Last night, a little before 10 something strange happend here in VA BEACH. This morning I was watching the news and people were reporting seeing bright light and explosion in the sky...some people thought it was a meteor but nasa/military/national weather service cannot figure out what it was!? It's strange because last night while Lee was upstairs playing video games (and he wears headphones while doing this) I was watching TV and I thought I heard thunder.. this happend two or three times and I paused the TV to see if it was storming..the house even shook somewhat so I thought maybe it was one of the jets because they shake our house sometimes and are really loud..but they usually dont fly on the weekends...weird. Here are a few articles and a video about what happend last night!!
What do you think it was??
Monday, March 30, 2009
Just another great weekend!
Hey everyone!
First I just want to thank God for this move. As much as I miss Roanoke, I really needed to get away from home. It's so refreshing! As far as jobs go I did get a phone call for an interview this week! I don't really know my way around yet and when the women called me she said that wasnt sure if I was aware that the job was in Oyster Bay. I said ok that's fine. WELL apparently thats about an hour commute for me and back towards Hampton Roads and through the tunnel...yeah you definetly don't want to have to go through the tunnel during rush hour. It can take you around 2 she said she'd love to go ahead and interview me but knowing where I live she said it's probably best that I didn't because I wouldn't want that drive. And, I agreed. Oh well...I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Friday night, Lee and I were given free tickets to the hockey game. We figured since it was the last game and our tickets were free..why not? We decided to go to dinner first so we headed off to the Macaroni Grill! Yummmmmmo! It was fantastic. I don't know what it is, but I love sharing a nice dinner with's just a good feeling. After dinner, our bellies were so full we could hardly move and it was POURING down rain so we decided not to head to the hockey game. Instead we went to this great place called Total Wine near our house. It's an incredible store...there was so much wine, I didn't know where to start. They also had kegs and tons of beer..lots of wine/beer accessories. So of course we got a bottle of wine and were about to head home but NOT before we stopped at Borders! There's nothing I like more on a cold rainy night then spending my time in a cozy bookstore. I love the smell of bookstores! I purchased a couple of books and a gift for one of my bridesmaids and we headed home. We started watching Role Models and it was hilarious but we both fell asleep...and folks..we fell asleep before 10. What are we 50? at 10:45 we couldn't take it anymore and headed up to bed..good grief!!
The next day was spent running errands, doing laundry and enjoying the pleasure of each other's company. We even sat down and did a 100 question test about how well you know your bride and how well you know your groom. It was CRAZY how well we knew each other...we got the weirdest answers right...That dissolved about an hour of our time and it was so much fun. Later that night I headed off to the movie store and rented Bolt! I love disney movies! It was a good one :) We drank some wine and then continued to plant our tushes on the couch with Pearl Harbor before heading to bed. We actually planned on going to bed early Saturday night because we were going to try out a new church the next morning!
Go figure that the next morning we woke up exhausted. I almost went back to bed but decided against it..we really needed to go to church. I got up and ironed our clothes and got ready to go. YES ironed! I hardly ever do that anymore and I enjoyed it! We got to the church a few mins early and headed up to the first couple of rows. We LOVED it. Water's edge church is affiliated with the Church of God in Anderson, Indiana and is a sister church to my church in Roanoke. It's not too big, and not too small just the way I like it. I love having a good church family. And this church (as opposed to my other church) has a ton of young people, inluding my friend, Seth and his wife, Julie! We didn't see them yesterday but I know Seth was busy finishing up his surgical rotations and Julie just got back from PA so maybe next week! Right now the church is currently looking for a permanent pastor. Yesterday the guest speaker was awesome. Little did we know that the church was actually having a business meeting after to vote on if the wanted to hire him full time..I'm not sure of the results yet! He did an exellent job and his message about grace was inspiring. Even Lee shed a little tear! I hope he gets the job! After church, we went to PF Changs for lunch..yummy again. Then we headed over to Norfolk to check out the downtown area. I've heard of a few cool places to go out down there and I wanted to get the scoop. We almost went to the zoo but decided to save it for another weekend! It was beautiful here yesterday! 80 degrees! I was so excited..its weird stepping outside and even being 3 miles away, smelling the ocean and feeling the breeze. LOVE it! After a private tour of Norfolk we headed back to the beach and Lee bought me some tanning sessions for my birthday..yes i know its bad but I'm going to Cancun so I gotta get some bronze goin' on! and YES my birthday is this Saturday! I'm so excited..and i canNOT believe I'm going to be 24!! Hope is coming down here Wednesday to spend a few days with me for my birthday! Thank God for good friends! I sure do have a LOT to be thankful for....hope everyone has a wonderful week!
2 Peter 1:2-4.. read about the God who gives everything :)
First I just want to thank God for this move. As much as I miss Roanoke, I really needed to get away from home. It's so refreshing! As far as jobs go I did get a phone call for an interview this week! I don't really know my way around yet and when the women called me she said that wasnt sure if I was aware that the job was in Oyster Bay. I said ok that's fine. WELL apparently thats about an hour commute for me and back towards Hampton Roads and through the tunnel...yeah you definetly don't want to have to go through the tunnel during rush hour. It can take you around 2 she said she'd love to go ahead and interview me but knowing where I live she said it's probably best that I didn't because I wouldn't want that drive. And, I agreed. Oh well...I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Friday night, Lee and I were given free tickets to the hockey game. We figured since it was the last game and our tickets were free..why not? We decided to go to dinner first so we headed off to the Macaroni Grill! Yummmmmmo! It was fantastic. I don't know what it is, but I love sharing a nice dinner with's just a good feeling. After dinner, our bellies were so full we could hardly move and it was POURING down rain so we decided not to head to the hockey game. Instead we went to this great place called Total Wine near our house. It's an incredible store...there was so much wine, I didn't know where to start. They also had kegs and tons of beer..lots of wine/beer accessories. So of course we got a bottle of wine and were about to head home but NOT before we stopped at Borders! There's nothing I like more on a cold rainy night then spending my time in a cozy bookstore. I love the smell of bookstores! I purchased a couple of books and a gift for one of my bridesmaids and we headed home. We started watching Role Models and it was hilarious but we both fell asleep...and folks..we fell asleep before 10. What are we 50? at 10:45 we couldn't take it anymore and headed up to bed..good grief!!
The next day was spent running errands, doing laundry and enjoying the pleasure of each other's company. We even sat down and did a 100 question test about how well you know your bride and how well you know your groom. It was CRAZY how well we knew each other...we got the weirdest answers right...That dissolved about an hour of our time and it was so much fun. Later that night I headed off to the movie store and rented Bolt! I love disney movies! It was a good one :) We drank some wine and then continued to plant our tushes on the couch with Pearl Harbor before heading to bed. We actually planned on going to bed early Saturday night because we were going to try out a new church the next morning!
Go figure that the next morning we woke up exhausted. I almost went back to bed but decided against it..we really needed to go to church. I got up and ironed our clothes and got ready to go. YES ironed! I hardly ever do that anymore and I enjoyed it! We got to the church a few mins early and headed up to the first couple of rows. We LOVED it. Water's edge church is affiliated with the Church of God in Anderson, Indiana and is a sister church to my church in Roanoke. It's not too big, and not too small just the way I like it. I love having a good church family. And this church (as opposed to my other church) has a ton of young people, inluding my friend, Seth and his wife, Julie! We didn't see them yesterday but I know Seth was busy finishing up his surgical rotations and Julie just got back from PA so maybe next week! Right now the church is currently looking for a permanent pastor. Yesterday the guest speaker was awesome. Little did we know that the church was actually having a business meeting after to vote on if the wanted to hire him full time..I'm not sure of the results yet! He did an exellent job and his message about grace was inspiring. Even Lee shed a little tear! I hope he gets the job! After church, we went to PF Changs for lunch..yummy again. Then we headed over to Norfolk to check out the downtown area. I've heard of a few cool places to go out down there and I wanted to get the scoop. We almost went to the zoo but decided to save it for another weekend! It was beautiful here yesterday! 80 degrees! I was so excited..its weird stepping outside and even being 3 miles away, smelling the ocean and feeling the breeze. LOVE it! After a private tour of Norfolk we headed back to the beach and Lee bought me some tanning sessions for my birthday..yes i know its bad but I'm going to Cancun so I gotta get some bronze goin' on! and YES my birthday is this Saturday! I'm so excited..and i canNOT believe I'm going to be 24!! Hope is coming down here Wednesday to spend a few days with me for my birthday! Thank God for good friends! I sure do have a LOT to be thankful for....hope everyone has a wonderful week!
2 Peter 1:2-4.. read about the God who gives everything :)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Very empowering!!
"People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered: Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives: Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies: Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank people will try to cheat you: Be honest anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight: Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous of you: Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten by tomorrow: Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough: Give your best anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Teresa
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
We have created a shutterfly page of all our pictures...its taken a long time..a few months actually! BUT, here it is!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
starting to feel like home
Well it's been another crazy week here in the new town! I think I'm actually starting to enjoy myself here. Lee took off this past friday and monday so that we could have a long weekend together. ORIGINALLY we were supposed to go to Georgia. Why you ask? WELL I was keeping it a secret due to the fact that we didn't know if we were going to be going or not until the last minute! A few months back I got tickets to see Jon and Kate Gosselin speak live. I was going to also get to meet them and have my picture taken and book signed. Due to Lee being laid off and our money situation we kinda got cheated out of a few oppertunities..John's concert in NYC and now Jon and Kate. I was really looking forward to it. Here are my precious unused tickets.. :(
I'll use them as my bookmark in the book :)I haven't been a huge fan of the show lately. Ever since they moved its been focusing more on their house..and not so much the kids. I still LOVE them don't get me wrong..but the show is losing its juice. I say if there IS another'll be the last. The sextuplets will be 5 in May and starting Kindegarten in September. I'm sure the fabulous people at TLC will update us throughout the years and we're sure to hear about Hannah's first DUI. haha. Also, I receieved an e-mail last week that Jon would not be appearing with Kate..he cancelled. HMMM? But, I was still excited to go and hear just Kate..she is the mom I strive to be (that is with the orgainzation and the love she has for her children..and the OCD cleanliness!) haha..wait thats me already! We were also going to do the Paula Deen tour and spend a day or two in Savannah...It's ok though..I really enjoyed spending time with my future husband this weekend! I think Lee did feel bad though and we actually managed to get out of town and spend the day in Nags Head! (AWESOME) more about that later :) It's kinda a let down but we know its for the best..for now. Lee will only be allowed one week of vacation this year with his new job so we've decided to spend it wisely. We will either be going to Minnesota in the summertime to play at the lake house..OR da da da da..Lee's mom is getting married and wants us to come to the wedding..IN CANCUN! ok no plans have been officially made yet but I'll keep you updated..(crosses fingers!)
Ok so next is..employment. I've applied to a TON of jobs here (basically doing the same thing I was doing in total about 30 jobs. I have not received even ONE phone call yet! I'm shocked..I know the job market is tough right now but there were a ton of jobs out there and I have 5+ yrs I'm starting to wonder! Please pray for me that I find something soon! Lee says we're fine but I hate depending on him..I like to have my own money..although it's still nice not to have to worry. So what am I spending my time doing? My top priority right now is to find a job. The apartment is also almost done..we've done most of our unpacking but I'm not quite finished..I plan on doing that today. In the meantime I'm going to focus on keeping a nice house for Lee..having dinner ready when he gets home and working out as much as possible..I've lost track with that. Since moving from Roanoke Lee and I have been eating out mostly since we hadn't gone grocery shopping. Yesterday I hit Kroger and went to town! It was nice to have a home-cooked meal! Saturday night we decided to have a date night together and went to PF Changs. I have been before but Lee hadn't. WELL...we were stopped in our tracks immediately when they said it was a 2 and a half hour wait..whoa! Ok i know its Sat night but come on! we decided to go across the street to Macaroni grill...2 and a half hour wait. Well we were starving and basically at that point I was ready to go to taco bell! The next closest restaurant was smokey bones. I LOVE SMOKEY BONES! I don't know why...I just think their food is amazing. they told us it was a one hour wait..we decided to wait it out..and guess how long we waited?? 5 mins! wtf? From now on I say we just take our chances and if all else fails head to the bar! We decided to save PF Changs and some of the other fun places for our visitors anyway :)
Sunday I wanted to drive around the area and scope out some of the back roads. I'm one of those people who has to really know my way around a place. I wanted it to feel like home. Now that I've sorta gotten the feel I really like the area..way more than I expected. When Lee first told me he wanted to take this job I was totally against it because I really hated this area. I had visited numerous friends in the area and was NOT impressed but I knew I had to do this for Lee. He loves his job and I'm really starting to like it here as well. So we took a nice Sunday drive and just happend to head towards the outer banks! it was a gorgeous day..slightly warm with a little breeze! We popped in at this GREAT restaurant..Mama Kwans.

It was a cute little tiki bar..and it was amazing! I swear I'm taking everyone down there just to eat at THIS restaurant. I ordered the specialty pasta and thought I was gonna die it was sooooo good. I'm going to try to make it but I know i wont be able to beat it! After that we headed to a fun beachy store and got a towel and some beers and headed down to the beach. It was pretty much secluded and it was awesome. We sat there for a long time and just soaked up some sun and watched the ocean. Virginia beach is so touristy and even though there are a few spots that arent so bad...nags head is obviously where its at!
AND its only a little over an hour away! We will be making a lot of day trips down there this summer for SURE! anyways..thats pretty much it for now..I'll keep everyone updated on the job search! lata :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
life's a beach!
Hey everyone! I know its been a long time since my last blog...I've been INCREDIBLY busy with everything. It is now official! I officially live at the beach!! 3 miles from the oceanfront! Lee is buying us bicycles (complete with banana handlebars)to ride to the beach this spring and summer! We are in a GREAT location..we live in a apt/townhome in a cute little neighborhood. Its located very close to everything..restaurants, shopping, Lee's job, the beach...its perfect! We live near one of the naval air bases and the planes are super loud but its nothing compared to the trains before when Lee lived at Jefferson Place. I don't even notice the planes! Yes, we're close to everything but we have a sense of privacy too..we have a great little back patio and a side yard (considering our apt is on the end) I'll post some pictures once I've unpacked and put things away. As you can imagine with Lee living down here for the last two weeks it looks more like a college dorm than an apartment! I will get you all up to speed with whats been going on!
Two Saturdays ago we moved Lee down to Virginia Beach. We rented a huge U-haul (which was only filled half-way with our stuff..but because of the motorcycle we barely had enough room! We had the biggest truck they had! Friday night we had to be out of the apt because the new tenant wanted to move in immediately! It was so easy to find someone to take over our was nice because we were afraid we were going to have to pay for March and April's rent but we didnt..and since Lee's new company was paying for our move, this left us with some extra chunk change! Friday night we stayed at (wait for it) Lee's mom's boyfriend's wife's sister's awesome house near roanoke memorial in sherwood forest! It was a maze ...a funhouse! I had a ball talking with Julie and Katie about the wedding all nite while Lee watched stupid battlestar comment :) The next morning we took our Caravan to the beach! I'm so grateful to Jenny for joining us on the's our brigade : Julie driving the huge moving van (like nobody's business mind you) Lee driving his car, I drove my car and Jenny drove Julie's car. Julie had to be back in Winston-Salem for church Sunday morning and needed her car and this way Jenny could ride back with me! We had a blast..and it was so nice not to have to do anything! We got movers to load the truck in Roanoke and to unload the truck in VA BEACH. We managed to save a few bucks in between with Julie driving the moving truck! Jenny and I drove home late that night. We talked non-stop. I love her more than life itself! She's been my best friend since I was very little..but I'll tell ya what, it takes a long string of not so good friends to make you realize how wonderful the true ones really are. I'm so glad she came and helped..I'm looking forward to Jen and Jodi's visit in May!
For the last week and a half I've been finishing up my notice at work (THANK GOD I DONT HAVE TO WORK FOR STUPID CARILION EVER AGAIN..well..never say never) and I've been staying with my dad and step-mom. I haven't been online much due to the fact that my dad doesn't have internet connection, I've been extremely busy at work, AND i've been terribly sick for ever a week now. I do feel a lot better today now that I'm with Lee. He LOVES his new job by the way. He says that its soooo much better than his last one..not to mention they pay a lot more and do a lot of cool jobs. Right now he's working on a top secret building. He doesn't even know that the building is for..or even the room he's focusing on! He's finding his way around pretty well and has already filled me in on some fun things to do! Speaking of which..did you know that VA BEACH is only 75 miles from the outter banks?? I guess I'm so used to being so far away from nags head in Roanoke. I haven't been there since I was 6!! I think we're going to head down this weekend. We were originally supposed to go to Savannah but due to well..EVERYTHING..that trip has been cancelled too :( oh was Lee's idea to go to Nags Head so I'm looking forward to that!
Well...thats about it for now..stay tuned for a day in the life at the beach! Oh no..I might actually start to become very fond of this place..
Two Saturdays ago we moved Lee down to Virginia Beach. We rented a huge U-haul (which was only filled half-way with our stuff..but because of the motorcycle we barely had enough room! We had the biggest truck they had! Friday night we had to be out of the apt because the new tenant wanted to move in immediately! It was so easy to find someone to take over our was nice because we were afraid we were going to have to pay for March and April's rent but we didnt..and since Lee's new company was paying for our move, this left us with some extra chunk change! Friday night we stayed at (wait for it) Lee's mom's boyfriend's wife's sister's awesome house near roanoke memorial in sherwood forest! It was a maze ...a funhouse! I had a ball talking with Julie and Katie about the wedding all nite while Lee watched stupid battlestar comment :) The next morning we took our Caravan to the beach! I'm so grateful to Jenny for joining us on the's our brigade : Julie driving the huge moving van (like nobody's business mind you) Lee driving his car, I drove my car and Jenny drove Julie's car. Julie had to be back in Winston-Salem for church Sunday morning and needed her car and this way Jenny could ride back with me! We had a blast..and it was so nice not to have to do anything! We got movers to load the truck in Roanoke and to unload the truck in VA BEACH. We managed to save a few bucks in between with Julie driving the moving truck! Jenny and I drove home late that night. We talked non-stop. I love her more than life itself! She's been my best friend since I was very little..but I'll tell ya what, it takes a long string of not so good friends to make you realize how wonderful the true ones really are. I'm so glad she came and helped..I'm looking forward to Jen and Jodi's visit in May!
For the last week and a half I've been finishing up my notice at work (THANK GOD I DONT HAVE TO WORK FOR STUPID CARILION EVER AGAIN..well..never say never) and I've been staying with my dad and step-mom. I haven't been online much due to the fact that my dad doesn't have internet connection, I've been extremely busy at work, AND i've been terribly sick for ever a week now. I do feel a lot better today now that I'm with Lee. He LOVES his new job by the way. He says that its soooo much better than his last one..not to mention they pay a lot more and do a lot of cool jobs. Right now he's working on a top secret building. He doesn't even know that the building is for..or even the room he's focusing on! He's finding his way around pretty well and has already filled me in on some fun things to do! Speaking of which..did you know that VA BEACH is only 75 miles from the outter banks?? I guess I'm so used to being so far away from nags head in Roanoke. I haven't been there since I was 6!! I think we're going to head down this weekend. We were originally supposed to go to Savannah but due to well..EVERYTHING..that trip has been cancelled too :( oh was Lee's idea to go to Nags Head so I'm looking forward to that!
Well...thats about it for now..stay tuned for a day in the life at the beach! Oh no..I might actually start to become very fond of this place..
Monday, March 2, 2009
a new start!
This weekend, Lee and I spent most of our time packing and dumpster diving as Lee likes to call it, for boxes! We got our entire kitchen packed up in boxes with the exception of a few things we'll need for the week. Our entire living room is packed and ready to go..with the exception of our TV! The bathroom is packed up..with the exception of necessary get the picture! We spent a LOT of time doing this! Friday nite we hit up our fav mexican joint one last time..sad but soooo good! We headed over to the hospital to pick up some boxes and then met up with Hope and Bobby at the movies for Bobby's birthday! We went to see "He's just not that into you!" HAHAHA! The movie was great!! HOWEVER, if you were in Hope's situation you most DEFINETLY wished you had picked a different movie..awkward! But it made the whole thing seem more funny. I told Hope to look on the bright side..the sequel to that original book is called.."You're not that into him either!"..well according to Suzanne, I've read the original but not the sequel! Anyway, the movie was funny and I loved it!
Saturday was the packing day! It literally took us the entire day to finish and we were exhausted! My apologies go out to Hope and Chad who invited us to a party Saturday nite...would've been wonderful but we just couldn't swing it! Love you guys! Instead we finished our evening by relaxing on the couch. I made my homemade spicy tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches! YUMMY!! after a little couch time we went to bed!
Sunday was great! We got up and headed to church..yes, I got to show off my ring to everyone! :) hahaha! Then we met my entire family for lunch at shakers as a last hoorah/goodbye/engagement party! Jenny and Chase came along too! The food was so yummy and we had a great time. After lunch we went downtown to the coffee shop to meet with our photographer..for more on that refer to the wedding blog! :) Last nite we packed a little more and watched a great movie! Mr. Magoriums wonder emporium! was on TV and I had recorded it and thought..why not?? I never imagined it would be soooo good. WE loved it! I love whimsical movies like that! It reminded me of Willy Wonka meets Dr Doolittle meets the Santa Claus! If you haven't seen it, I recommend it! I want to read the can tell its good! :) That was our weekend...our last one together in Roanoke and it was fabulous!!...PS the snow is gorgeous and even though I left my apartment later than usual and had to walk much slower..I still made it to work on time! weird..
Saturday was the packing day! It literally took us the entire day to finish and we were exhausted! My apologies go out to Hope and Chad who invited us to a party Saturday nite...would've been wonderful but we just couldn't swing it! Love you guys! Instead we finished our evening by relaxing on the couch. I made my homemade spicy tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches! YUMMY!! after a little couch time we went to bed!
Sunday was great! We got up and headed to church..yes, I got to show off my ring to everyone! :) hahaha! Then we met my entire family for lunch at shakers as a last hoorah/goodbye/engagement party! Jenny and Chase came along too! The food was so yummy and we had a great time. After lunch we went downtown to the coffee shop to meet with our photographer..for more on that refer to the wedding blog! :) Last nite we packed a little more and watched a great movie! Mr. Magoriums wonder emporium! was on TV and I had recorded it and thought..why not?? I never imagined it would be soooo good. WE loved it! I love whimsical movies like that! It reminded me of Willy Wonka meets Dr Doolittle meets the Santa Claus! If you haven't seen it, I recommend it! I want to read the can tell its good! :) That was our weekend...our last one together in Roanoke and it was fabulous!!...PS the snow is gorgeous and even though I left my apartment later than usual and had to walk much slower..I still made it to work on time! weird..
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