The last few weeks have been tiring lazy relaxing kinda weeks. I have been working weekends and some extra hours for work because carilions new computer system, epic is starting at the end of this week. Its been a little crazy and a little stressful but I should have a significant amount of training/overtime which will be nice. Lee has been REALLY enjoying his motorcycle and has bought a few things to fix it up! He's dying to get a helmet for me but I just cant stand the thought of falling off the back so he may be investing in a back rest for the back seat. haha. His dad came in this weekend and they enjoyed their long drive to NC on the parkway. His dad has also bought a motorcycle. It's funny...the compare all their stuff and the other person has to try to do it bigger and better..pimp my bike pretty much.
Friday nite we all went to see The Dark Knight! It was very good. Lee got me pumped up before because we went and got the blu ray batman begins..which I had never seen. So I think I understood the movie a little bit better. I thought it was great except maybe a little too long..a little under three hours!! The next morning Lee and his dad headed out on the parkway and I met up with suzanne at Tudors before work. We worked all day long..I got outta there about 5 and went back to Lee's who thank goodness had already made it home, and made me dinner! Awwww :) He wanted to go work out but I wasnt feeling it so I tricked him into going to a frisbee golf course that I had found. However the joke was one me..I thought it'd be a litte less miserable than the same old workout but it ended up being so hot..and muggy..and buggy..even that late at night that i was ready to throw in the towel! BLAH! We came back that night both exhausted and crashed to bridezilla. haha!
Sunday we woke up and decided to go to church. We havent been for a while so it was much needed. The service and the sermon were pretty good and afterwoods we ended up going to lunch at one of our faves RED ROBIN!! mmmmmmm! We then ran some errands and came back to his place because he had to go to work and i needed a nap. Once again I crashed to bridezilla while he worked and around 5 he came home and i cooked dinner. Later that nite we decided to go jogging. We walked and jogged a couple miles around smith park...i love that place!! i love ending a weekend like was much needed nature therapy..we've been using the gym at the new apartments..which they just opened and it is SUPER nice!! I love it!! I've been spending a lot of time there to save money on gas..its nice because I can walk to work in less than a minute and im saving a ton of money..back to the working out. Im starting to get frustrated because I'm dieting and working out 4-5 days a week and im not really losing any weight. I can tell a difference in a lot of my clothes but my weight loss is minimal...and its frustrating because lee loses 2 lbs here , 10lbs there.. and his mom is losing a ton of weight too. I feel like such a failure! :( Im trying and im working hard, and im exhausted but I feel like i must not be doing enough. The actual working out is not hard, its finding time to do it and not being exhausted..especially with school coming Im going to continue and pray that this non weight loss is just me building up muscle..however..i dont feel any stronger! im such a weakling :) wish me luck!! OH and i highly recommend the disney movie college rd trip. Lee and i watched it last nite and it was wonderful!! hope to have something more interesting to blog about soon..but for now its work and working out and sleeping/eating. Have a great week! ps: I want to thank Lee for my new awesome nike running shoes and to Andrea for giving us her employee discount at lady foot locker! The shoes are amzing as well as lees shoes!! yay!!
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