We are thrilled...no...beyond thrilled...completely and utterly soaring to announce the arrival of Daxton Michael Parsons! Our friends Seth and Julie welcomed their second child into the world on April 27th at 12:14 PM. Weighing in at 8lbs, 5oz and 21 and a half inches long. We couldn't be happier for our friends and big sister, Leira! We already love him more than bacon..which is a lot for us! We can't wait to spend some time with the family of FOUR! We are so blessed to have such good friends down here in 757. We hope to have lots of fond memories with them. Here a few birthday pics of Dax :)
Note: Some of these pictures are credit of Seth and Julie, while some are ours :)
We love you, Parsons family! :) Can't wait to babysit in a couple of weeks....wooohoooo!
Where has the time gone?! I know I haven't been blogging at ALL lately and for that I'm sorry. Mostly sorry to myself because its a huge stress reliever to me and I love documenting my life with something other than my own thoughts. NOR do I have the time to scrapbook. The last few several weeks have been filled with ....well.. lots of stuff. Here is a quick recap--