It's been a few weeks since I've blogged and I do apologize to everyone. I know you're all thirsty for more blogs from us me. Lee will blog one day. I promise! First, I want to talk about Valentine's day. I know what you're thinking. It's easy to like Valentine's day when you're in love, but folks there was a time when I despised the pink-heart-riddled "holiday" as well....and oddly enough it was when I was single. I then referred to it as Single's Awareness Day. And hey, I'm not knockin' all those single people out there...there are many ways to celebrate such a day and I did just that. I even went as far to make Single's Awareness Day Anti-Valentine cards...I'm not kidding. I even made one for myself..

They're of course black and filled with quotes such as "Whether we're single, dating, married, or divorced, the dreaded February 14th arrives each year to ambush our self-esteem. No other twenty-four hour period convinces otherwise happy folk that they're in fact social pariahs." That was quoted from a little book called "I hate Valentine's Day!" I know I sound bitter right? That little manual made me fill a little bit better when I walked into CVS around new years eve and saw the ritual onslaught of Whitman's Samplers in cardboard heart shaped boxes. It was filled with good advice like..People and places it's best to avoid and alternative ways to celebrate the holiday. I don't know why I felt so bad about it...I mean yeah it's a little tacky and overdone but I can't help but think back to elementary school days. Stapling two paper plates together and creating a pocket covered in magic marker and heart shaped stickers so that your classmates could fill it with valentine's that said things like I wuv you beary much and Happy Valentine's day, I am your boyfriend. Inevitably, there would be a ton of candy and someone would always throw up but there's nothing like riding a school bus home with a bunch of crazed kids on a sugar high right? Those were the days. ...
Speaking of Valentine cards..... I had to share with you the card we received in the mail from Lee's Grandma Fay. In a small envelope, covered in hearts and kitten stickers was our names and address TYPED on a TYPEWRITER no less. On the inside we found TWO individually signed valentines...you know the kind you buy for school with the puppies and kittens on them. One was addressed to me. On the back it said From: Gr Fay To: Megan...and the other one, the same, except to Lee. Mine had a kitten sitting on a stump and it said "I'm stumped! Will you be my Val Pal?" BAHAHAHA...the other one had a puppy inside a barrel and it said "I hope your valentine's day is a barrel of fun!" Last but not least...We received not one but TWO wallet-sized Olan Mills headshots of Grandma Faye (hand strategically placed below the chin)! Precious. Is that not the sweetest...or most least expected thing you expect to receive on Valentine's Day. Bless her heart...she's hanging on my wall at work. :)
Although Lee and I find cheesy (I mean cool) ways to celebrate our love all year long, I was excited about Valentine's Day. Last year we didn't really do much of anything because we were focused on moving to Virginia Beach..and surprise, surprise this year we are moving again! But, somehow through it all (because love conquers!) We managed to have a little fun! A few weeks before Valentine's Day Lee got me tanning sessions for our engagement pictures. I really wasn't expecting anything else to be honest..but he surprised me once again. Now the story I'm about to tell may deter some of/all of my Male readers. (If there are any) I've been telling Lee that I need new bras. There I said it. I wanted some new bras because I haven't bought any new ones for a while and quite frankly it was necessary...with me getting married and all..I will practically be a new woman, therefore, I need new bras. While at work a couple of days before Vday..my friend Brandy (and co-worker) gets a text message, FROM LEE. Weird. Lee hardly ever texts. She looked at it and started laughing. She said " I don't think I'm supposed to show this to you, but I have to because it's so funny!" Of course she had to show me the text...she couldn't say "Oh, Lee just text me"...and then laugh out loud and let me sit there wondering. Bad timing, Lee. The text said "What size bra does Megan wear?" First of all, there was not a hi, how are ya, or even a hello.. just straight and to the point. Second of all, why does Lee assume that Brandy even KNOWS what size bra I wear? Does he think we sit around a talk about each other's boobs and brassieres all day?? She said " I don't even know how to respond to this!" Obviously, I was getting either bras or trashy (I mean tasteful) lingerie for Valentine's day. Bummer...yeah I wanted bras but not for Valentine's day!! Oh well..its the thought that counts right? That night I went home and messed with Lee's head. ( sometimes I'm mean) We were standing in the kitchen and he said "I got your Valentine's present today!" And hugged him and said "Awwww, as long as it's not chocolate or underwear I'll be so happy!" I had to control my laughter when he got a big nervous look on his face..BAHAHAHAHA! Well kids..I was wrong about ol' Lee. He ended up suprising me with a VERY thoughtful gift..or what I thought was pretty thoughtful..not to mention awesome! BEHOLD....

That's right! Lee got me a gift certificate for an appointment at The Full Cup (PUN intended)...and there goes my last male reader. It's a bra fitting salon! 100 smackaroos to a salon that pampers you and fits you in fancy, schmancy, oh so comfy bra! I was expected to open a box from victoria's secret and find a bra that didn't fit me or restricted the girls. But no, my thoughtful little husband to be got me a wonderful gift. I was very impressed! Yay! Ok..so enough hooter hooplah! For Valentine's day we spent the day together. We went to a restaurant called Fire Ninja and had some yummy yummy sushi. Lee and I had sushi on our first date. Well our semi-first date. Nick and Shay would know what that means. I'll never forget it. I was so nervous, I somehow managed to spill Japanese beer all over my plate, got rice down my shirt, and struggled with the chopsticks. Even on our Vday date..all of the above commenced..except I manged not to spill Jap beer because this time I had a much more sophisticated drink. The Hello Kitty..and I only manged to dribble that one down my chin. (woop woop)
Get ready for the next part of our date. This was more of a Lull if you will. I heard on the radio all week that there was a contest at pembroke mall (imagine tanglewood..but worse, and carpeted..I know right?) that was giving away a trip of your choice to either NYC, Vegas, CARRIBEAN CRUISE, or snowshoe) Really, snowshoe? Who would choose snowshoe after all of those choices?? Our guess was that airfare wasn't included..go figure. But who am I to pass up a free trip somewhere? Not this girl. So we went to the mall and signed up and our chances looked pretty good. You had to be present to win, and I'm pretty sure there were about forty people there. They kept calling out names and no one was there..my heart was beating really fast because I thought for sure they were about to call my name! Nope...not even a free necklace from Kay? There's three hours I'll never get back! ...I'll have to agree with Lee that the anticpation was nail biting fun!
After THAT, we went to see Valentine's Day. The movie. I know, it's cliche..no booing please. It was cute. I liked it a lot..I won't say I LOVED it but I did enjoy it. Plus we had a free gift card from Christmas and it was well worth it. So there. That was my Valentine's day.....How did everyone else spend theirs? I'm dying to know!!.......................
Megan (and Lee)