we got back from Mexico for time
s sake! I drove down with Hope on Thursday! She had driven down the a few nights before for the NO DOUBT concert and Lee needed the car to get up to Roanoke for the wedding (since mine is currently in the shop) on Saturday! Phew! Friday night I stayed with Hope and got up early to go to my mom's to get a few things and get ready for the Bridal luncheon! Hope dropped me off at the luncheon and then Jen and Nat and I ran a few last minute wedding errands! Gosh, I miss Natalie!! We were like the three musketeers again! insert picture here. haha

After a lot of running around we made it to the rehearsal right on time..ahem..give or take! After the rehearsal, Chase's parents hosted the rehearsal dinner BBQ at their lovely home! It was a blast hanging out with my ole pal, Stephen..and getting a little tipsy...insert more pics :)

Ok, Maybe tipsy was the wrong word..just moderate drinking..

OK!!..we were sloshed!

Natalie! The Shnozberries taste like Shnozberries!!!
Anyway..so much fun..I wish Lee could've been there but he was out of town working in D.C. but it was ok because I got to spend the last single night ever with my best friend! We went back to her new house and made a list of things to do in the morning and stayed up talking before we fell asleep. I was up at 7am. Jenny was up at 230 and never went back to sleep..she was so excited! As the day progressed several things went wrong..ie missing champagne, broken picture frames, missing veil, hair appointments gone awry, wedding coordinator getting slapped by an out of town guest, ..but these things are supposed to happen on your wedding day! Thats what makes it so durn excitin'! um...let's just say I was in Charge of Jen's cell phone for the first half of the day and i was so stressed I gave it to the MOH..poor Jenny is in for a treat when I get married! Long story short..Ceremony was BEAUTIFUL..RECEPTION..INCREDIBLE which is good because now I have an idea of how mine will be!! I can't wait!! AND after not seeing him in a week..the day after we got back from Mexico..I was finally in the arms of my beloved fiance! A happy moment:

Next year it will be us!!
On Saturday night we stayed with my dad and then headed over to Iron Gate for the Showalter family reunion! Lee hadn't met ANYONE on my Grandaddy's side of the family and it just happend to be kinda on our way home so I'm glad he got to meet them all! It was a great little cook-out at my Aunt Blackie's house and I showed Lee the wonderful house I used to love playing in as a child..all those christmas parties famous for their bourbon balls and sliding down the stairs..which sadly now have railings! The grand piano covered in desserts and the ghost in the attic! We personally invited Aunt Blackie to the wedding and she proclaimed that she would be there with bells on! My mom said she went on and on about Lee long after we left..but who wouldn't? He's the best!
A few days later..back at the beach (which I still can't BELIEVE is our home!) it started like an ordinary afternoon. I got off work to wait for the shuttle and it was very hot and EXTREMELY humid. I came home..made some dinner and Lee happily volunteered to take our clothes and do the laundry a few miles away! It was just starting to get dark and I was playing around on the computer when I got a text from my new BFF, Brandy! She said there was a tornado warning at the oceanfront. Now, we are less than three miles from the shore so that technically includes us. I didn't even notice it was storming because I had on headphones and was playing music. I ran downstairs and turned on the TV and there was a message going across the screen "TORNADO WARNING FOR YOUR AREA. PLEASE SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY." so of course..what do I do??? I go look outside..my stupid curiosity got the best of me. I could still see some dark blue where it was starting to get dark but just over the way I could see a cloud that was absolutely PITCH BLACK! I said that has got to be the cloud that is spawning the Tornado! I ran inside and got the cats and shoved them into the downstairs bathroom and grabbed a big blanket! It started raining so hard that it sounded like it was coming through the roof! I watched the TV a little more and it was telling where the Tornado was heading and when it would hit! (right down to the street and everything!) It was due to hit Donna Drive within 5 minutes..the street that runs right next to our house!! I was freaking out! I ran into the bathroom and called Lee. He was a few miles away in the Lynnhaven area and said he was watching it on TV but it wasnt even raining or anything where he was. I told him to stay put! I started to hear this sound that sounded like one of the Jets that we hear a lot around here..it sounded kinda distant so I opened the bathroom door to see if I could hear it better..Simone tried to run out and I grabbed her back in and shut the door! The lights started to flicker on and off and then they went out completely! The cats were going crazy..they had been all night..im sure they knew something was coming! About a minute later..everything stopped..the lights came back on! I came out of the bathroom and looked at the TV! A picture of the tornado that skipped and hopped right over us was on there. It started as a waterspout and made landfall..kinda hopped around the shore and went back out into the water! i was terrifed! I called Lee and Brandy and told them I was ok..Brandy was like "dang girl its only the beginning of the season..they're so common by the ocean front!" GREAT! Lee came home only to find TONS of flooding down our road and cars that were even underwater!! It was a crazy storm and I'll never forget surviving my first tornado!! Several tornados were spotted in the area..but none of them produced very much damage or any injuries! here's a picture of the big black cloud that produced the tornado that went right over me!!

This was taken June 18, 2009 around 815 pm!
The following weekend Loren and Lizzy called us and came up from Raleigh for a suprise visit!!! It was only Friday night and Saturday because we Loren had to be back Sunday to preach! I very much enjoyed our dinner friday nite, brunch at citrus and a fun day at the beach! Then, a wonderful dinner at Captain George's! We had a great time..here's a picture of our day at the beach with Loren, Lizzy and Bella!!..and one of me and Lizzy! LOVE her!

Lizzy and Loren had never been to Virginia Beach so we were excited that they got to see it and they actually loved it! The funny thing that happend later was..Wednesday after they left..Lizzy's new job in Raleigh wanted to give her a bit of extra training and they sent her to Norfolk! She called me Wednesday night and while Lee studied for a test, Lizzy and I had some girl talk, chocolate, wine, and a movie! it was so much fun!
This past weekend Lee and I took it easy and then took a long motorcycle ride down to Currituck in North Carolina and it was beautiful! I got excited because it wasn't too long of a ride and I saw lots of places that I couldn't wait to visit in the fall..such as..pumpkin patches and Christmas tree farms! I was worried that there wouldn't be a lot of that around here..but Virginia Beach actually stretches all the way to the NC state line and a lot of it is beautiful countryside! We did however see a snake in the road and that got me a little crazy because I didn't have the car around me..but other than that and the fact that my butt went numb, I had a great time!
4th of July is approaching this weekend and lee and i both have the 3rd off which is wonderful! We're having several guests this weekend and looking forward to our first holiday at the beach! Sun, BBQ, fun and fireworks! Sunday we are going to see Aerosmith!! WHOOO HOOOOO!! and next weekend we're headed to Nags Head for Hugh's Birthday! I'm so excited! Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday..peace and love!