He did it! He finally did it!! It was one of the happiest moments of my life...and now we're well on our way..new job..new town..new home..engagement!! WHOOOHOOOO!! Life is good! :)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Future Mrs. Hammarback!!!
He did it! He finally did it!! It was one of the happiest moments of my life...and now we're well on our way..new job..new town..new home..engagement!! WHOOOHOOOO!! Life is good! :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Our new home!!
Hey everyone!!
This weekend has been wonderful! Friday night we headed out on the town with Jeff and Alisha and her cousin, Megan! I hadn't seen Jeff and Alisha for a while and it was a blast..I couldn't stop laughing the whole nite!! We all met up for dinner at Fiji Island! We ordered the flaming appetizer platter! It looked like a volcano! Then we all cooked our food on a stick in the flames! It was really cool...we had this little corner booth in the back with a hawaiian hut roof over our heads..and it was dark and lit by a single candle..the mood couldn't have been any better..we even got our own personal lays! I was ready for a pig roast! After dinner we decided to go for one last round of bowling before we left! I really wanted to go out on the town but once I got to the bowling alley I had a ball...Tuck met us there too! He's hilarious...I'll miss him! :( I'll miss all of them! I actually didn't lose for once!! I beat Jeff!! Which is an understatment because we both really suck...of course we all knew who won..LEE of course! Afterwards, Lee and I came home and got to bed early..we had to get up early for our drive to Virginia Beach! We had an appointment at 2:00!
We arrived at our appointment right on time and met Darryl Hannah! YES, that was her REAL name..not kidding. Her mom loved that actress and named her after her!! WOW! They had a town-home that was available for us..it was already move-in ready! WE LOVED IT! At first it looked tiny on the outside..but its huge on the inside! BIG living room..and eat-in BIG kitchen...a half-bath downstairs and tons of closet space..as well as washer and dryer. UPstairs..more closets in the hall (WE NEED STORAGE!!) and master bedroom and another full bath and guest room all with walk-in closets (THANK GOD!) Oh I almost forgot ...there's a back patio and its fenced in with a pretty wooden fence and gate..so the kitties can play! We can even grill out..which I thought was unusual..Bonus! We got the unit in the back of the neighboorhood and its a corner unit! EVEN BETTER!! We are thrilled...the grounds are awesome..and its in REALLY good area of VA BEACH which I was worried about..and only 10 mins from Lee's office! 5 mins from the community college AND every restaurant or store that you would ever need or think of! It's exactly three miles to oceanfront and If you take our road to the beach it goes to a really pretty part of the beach..not the touristy part (which i dispise!) I'm very happy with what we found..I thought I was going to hate it but I think Lee and I are both very excited!! Lee is moving in TWO weeks..March 6th! That's very soon! I'm not going down until the 19th..I have to work till the 17th because I had to give a month's notice for my job and my dad's birthday is the 18th so I decided to stay and spend that with him!
We're a little bummed because this weekend we were going to head up to NYC to see John's last performance at stonybrook...we decided today (as we were riding home in the car) that we would forego that trip (BUMMER!!!!!) because we need to save our money..especially since we're heading to Savannah in late March! John, Good luck! We love you..and wish we could be there!! Lee says we'll be able to go back..we have to of course I have to see Regis..it's on the list! :)
On our way home we made another incredible decision....but I'll save that for the wedding blog...here's a picture of our lovely town-home!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Goodbye, Bama! Hello, Norfolk!

Well...After Lee's job interview today..they made him an offer he most certainly couldn't refuse! An even better offer than the Alabama job..although I must admit I was really looking forward to moving to the dirty south!!! I'm bummed..but I'll get over it...at least I know we wont be staying in Norfolk forever..I'm not really a fan! I've visted the Norfolk/VA Beach area so many times..and everytime I've said.."it's a nice place to visit but I'm glad I don't live here.." Well..Now we're going to live there. As soon as the job makes an "official" offer..which we think will be tomorrow..we're going to start packing and get outta here!! They want him to come right away. I've already given notice on my job so we're pretty ok on that end! I hate that I had to drop my history class..I REALLY LOVED that class..but I'm going to go ahead and sign up for summer classes at Tidewater Community College...I may wait a few weeks before getting a job..I need some time to relax..maybe take my tush down to the beach..we'll see!! Anyway..thats where we stand right now...Here we go again!!! :)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A big dose of L-O-V-E!!
This Valentine's day I was planning on going all out for Lee..and apparently he was going to do something pretty memorable for me as well!..Then of course we got the shocking news of the lay-off and that pretty much put all of our extra spending on holt! SO I decided since we probably wouldn't be in Roanoke but for a few more weeks..two months tops, that we could spend this weekend doing something with our families! I mean....Valentine's day is a time to celebrate Love right? Why not spend it with those wonderful people..not necessarily your honey!! I called Dad and told him Lee and I would love to come make dinner for him and my stepmother, Tina! We have the best parents in the world...my dad then in turn invited Lee and I out on HIS valentine's date with TINA!!! We had a fabulous dinner at Red Lobster and we weren't even expecting it!! That was so sweet of my dad to forego his little date and invite us along! We had a great time..and even snuck in a little wedding planning! Last nite Lee and I came home and decided to watch Fireproof! That just totally made our nite..it changed our whole outlook and I think greatly improved our relationship..within a two hour time period! I realized last night how much I truly loved Lee and how blessed I am to have such a wonderful caring man..I couldn't have asked for a better Valentine's day!!! It was perfect!!!
This evening, Lee's mom, Julie and her future husband (our future step-dad!!) came to Roanoke for a visit. Craig (or C-money as we like to call him..YES she will be JULIE MONEY!)is a pharmacist from High Point, NC. He has made Lee's mom so happy and treats her so well! They met online! They immediately hit it off and have spent every waking SECOND together! The funny thing is..Craig/C-Money's daughter, Katie lives in Roanoke! She will be 23 next week! She is such a sweetheart! The five of us had dinner tonite at the Metro and it was INCREDBILY yummy! What a perfect end to the weekend! I'm so happy to be marrying into such a welcoming loving family! AND i adore Katie..she will be helping me with my wedding plans!! She went to school for event planning/and catering..she is currently working downtown at one of my favorite stores, dandylion feet!! LOVE you, Katie! :)
I hope all of you had a fabulous v-day weekend...and remember its not about the cards, flowers, and candy (thats a bonus!) its about LOVE--the most important thing in the world!! :)

this would be Katie, my future step-sister in-law! haha! This is the window display that she designed? It's so cute! I love the little birds :)

Katie and C-money! She's a daddy's girl just like me!! Love them!
This evening, Lee's mom, Julie and her future husband (our future step-dad!!) came to Roanoke for a visit. Craig (or C-money as we like to call him..YES she will be JULIE MONEY!)is a pharmacist from High Point, NC. He has made Lee's mom so happy and treats her so well! They met online! They immediately hit it off and have spent every waking SECOND together! The funny thing is..Craig/C-Money's daughter, Katie lives in Roanoke! She will be 23 next week! She is such a sweetheart! The five of us had dinner tonite at the Metro and it was INCREDBILY yummy! What a perfect end to the weekend! I'm so happy to be marrying into such a welcoming loving family! AND i adore Katie..she will be helping me with my wedding plans!! She went to school for event planning/and catering..she is currently working downtown at one of my favorite stores, dandylion feet!! LOVE you, Katie! :)
I hope all of you had a fabulous v-day weekend...and remember its not about the cards, flowers, and candy (thats a bonus!) its about LOVE--the most important thing in the world!! :)
this would be Katie, my future step-sister in-law! haha! This is the window display that she designed? It's so cute! I love the little birds :)
Katie and C-money! She's a daddy's girl just like me!! Love them!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Pictures from Montgomery!!
Here are just a few pictures that Lee took while in Montgomery!! This could possibly be our future home!!

This is one of the hospitals in Montgomery..you know in case I plan on getting a job or something..haha :)
These are pictures of the apartments we inquired about!!..

looks alright to me...except for those darkening skies! and so it begins!
This is one of the hospitals in Montgomery..you know in case I plan on getting a job or something..haha :)
These are pictures of the apartments we inquired about!!..
looks alright to me...except for those darkening skies! and so it begins!
Us Thee Wed
I'm starting a wedding planning Blog...I just can't help myself!! Enjoy!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
wow! that was fast..!
LEE GOT THE JOB!!!! HE got the job in Alabama!!! They made him a GREAT offer! I'm so happy for him!! They will be paying us ALL moving expenses...gas, food, moving truck, boxes, hotels (if we were to stay in any) EVERYTHING! EVEN our deposit on an apartment!! AMAZING! ...HOWEVER..I'm not going to start hummin' that sweet Skynard tune quite yet...
Lee still has the other two interviews so he's not going to accept that job quite yet..he wants to weigh his options..smart guy :)
Pros for moving to Alabama:
Cost of living...much cheaper than here! We found a GREAT apartment complex in Montgomery with hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, fireplace, built in bookcases..HUGE kitchen (with my favorite white cabinets) a pantry, separate laundry room and even our own garage..all for just about the same we're paying here for our one bedroom and measly 700sq feet...we LOVE it..but its much too small!!
We would be much closer to an area of the country that I'd love to explore! Close to the gulf coast! Close to Florida..New Orleans, Atlanta..only an hour an a half from Birmingham..a GREAT city to meet up with my friends, natalie and jonathan!!
More money! Lee will be getting a very substantial raise with this job..which we need now that we have part of a wedding to pay for!!
Young people..the city is full of young people our age..its a huge college town..there are several (i think 12!) colleges or universities in and around Montgomery!
warm weather! i guess this could be a pro or a con..I'm all about those mild winters..but not so much the sticky summers!!
Sticky summers!
Far away from home and family-This is a biggie! my mom is so excited for me to get the chance to go somewhere different and see new things! She loves Lee and she really wants us to be happy...and she promised to come visit with grandaddy often! My dad is a little sad and is wishing that I wasn't going but he's promised to come visit too...it is going to be difficult to plan a wedding from that far away but I'm very organized and skilled..and have it all in my head/planner..I'm up for the challenge!!
Tornadoes/hurricanes!: This is HUUUUUGE for me! I'm fascinated by them..but the scare the crap outta me! lee was sure to ask about these things and the procedures for when the tornadoes or hurricanes hit...the guy acted like it was no biggie..his words exactly "we just go in the hallway when they come"
apparently people who live there..its a way of life. there's no sense in being anxious everyday ..you just have to be more cautious about watching the weather and keep a special NOAA radio by the bed at night for tornado sirens that will wake you from your sleep...yeah..thats all??! EEEEEK!
Lee would be traveling a lot for this job..... his company have a lot of jobs in Guam!! (yes you can take your significant other on these jobs!!) ok i guess that could be a pro..
Oh well..there are many pros and cons..i could go on for a while..but there's a few! We'll be finding out about the other jobs next week!! I'll keep you posted!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Lee still has the other two interviews so he's not going to accept that job quite yet..he wants to weigh his options..smart guy :)
Pros for moving to Alabama:
Cost of living...much cheaper than here! We found a GREAT apartment complex in Montgomery with hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, fireplace, built in bookcases..HUGE kitchen (with my favorite white cabinets) a pantry, separate laundry room and even our own garage..all for just about the same we're paying here for our one bedroom and measly 700sq feet...we LOVE it..but its much too small!!
We would be much closer to an area of the country that I'd love to explore! Close to the gulf coast! Close to Florida..New Orleans, Atlanta..only an hour an a half from Birmingham..a GREAT city to meet up with my friends, natalie and jonathan!!
More money! Lee will be getting a very substantial raise with this job..which we need now that we have part of a wedding to pay for!!
Young people..the city is full of young people our age..its a huge college town..there are several (i think 12!) colleges or universities in and around Montgomery!
warm weather! i guess this could be a pro or a con..I'm all about those mild winters..but not so much the sticky summers!!
Sticky summers!
Far away from home and family-This is a biggie! my mom is so excited for me to get the chance to go somewhere different and see new things! She loves Lee and she really wants us to be happy...and she promised to come visit with grandaddy often! My dad is a little sad and is wishing that I wasn't going but he's promised to come visit too...it is going to be difficult to plan a wedding from that far away but I'm very organized and skilled..and have it all in my head/planner..I'm up for the challenge!!
Tornadoes/hurricanes!: This is HUUUUUGE for me! I'm fascinated by them..but the scare the crap outta me! lee was sure to ask about these things and the procedures for when the tornadoes or hurricanes hit...the guy acted like it was no biggie..his words exactly "we just go in the hallway when they come"
apparently people who live there..its a way of life. there's no sense in being anxious everyday ..you just have to be more cautious about watching the weather and keep a special NOAA radio by the bed at night for tornado sirens that will wake you from your sleep...yeah..thats all??! EEEEEK!
Lee would be traveling a lot for this job..... his company have a lot of jobs in Guam!! (yes you can take your significant other on these jobs!!) ok i guess that could be a pro..
Oh well..there are many pros and cons..i could go on for a while..but there's a few! We'll be finding out about the other jobs next week!! I'll keep you posted!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I finally have an update!...but it still doesn't really answer any questions.. :( We still wont know for another week..apparently the guy that interviewed Lee is going out of town and is leaving it up to the board..and Lee wont know until the guy comes back into town next thurs! HOWEVER, I don't want to get my hopes up but I feel like Lee kinda has it in the bag...here's why:
8:32am...text from lee
"Well, here I go! I love you and I will call you when I get out..please pray for me"
9:30..I'm making crab dip for my work party...still no updates
10:30..I'm in the shower..still no updates
11:15: I'm calling Lee on my walk to work..no answer
12:30: no updates..I'm starting to freak out...4hr interview?
1:30: I send Lee a text.. "I hope no news is good news!"
2:15: Finally a phone call!!
He said the interview went well...they took him out to lunch at some southern joint that was really yummy! He said they drove him all around town and showed him places to eat, live, shop...hello..why would they waste their time if they didn't want him..I don't know..i just feel like they will hire him. Another bonus was that someone at this new company also used to work in the same office as Lee here in Roanoke so they knew a lot of the same people! what are the odds??
Anyway..Lee has two interviews next week and he may also get offers from those people so there's a chance we'll be living over on the east coast..not my number one choice..im not that fond of that area but then again it would be a new adventure! I'll continue to keep you all updated!!
8:32am...text from lee
"Well, here I go! I love you and I will call you when I get out..please pray for me"
9:30..I'm making crab dip for my work party...still no updates
10:30..I'm in the shower..still no updates
11:15: I'm calling Lee on my walk to work..no answer
12:30: no updates..I'm starting to freak out...4hr interview?
1:30: I send Lee a text.. "I hope no news is good news!"
2:15: Finally a phone call!!
He said the interview went well...they took him out to lunch at some southern joint that was really yummy! He said they drove him all around town and showed him places to eat, live, shop...hello..why would they waste their time if they didn't want him..I don't know..i just feel like they will hire him. Another bonus was that someone at this new company also used to work in the same office as Lee here in Roanoke so they knew a lot of the same people! what are the odds??
Anyway..Lee has two interviews next week and he may also get offers from those people so there's a chance we'll be living over on the east coast..not my number one choice..im not that fond of that area but then again it would be a new adventure! I'll continue to keep you all updated!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Hey everyone..its 600 in the morning and I'm getting ready to take Lee to the airport so he can catch his flight to Alabama! He is flying in today and his interview is tomorrow. He will be home tomorrow night..they've set him up with a swanky hotel room and a rental car! We're pretty sure he's going to get this job..but he has two job interviews lined up next week in Norfolk and Newport news..PERSONALLY I'd rather live in AL, but that's just me! We found some AWESOME apartments in Montgomery and Lee is going to check those out today! :) My friend Natalie lives just a couple hours away from us and my friend Jonathan and his wife just moved there too..very close to us!! My friend Nykie is moving to Destin Beach Florida after she has her baby and we're only a couple hours away from her as well! I feel like we would be very comfortable down there...and will be close to a lot of cool places in that part of the country! Cross your fingers! Lee is really nervous!! :)
In other news...WE booked our wedding and reception sites!! We wanted to go ahead and do it in case we were moving out of state because I still want to get married in Roanoke no matter what!! I got a fabulous wedding planner...a book not a person! I swear that thing will be tattered and torn when I'm done with it! I LOVE IT! WE put down a deposit and signed a contract with the Plantation on Sunnybrook! Jen is actually getting married there in June. I absolutely fell in LOVE with it..and I asked her if she would be offended if I got married there too! She said absolutely not and she thinks its awesome that us being best friends would get married in the same place! At first I wanted to have an outdoor wedding..but its so risky these days..AND we will have Lee's family playing all sorts of instruments which would sound much better inside in a church. We will be getting married at my church! The reception is awesome because it's in the old plantation home that the people who now own, renovated a couple of years ago!

There are hardwood floors and a huge fireplace and various rooms where the buffet and cocktails and hor d'oeuvres will be! We'll have all the guests tables in the ballroom and a few of the tables leading to the outside covered veranda!! It's gorgeous and huge!! Therefore..no tent required! The DJ will also be out on the veranda and the dance floor as well...there's even a waterfall and pond with lights for the evening! Our wedding ceremony will start at 5:00 and the reception will be beautiful with the lanterns and candlelight! Our colors will be teal and lime green with punches of bright orange! We're having a ball already...it's going to be a very Southern affair..I'm all about those Steel Magnolias!! We've already planned out the menu and closer to the wedding we're going for a tasting..even though we know the food is amazing already..i highly encourage a sunday brunch there!! My mom is paying for the entire reception..minus alchohol which Lee and I are paying for..and we haven't decided on music yet. Lee wants a live band and I want a DJ....but we'll see that's a good ways into the future! I have an appointment with our photographer, Adam Barnes in a couple weeks with my dad and am going to try to get an appt with the florist again as well..just to get those big things booked before we leave so we can concentrate on the little things! Check out Adam's website..he is amazing!! Adambarnesphoto.com!
We still have a good ways to go before the actual wedding..about a year and half..actually a little more! We picked that date so we would have time to save up some money and get things out of the way. We also picked a long weekend so we could have all the out of town guests come to Virginia and we're making a huge celebration of it! It's also the day before my dad's anniversary to my stepmom!! We can't wait..I may have to start a wedding blog before its all over!! 570 days and counting!
lee's moms is coming this weekend to see the plantation and i will take some better pictures..that other one is taken two years ago!! yay!! Well..thats all for now..stay tuned! :)
In other news...WE booked our wedding and reception sites!! We wanted to go ahead and do it in case we were moving out of state because I still want to get married in Roanoke no matter what!! I got a fabulous wedding planner...a book not a person! I swear that thing will be tattered and torn when I'm done with it! I LOVE IT! WE put down a deposit and signed a contract with the Plantation on Sunnybrook! Jen is actually getting married there in June. I absolutely fell in LOVE with it..and I asked her if she would be offended if I got married there too! She said absolutely not and she thinks its awesome that us being best friends would get married in the same place! At first I wanted to have an outdoor wedding..but its so risky these days..AND we will have Lee's family playing all sorts of instruments which would sound much better inside in a church. We will be getting married at my church! The reception is awesome because it's in the old plantation home that the people who now own, renovated a couple of years ago!
There are hardwood floors and a huge fireplace and various rooms where the buffet and cocktails and hor d'oeuvres will be! We'll have all the guests tables in the ballroom and a few of the tables leading to the outside covered veranda!! It's gorgeous and huge!! Therefore..no tent required! The DJ will also be out on the veranda and the dance floor as well...there's even a waterfall and pond with lights for the evening! Our wedding ceremony will start at 5:00 and the reception will be beautiful with the lanterns and candlelight! Our colors will be teal and lime green with punches of bright orange! We're having a ball already...it's going to be a very Southern affair..I'm all about those Steel Magnolias!! We've already planned out the menu and closer to the wedding we're going for a tasting..even though we know the food is amazing already..i highly encourage a sunday brunch there!! My mom is paying for the entire reception..minus alchohol which Lee and I are paying for..and we haven't decided on music yet. Lee wants a live band and I want a DJ....but we'll see that's a good ways into the future! I have an appointment with our photographer, Adam Barnes in a couple weeks with my dad and am going to try to get an appt with the florist again as well..just to get those big things booked before we leave so we can concentrate on the little things! Check out Adam's website..he is amazing!! Adambarnesphoto.com!
We still have a good ways to go before the actual wedding..about a year and half..actually a little more! We picked that date so we would have time to save up some money and get things out of the way. We also picked a long weekend so we could have all the out of town guests come to Virginia and we're making a huge celebration of it! It's also the day before my dad's anniversary to my stepmom!! We can't wait..I may have to start a wedding blog before its all over!! 570 days and counting!
lee's moms is coming this weekend to see the plantation and i will take some better pictures..that other one is taken two years ago!! yay!! Well..thats all for now..stay tuned! :)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
home sweet home?

Well folks...as of right now it looks like we're 99 percent sure we're moving to Montgomery, Alabama! Lee was supposed to have a phone interview with a company down there next week..but they called him back and decided they wanted to see him in person so they're paying for him to fly down for an interview! The position we wanted him to get in Raleigh..well..that didn't work out! :( We are both really bummed but we prayed together last nite and asked God to lead us to the right place..its looking like I'm going to be even MORE of a southerner...Bring on the hurricanes, tornadoes, mosquitoes, poisonous snakes, humidity and alligators..im so ready..I LOVE Steel Magnolias but I'm not quite so sure that I'm ready to be a debutante! We'll keep you updated!! This isn't final yet.. :)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Out with the old....
Hello, everyone!
So much has happend since my last blog. Thursday started off like any other day. It was my day to work late..so i would be in the office till 800pm. At 500pm I heard a knock at our office door...it sounded like Lee's knock. I know that's weird but I can always tell when it's him. Hmmm? Sure enough it was Lee. He came over to my cubicle and looked at me and didn't say anything. I said "what's wrong?" Then he said "I was laid off today!" I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. We both did. I just hugged him and cried. It was totally unexpected. He worked all day long and then got called into the office and they basically gave him a few mins to get his stuff and leave and they took his key...wow. I couldn't believe it. Yes, I work full time but Lee is our main source of income..he pays our extravagant rent! Of course I had trouble working for the rest of the day..trying not to cry..no knowing what to do. Luckily for me I am in love with an amazing man. He has handled this a million times better than I would have. That night I came home and Lee and I sat and talked about our options. The very next day he got on the ball, applied for unemployment, updated his resume and has now applied to numerous jobs and has quite a few offers rolling in. We are pretty positive that we will be moving sometime within the next month...the big move. Right now we have two major offers. One is to Montgomery, Alabama. They have offered to reimburse us for ALL moving expenses which is awesome. He has a phone interview with them this week. Another offer is in Raleigh, North Carolina. They want to know how fast we can pack up and be there..Lee told them we could be there in two weeks! WOW! I am totally open to moving somewhere else and seeing new things! I told Lee it didn't matter to me and that I would go wherever he went as long as If I ever felt I needed to go home for any reason to see my family that he would make that possible. He promised me. I'm hoping for Raleigh because it's closer to home and Lee has friends and relatives there! But, I will be happy with either..it would be fun to go to the deep south and live in Alabama where neither of us know anyone or anything and start our own life. Its an incredible feeling of fear and excitement. On the upside, both jobs are offering to pay more money than he was making at SFCS so we're hoping this move is for the better!
One thing I'm worried about is School. I will have to live in a new state for a year at least to qualify for in-state tuition. With that time, Lee told me that I could work full/part time and plan our wedding..which at this point I'm still set on having in Roanoke, so having a flexible job would be nice so that I can go back and forth.
There are however a few things I have to get done within the next few weeks... pay a STUPID parking ticket (i'm mentioning this because I keep forgetting) Get my car fixed. My car was diagnosed with a bobo oxygen sensor and it needs one new wheel and tire...GREAT!
I've been having incredible jaw pains...i went to the dentist yesterday thinking and to be perfectly honest, HOPING that i had a cavity and that its not something totally vascular or cardiac related. Of course...the dentist could not find anything that would lead to the pain that I was having..though I did have a small cavity (so that needs to be filled) and I made an appointment with my doctor for Thursday morning before work...we'll see what happens with that.
Thank God my credit cards are under control and almost paid off (again!) and we have both received our tax refunds to help us out..I guess Lee couldn't have gotten laid off at a better time, really.
I've been so stressed lately with my job. Im so sick of how mundane, repetitive and annoying it is...this could be causing some of my stress and jaw pain..i know I've been grinding my teeth double time in my sleep. I can't wait to go somewhere new..I'm hoping to find a job that's a little more fun and not so over the top annoying. Also, Lee and I have been trying to find a new church here in Roanoke and cannot seem to find anything that we're happy with so hopefully when we move we will find one we love! Another reason I'm hoping for Raleigh..Loren and Lizzy will be there..and Loren is very involved in their church..plus I LOVE Lizzy!!!
We will keep everyone updated on our current situation. I want to thank Lee's family and my family for being so supportive of us right now! We love you all!!
So much has happend since my last blog. Thursday started off like any other day. It was my day to work late..so i would be in the office till 800pm. At 500pm I heard a knock at our office door...it sounded like Lee's knock. I know that's weird but I can always tell when it's him. Hmmm? Sure enough it was Lee. He came over to my cubicle and looked at me and didn't say anything. I said "what's wrong?" Then he said "I was laid off today!" I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. We both did. I just hugged him and cried. It was totally unexpected. He worked all day long and then got called into the office and they basically gave him a few mins to get his stuff and leave and they took his key...wow. I couldn't believe it. Yes, I work full time but Lee is our main source of income..he pays our extravagant rent! Of course I had trouble working for the rest of the day..trying not to cry..no knowing what to do. Luckily for me I am in love with an amazing man. He has handled this a million times better than I would have. That night I came home and Lee and I sat and talked about our options. The very next day he got on the ball, applied for unemployment, updated his resume and has now applied to numerous jobs and has quite a few offers rolling in. We are pretty positive that we will be moving sometime within the next month...the big move. Right now we have two major offers. One is to Montgomery, Alabama. They have offered to reimburse us for ALL moving expenses which is awesome. He has a phone interview with them this week. Another offer is in Raleigh, North Carolina. They want to know how fast we can pack up and be there..Lee told them we could be there in two weeks! WOW! I am totally open to moving somewhere else and seeing new things! I told Lee it didn't matter to me and that I would go wherever he went as long as If I ever felt I needed to go home for any reason to see my family that he would make that possible. He promised me. I'm hoping for Raleigh because it's closer to home and Lee has friends and relatives there! But, I will be happy with either..it would be fun to go to the deep south and live in Alabama where neither of us know anyone or anything and start our own life. Its an incredible feeling of fear and excitement. On the upside, both jobs are offering to pay more money than he was making at SFCS so we're hoping this move is for the better!
One thing I'm worried about is School. I will have to live in a new state for a year at least to qualify for in-state tuition. With that time, Lee told me that I could work full/part time and plan our wedding..which at this point I'm still set on having in Roanoke, so having a flexible job would be nice so that I can go back and forth.
There are however a few things I have to get done within the next few weeks... pay a STUPID parking ticket (i'm mentioning this because I keep forgetting) Get my car fixed. My car was diagnosed with a bobo oxygen sensor and it needs one new wheel and tire...GREAT!
I've been having incredible jaw pains...i went to the dentist yesterday thinking and to be perfectly honest, HOPING that i had a cavity and that its not something totally vascular or cardiac related. Of course...the dentist could not find anything that would lead to the pain that I was having..though I did have a small cavity (so that needs to be filled) and I made an appointment with my doctor for Thursday morning before work...we'll see what happens with that.
Thank God my credit cards are under control and almost paid off (again!) and we have both received our tax refunds to help us out..I guess Lee couldn't have gotten laid off at a better time, really.
I've been so stressed lately with my job. Im so sick of how mundane, repetitive and annoying it is...this could be causing some of my stress and jaw pain..i know I've been grinding my teeth double time in my sleep. I can't wait to go somewhere new..I'm hoping to find a job that's a little more fun and not so over the top annoying. Also, Lee and I have been trying to find a new church here in Roanoke and cannot seem to find anything that we're happy with so hopefully when we move we will find one we love! Another reason I'm hoping for Raleigh..Loren and Lizzy will be there..and Loren is very involved in their church..plus I LOVE Lizzy!!!
We will keep everyone updated on our current situation. I want to thank Lee's family and my family for being so supportive of us right now! We love you all!!
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