Today was my third day on the job! The new job! Let me just say that working for a children's hospital has got to be the most rewarding thing EVER! On Monday we had orientation. Believe me, I've sat through many a hospital orientation..three previous ones to be exact and they were all for Carilion and they all sucked! I am officially employed with the Children's hospital of the King's Daughter's or CHKD and I LOVE IT! The very first day I felt welcomed and they seem to actually CARE about their employees and not just money! I spent my entire first day listening to different speakers and watching videos about the hospital..which of course made me tear up a little because let's face it..what doesn't?? I love children. Always have. Always will. I want to be very involved with this hospital. I want to help out the kids in anyway that I can. This hospital has helped so many! And just today I was thinking, do I really want this? Do I really want to drive all this way everyday?? Then, after work I had to go the bank to get my deposit for filled out for work and the lady at the desk looked at me and asked me if I was going to be working for CHKD. I said yes and she proceeded to tell me how much she loved it there and how they helped save her daughter's life and what an honor it is for me to be working there. She cried as she told me the story and I cried right along with her (OF COURSE!) That was my little sign from God that this job is for me! I never would've supported Carilion..I even told my friends to go to Lewis Gale. Carilion's motto is not COUNT ON CARILION (says the commercials) but WE WANT YOUR MONEY AND WE'LL GET IT NOT MATTER WHAT! CHKD's motto is...Give em' the pickles! AND THAT is a long story but for the record I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Bob Farrell and he's second to Regis on my list! Anyway, my second day was basically some classes such as getting to know the company and customer service and stuff like that..yadda yadda. Today I took my first epic class. I was bored out of my mind! I used Epic everyday in Carilion but I still have to take the class..needless to say I finished two hours earlier than everyone else and got to leave early! WOOOHOOO! I have class for the rest of the week and then I'm starting my actual JOB job! Thank God my boss was cool about letting me off for Cancun and Jen's wedding! And I just LOVE my new scrubs..thanks to Lee :) Anyway that's an update on the job front..I'm looking forward to working there..Not so much the traffic that I will be encountering..YIKES!! :)
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